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Приготовление дезинфицирующих растворов различной концентрации Практические работы по географии для 6 класса Организация работы процедурного кабинета Изменения в неживой природе осенью Уборка процедурного кабинета Сольфеджио. Все правила по сольфеджио Балочные системы. Определение реакций опор и моментов защемления |
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1. All defendants are entitled to legal representation which will be provided free if they cannot pay for it. 2. A burglar alarm has been installed in the apartment. 3. He was caught red handed. 4. I asked him if the goods had been delivered in strict conformity with the Contract.
Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните модальные глаголы. 1. The President, the head of the Executive Branch, must carry out the government programs adopted by the Congress. 2. A barrister can only be consulted in directly through a solicitor. 3. The physical conduct of the accused may either be active, or may consist of an omission where there is a legal duty to act. 4. We learn how we should behave in society through instruction of family and teachers, friends and our own experiences.
Перепишите и переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений. 1. Federal workers have some college training. 2. Are there any political parties in the UK? 3. There is nothing to stop unconventional candidates from standing for election, however. 4. Some Members of Parliament in Great Britain hold an advice bureau in their constituencies.
Подготовка к зачётам и экзаменам В процессе подготовкик зачётам и экзаменам рекомендуется: а) повторно прочитать и перевести наиболее трудные тексты из учебника; б) просмотреть материал отрецензированных контрольных работ; в) проделать выборочно отдельные упражнения из учебника для самопроверки; г) повторить материал для устных упражнений. 7.3. Методическое обеспечение и контроль самостоятельной работы студентов Результативность самостоятельной работы студентов во многом определяется наличием активных методов ее контроля, среди которых выделяют: - входной контроль знаний и умений студентов при начале изучения очередной дисциплины; - текущий контроль, то есть регулярное отслеживание уровня усвоения материала на практических занятиях; - промежуточный контроль по окончании изучения раздела или модуля курса; - самоконтроль, осуществляемый студентом в процессе изучения дисциплины при подготовке к контрольным мероприятиям; - итоговый контроль по дисциплине в виде зачета или экзамена; В последние годы наряду с традиционными формами контроля - зачетами, экзаменами достаточно широко вводятся новые методы. В первую очередь следует отметить рейтинговую систему контроля и все шире проникающие в учебный процесс автоматизированные обучающие и обучающе-контролирующие системы, которые позволяют студенту самостоятельно изучать ту или иную дисциплину и одновременно контролировать уровень усвоения материала.
Весьма полезным может быть тестовый контроль знаний и умений студентов, который экономит время преподавателя, в значительной мере освобождает его от рутинной работы и позволяет в большей степени сосредоточиться на творческой части преподавания. Тестирование помогает преподавателю выявить структуру знаний студентов и на этой основе переоценить методические подходы к обучению по дисциплине, индивидуализировать процесс обучения.
ТЕСТ ДЛЯ ВХОДНОГО КОНТРОЛЯ ВАРИАНТ 1 Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. 1. What is that? [ A - They / В - It / С - There] is my computer. 2. My brother is [ A — one / В — а / С — an] officer. 3. [ A — This / В — These / С — That] flowers are very beautiful. 4. Are [ A — those / В — that / С — there] books interesting? 5. [ A — It has / В — It is / С — There is] a dog in the garden. 6. I [ A — has / В — have / С — had] to go to the library tomorrow. 7. Kate is here, but her parents [ A — isn't / В — wasn' t/ C —aren't]. 8. You ought [ A — stay / В — to stay / С — staying] at home. 9. He should [ A — write / В — to write / С — writing] a letter. 10. Mike [ A — like / В — likes / С — can] to speak English. 11. I hope you've got [ А — а / В — any / С — some] money. 12. Do you want [ A — know / В — to know / С — knowing] the news? 13. We've got [ A — a few / В — a little / С — a number] apples left. 14. There aren't [ A — a lot / В — many / С — much] people here today. 15. [ A — Is / В — Has / С — Does] she get up early every day? 16. Were you in Moscow last year? — No, I [ A — didn't / В — weren 't / С — wasn 't]. 17. I [ А — have never been / В — was never/ С — am never being] to Moscow yet. 18. [ A — Isn't / В — Doesn’t / С — Hasn't] she going to clean the room today? 19. The boys [ A — play / В — is playing / С — are playing] football at the moment. 20. She [ A — caught / В — catches / C — will catch] the 7. 30 train yesterday.
ТЕСТ ДЛЯ ВХОДНОГО КОНТРОЛЯ ВАРИАНТ 2 Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. 1. Kate [ A — loses / В — has lost / С — lost] her pencils very often. 2. [ A — Did you do / В — Do you do / С — Have you done] much work yesterday? 3. He [ A — hurries / В — hurried / С — is hurrying] because he was late. 4. Who is she looking [ A — on / В — at / С — to]? 5. Our holidays are [ A — in / В — at / С — on] August. 6. What's the matter [ A — by / В — on / С — with] him? 7. This book is [ A — my / В — me / С — mine]. 8. Don't help him. He will do everything [ A — myself / В — himself / С — yourself]. 9. We are playing [ A — ours / В — our / С — us] favourite game. 10. It is much [ A — warm / В — warmer / С — more warm] here. 11. She is not as old [ A — that / В — than / С — as] I am. 12. Ann is [ A — very / В — more / С — much] intelligent than Max. 13. Yesterday was the [ A — shortest / В — most short / С — very short] day this year. 14. We'll listen to Professor's lecture and [ A — therefore / В - then / С — that] we'll have a break. 15. He is the [ A —very good / В — best / С — better] student in the group.
