Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capitals. Make all necessary changes. 

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Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capitals. Make all necessary changes.



1. Terrorists use weapons of mass _______________ to kill a lot of people. 2. A suicide bomber used a hand-made explosive ___________ to hijack the plane. 3. He ___________________ himself against the cold with a large glass of brandy. 4. She had received many _______________ of marriage but preferred to remain single. 5. While traveling abroad, take _______________ measures to avoid illness. 6. The hotel is not responsible for any guests’ personal _________________. 7. New technology has a great effect on modern ___________________. 8. There is too much sex and ___________________ on TV these days.   5. Play domino.   DESTROY   DEVISE   FORTIFY   PROPOSE   PREVENT   PROPER   SOCIAL   VIOLENT Listening and Speaking Bank. Unit 4A. Exercise 5. Domino collocations.



Look through the text and entitle each paragraph.


Terrorism is not new, and it has been used since the beginning of recorded history. Terrorism has become a part of modern life, but it is hard to define. The FBI uses this: "Terrorism is an unlawful use of force or violence against people or property to achieve the goals that are generally political, religious, individual, criminal or ideological”.

But the main motive is to put public in fear. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. Hijackings, bombings, killing, capturing hostages and cyber attacks (computer-based) in different countries may seem common nowadays.



Each act of terrorism is a “performance”. The plan of terrorists is to obtain immediate publicity, that’s why they target highly symbolic places, such as: government offices, banks, national airlines, airports, etc.

All these places are full of people from different countries.


The effectiveness of the terrorist act lies not in the act itself, but in the public’s reaction to the act. For example, in 1972 at the Munich Olympics, the Black September Organization killed 11 Israelis [iz reili]. The Israelis were the innocent victims. But the true target was 1 billion people watching the event. Terrorists plan their acts to produce a psychological effect ("terror"). So the audience becomes their target more often than the actual victims of the act.

One of the most harmful types of terrorists’ attack is hijacking on the plane, which usually leads to bombing the plane in the air. Another type of plane bombing is called the “Suicide Bomber” (this is a terrorist who carries the bomb on his body). It is very difficult to stop them from boarding the plane, because you can’t see it by the human eye and metal detectors don’t identify plastic explosives.


Measures to prevent hijacking include screening to keep weapons off the airplane, putting air marshals on the flight, and fortifying the cockpit. Cockpit doors on most commercial airlines are now strengthened and bullet proof. In the United Kingdom, United States, India and Australia, air marshals are added to some flights to prevent hijackings. United States commercial aircraft pilots now can carry a pistol on board the plane.



In the modern information age, terrorism continues to adapt to the developments in technology and society and also to [ kaυntǝ] counter-terrorism measures.

To fight terrorism we need to realize, that meetings and negotiations do not strike fear in the hearts of terrorists and do not stop them. Terrorism requires strong governmental measures to prevent further terrorists’ acts in the future.

7. Read the text and answer the following questions: ✈ What is terrorism? ✈ What are the motives of terrorism? ✈ What do terrorists target most often? Why? ✈ What tactics do terrorists use to put public in fear? ✈ What are the usual results of hijackings? ✈ What are the ways of hijack prevention?   Listening and Speaking Bank. Unit 4A. Exercise 8-9. Read the instructions and do the task.

VIDEO # 16 Warm up. ¸ Watch a video and guess what we are going to discuss now.    
collapse / hijacker / hostage / ransom / resistance / suicide / to consist of / to coordinate / to demand / to force / to fortify / to negotiate / to result in / to retake


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