Complete the sentences using the phrases from the box. 

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Complete the sentences using the phrases from the box.

A. The aircraft is fairly empty and passengers ___________________ around the jumbo jet, the bomber chooses seat 26 K located directly over the fuel tank, but it was another version of an aircraft.
· are scattered · assemble · blast · bomb-builder · casualties · components · congestion · discovery · inhabitants · lavatory · like clock-work · makes an early start · plenty of · saline · throughout · undetected
B. ___________________ the flight the autopilot remains on to keep constant heading and altitude. But when the bomb explodes the autopilot appears to be a victim of the ________________.
C. A flight attendant reports to the captain, the man sitting in 26 K dies due to blast, and there are some _________________ among passengers. The captain decided to land at Naha airport and asks his co-pilot to make a MayDay call.
D. He arrives in _______________ time for his flight with Philippine Airlines. He designed the _______________ of his bomb to pass ______________ by X-ray and metal detection equipment.
E. He wants to put his latest invention through a test, everything must go __________________. He is a highly skilled terrorist __________________. He packs a liquid explosive bomb very carefully in a bottle of __________________ solution for contact lenses.
F. Most ___________________ of the city of 1million and a half have a few more hours to sleep, but one person ____________________________.
G. Then the bomber finds a vacant _________________ to _______________ the explosive device. He sets a timer to explode in 4 hours long after he leaves the plane. He hides the bomb in a life jacket under his seat and changes the seat.
H. This is a story of how investigators make a shocking ____________________, that the explosion on powerful 34 is only a test.
I. With a minimum control over the aircraft the captain faces the most challenging landing in his carrier.
J. When the aircraft first lands the bomber leaves the plane and new passengers get on the board. Airport ___________________ delays new departure, but the bomb timer continues to tick.



14. Try to arrange the cards into correct order. Then watch a video and check your answers. VIDEO # 18 18. Answer the following questions:   1. What tactics did the bomber use and did he achieve his purposes? 2. Who is to be blamed for this accident? 3. What measures can be taken to avoid such situations? 4. What could you say about the controller’s actions at Naha airport?

VIDEO # 19 Warm up. ¸ Watch a video and guess what we are going to discuss now.  
1. What can make an Air Traffic Controller suspect a case of hijacking? 2. An Air Traffic Controller has to be able to respond appropriately according to the circumstances in case of hijacking. Choose the appropriate actions.
✈ Always stop communication with the other traffic.   ✈ Comply with pilot’s requests as far as possible.   ✈ Confirm any necessary information (destination aerodrome, routing).   ✈ Do not inform any adjacent areas.   ✈ Do not initiate any further RTF referring to the hijacking unless confirmed by the pilot.   ✈ Inform a supervisor.   ✈ Keep silent in any case.   ✈ Monitor all flight maneuvers – give room for maneuvers.   ✈ Transmit appropriate information without expecting a reply.   ✈ Try to negotiate with hijackers.   ✈ Use only standard phraseology.  
3. Put the following phrases into the right column. Justify your opinion. Add your own suggestions.
1. Affirm / 2. Negative / 3. Confirm squawk 7500 / 4. Check transponder setting / 5. Squawking correct / 6. (no reply) / 7. Sorry, it was wrong indication (reason).



Controller’s words, in case of unlawful interference Pilot’s words, if there is correct squawking Pilot’s words, if there is wrong squawking

4. What is the most important information to be passed to the supervisor in case of squawking 7500?

Put the statements given above into the correct order, start with the most important one.

What does a controller have to do if there is no answer?

Choose a partner. Use the prompts from the card to make a pilot-controller communication.

Write down the words with a similar meaning given in the box.

to release / failure / apparent / facilities / to blow up / profuse / simultaneous / to arrange / to dare / to shoot dead
at the same time  
severe, heavy, bad  
to challenge  
to explode  
to free  
to kill  
to organize  


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