Доповніть речення фразами: to take down, to look after, to give back, to give up, to look through. Дієслово необхідно поставити у правильну форму. 

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Доповніть речення фразами: to take down, to look after, to give back, to give up, to look through. Дієслово необхідно поставити у правильну форму.


1. I know the task is difficult but don’t _____.

2. I have no time to read the book, but I’d like to ________.

3. James was carefully _______ what the teacher was saying.

4. The coat I bought is too small for me, do you think I should _______ to the shop?

5. Who is going to _______ your cat when you are away?


Варіант 8

1. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст (письмовий переклад 1, 2, 3 абзаців).

Пояснення до тексту:


digestion — травлення

nutrients — поживні речовини

saliva — слина

esophagus — стравохід

stomach — шлунок

gastric juice — шлунковий сік

duodenum — дванадцятипала кишка

small intestine — тонка кишка

gall bladder — жовчний міхур

bile — жовч

liver — печінка

pancreas — підшлункова залоза

large intestine — товста кишка

cecum — сліпа кишка

sigmoid colon — сигмоподібна ободова кишка.



1.The body needs energy to maintain all its functions. The body breaks food down into its nutrients through the process of digestion. Digestion begins in the mouth. As food is being chewed, saliva moistens the particles. The saliva begins to break down starchy parts of food. After the food is swallowed, it passes through the esophagus, a tube that leads into the stomach which is a hollow, sac-like organ connected to the esophagus and the duodenum. The stomach consists of layers of muscle and nerves that continue the breakdown of food which begins in the mouth. In the stomach, the food is thoroughly mixed with a digestive juice. The juice, called gastric juice, speeds up the digestion of food.

2.The partly digested food, called chyme, passes from the stomach into the small intestine. First, food enters the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. It then enters the jejunum and then the ileum (the final part of the small intestine). In the small intestine, other juices complete the process of digestion. They break down the food into mol­ecules that pass through the walls of the intestine and into the bloodstream.

3.The blood distributes the nutrients to cells and tissues throughout the body. There the nutrients are broken down to produce energy or are used to rebuild tissues or to regulate chemical processes. Some of the nutrients are stored in the body, and others are used over and over again. But most of the nutrients undergo chemical changes as they are used in the cells and tissues. These chemical changes produce waste products, which go into the bloodstream.

4.Some of the wastes are carried to the kidneys, which filter the wastes out of the blood. The body expels these wastes in the urine. The liver also filters out some wastes and concentrates them into a liquid called bile. Bile is stored in the gall blad­der until it is needed to aid in the process of digestion. Then the gall bladder empties bile into the small intestine. From there, any remaining bile passes into the large intestine, along with those parts of the food that could not be digested in the small intestine. The liver (located under the rib cage in the right upper part of the abdomen), the gallbladder (hidden just below the liver), and the pancreas (beneath the stomach) are not part of the alimentary canal, but these organs are essential to digestion.

5.So, after passing through the small intestine, food passes into the large intes­tine which consists of cecum (the appendix is connected to the cecum), colon (as­cending, transverse, descending) sigmoid colon and rectum. The rectum ends in the anus. The large intestine absorbs water and small amounts of minerals from waste material. This material, along with bacteria present in the large intestine, becomes the final waste product, the feces, and it is eliminated from the body.


2. Поєднайте поняття з визначенням

a) Hepatitis b) Gallstones c) Appendicitis d) Ulcer (digestive) e) Cirrhosis f) Anorexia nervosa   1. Eating disorder usually occurring in young women that is characterized by an abnormal fear of becoming obese, a persistent aversion to food, and severe weight loss. 2. Inflammation of the appendix. 3. Chronic disease of the liver in which normal liver cells are damaged and then replaced by scar tissue. 4. Solid crystal deposits that form in the gall bladder. 5. Inflammation of the liver, caused mainly by a virus. 6. Any sore that develops in the lining of the lower esophagus, stomach, or duodenum.  

3. Відкрийте дужки і поставте дієслово у правильну форму.

1. If you (to go) to the cinema last night, I’m sure, you (to enjoy) the film.

2. We (to enjoy) the play better if it (not to be) so long.

3. My aunt (to be) able to help us if he (to be) here.

4. If I (to know) of your arrival I (to meet) you.

5. I (to do) the same if I (to do) there.

4. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи складний додаток з інфінітивом.

Example: He dropped his bag. I saw it. – I saw him drop his bag.

1. The boy noticed a bird. It flew on to the bush near the window. 2. I saw him. He pointed to a picture on the wall. 3. We saw that the children climbed to the tops of the trees. 4. I heard that she suddenly cried out loudly. 5. The ship sailed away from the shore. They saw it.

Вставте пропущені слова: to run in, to run out (2), to run over, to run away.

1. Cross the street carefully. There is always a danger to be _______.

2. I opened the door and the cat _______.

3. Your time has ________. Hand in your papers.

4. Don’t _______. I want to talk to you.

5. Mother asks me to go shopping as we have ________ of vegetables.


Варіант 9

1. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст (письмовий переклад 1 та 5 абзаців).

Пояснення до тексту:

breathing — дихання

nasal cavities — пазухи носа

pharynx — зів, глотка

throat — горло

adenoids — аденоїди

tonsils — мигдалики

larynx (pi. larynges) — гортань

trachea (pi. tracheae) — трахея

bronchus (pi. bronchi) — бронх

bronchiole — бронхіола

lungs — легені

oxygen — кисень

carbon dioxide — вуглекислий газ

pleura (pi. pleurae) — плевра

lobe — долька (легені)

diaphragm — діафрагма

inspiration — вдих;

expiration — видих

thoracic cavity — торакальна порожнина

alveoles (pi. alveoli) — альвеола



1.The respiratory system comprises of the nose, mouth, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The function of the respiratory system is to facilitate gaseous exchange to take place in the lungs and tissue cells of the body.

2.Oxygen is required by cells in the body to allow various metabolic reactions to take place and to pro­duce energy and is therefore essen­tial to life.

The respiratory system may be defined as the organs and tis­sues through which air is passed into and out of the body to allow the necessary gaseous exchanges to take place.

3.External respiration is the means by which oxygen from the air passes into the bloodstream for transportation to the tissue cells and carbon dioxide is collected and transferred back to the lungs and expelled from the body.

4.Internal respiration involves the vital chemical activities that take place in every living cell requiring oxygen and glycogen to combine and release energy, water and carbon dioxide.

5.Air enters the body through the nose, is warmed, filtered, and passed through the nasal cavity. Air passes the pharynx (which has the epiglottis that prevents food from entering the trachea).The upper part of the trachea contains the larynx (voice box). The vocal cords are two bands of tissue that extend across the opening of the larynx. After passing the larynx, the air moves through the trachea into the bronchi that carry air in and out of the lungs. Bronchi are reinforced to prevent their col­lapse and are lined with ciliated epithelium and mucus-producing cells. Bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes known as bronchioles. Bronchioles terminate in grape-like sac clusters known as alveoli. Alveoli are surrounded by a network of thin-walled capillaries. The thin walls of alveoli allow for the exchange of gases between them and the capillaries. The lungs are large, lobed, paired organs in the chest (also known as the thoracic cavity). Though similar in appearance, they are not identical. Both are divided into lobes, with three lobes on the right and two on the left. Thin sheets of epithelium (pleura) separate the inside of the chest cavity from the outer surface of the lungs. The bottom of the thoracic cavity is formed by the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a huge muscle that rests horizontally across the base of the rib cage and helps in the process of breathing. Ventilation is the mecha­nics of breathing in and out.

During inspiration (inhaling):

> the external intercostal muscles contract, lifting the ribs up and out;

> the diaphragm contracts, drawing it down.

During expiration (exhaling):

> these processes are reversed;

the natural elasticity of the lungs returns them to their normal volume.


2. Заповніть пропуски словами з рамки.

a) chest, b) capillaries, c) food, d) diaphragm, e) tubes, f) ventilation


1. Epiglottis prevents... from entering the trachea.

2. Bronchi branch into smaller... known as bronchioles.

3. Alveoli are surrounded by a network of thin — walled....

4. The lungs are large, lobed, paired organs in the....

5. The bottom of the thoracic cavity is formed by the....

6. …is the mechanics of breathing in and out.


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