16. [ A — Where / В — Why / С — Who] wrote that letter? 17. She went home early [ A — because / В — while / С — till] she had finished her work. 18. [ A — Who / В — Where / С — When] did you put my book? 19. [ A – How / B - Why / С — Where] is Bill? - Very well, thanks. 20. He drives [ A — more careful / В — very carefully / С — very careful]. ТЕСТ ДЛЯ ВХОДНОГО КОНТРОЛЯ ВАРИАНТ 3 Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных. 1. [ A — This / В — These / С — That] pictures are very good. 2. My mother is [ A — one / В — а / С — an] doctor. 3. What is that? [ A - They / В –It / С — There] is my bicycle. 4. Are [ A — those / В — that / С — there] games very interesting? 5. [ A — It has / В — It is / С — There is] a cat on the sofa. 6. We [ A — has / В — have / С — had] to do some shopping tomorrow. 7. You ought [ A — stay / B — to stay / C — staying] at home. 8. Pete should [ A — send / В — to send / С — sending] a telegram. 9. Alice [ A — like / В — likes / С — can] to speak Italian. 10. I hope you've got [ A — a / В — any / С — some] money. 11. Do you want [ A — know / B — to know / С — knowing] the news? 12. They've got [ A — a few / B — a little / C — a number] oranges left. 13. There aren't [ A — a lot / В — many / С — much] people in the hall today. 14. [ A — Is / В — Has / С — Does] mother get up early every day? 15.Were you in Kiev last year? — No, I [ A - didn't / В — weren 't / С — wasn 't]. 16. I [ A — have never been / В — was never / С — am never being] to Kiev yet. 17. Ann is here, but her parents [ A — isn 't / B — wasn 't / С — aren 't]. 18. [ A — Isn 't / B — Doesn 't / С — Hasn 't] she going to cook dinner today? 19. They [ A — watch / В — is watching / С — are watching] TV now. 20. We [ A — caught / В — catches / C — will catch] the 6. 30 bus yesterday. ТЕСТЫ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯ УСПЕВАЕМОСТИ Тест 1. Выберите нужную степень сравнения прилагательного. 1. He is a... man. handsome / more handsome / the most handsome 2. The road was... now than last time. long / longer / the longest 3. We were... to the yard than to the house. close / closer / the closest 4. My heart was.... heavy / heavier / the heaviest 5. It was... proof that could be offered. strong / stronger / the strongest 6. Her dog is... one I ever saw. small / smaller / the smallest 7. He was... than the day before. good / better / the best 8. The place looked... than ever. lonely / more lonely / the most lonely 9. My sister's future is... care in my life. dear / dearer / the dearest 10. The sun set... to the horizon. near / nearer / the nearest
Тест 2. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Kate... in London. - Кэйт живет в Лондоне. is living/live/lives 2. She... English. - Она англичанка. are/am/is 3. She... English. - Она говорит по-английски (обычно). speak/speaks/speaking 4. She... English now. - Она сейчас говорит по-английски. are speaking/is speaking/speaks 5. You... Russian. - Вы говорите по-русски. speaks/speak/is speaking 6. You... to speak English now. - Вы сейчас учитесь говорить по-английски. learning/are learning/is learning 7. You... English now. - Вы сейчас говорите по-английски. are speaking/speak/is speaking 8. I... in Moscow. - Я живу в Москве. am living/live/lives 9. I... Russian. - Я говорю по-русски (обычно). speaks/speak/is speaking 10. I... English now. - Я сейчас говорю по-английски. am speaking/speak/is speaking
Тест 3. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. Someone has taken my dictionary! b. Someone has been taking my dictionary!
2. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. I’ve had piano lessons for over 10 years and I’m still not very good. b. I’ve been having piano lessons for over 10 years and I’m still not very good.
3. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. I ’ve worked in the garden all day and now I ’m tired. b. I ’ve been working in the garden all day and now I ’m tired.
4. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. Has Alex told you about the party next week? - No, I haven’t seen him today. b. Has Alex been telling you about the party next week? - No, I haven’t seen him today.
5. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. Has Alex told you about the party next week? - No, we were talking about last weekend. b. Has Alex been telling you about the party next week? - No, we were talking about last weekend.
6. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. What have you done? You’re all wet. b. What have you been doing? You’re all wet.
7. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. They have built the new road around the school for more than a year. b. They have been building the new road around the school for more than a year.
8. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. How many biscuits have you eaten? b. How many biscuits have you been eating?
9. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?
a. Has the film started yet? b. Has the film been starting yet?
10. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely? a. He’s put on a lot of weight since he came to Germany. b. He’s been putting on a lot of weight since he came to Germany.
Тест 4. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Local police... the bank robber. have been arrested / have arrested / was arrested 2. America's first college, Harvard,... in Massachusetts in 1636. is being founded / had been founded / was founded 3. I don't think we must... everything tomorrow. finish / have finished / be finished 4. Over 57 million students... in American schools which range from kindergartens to high schools. were enrolled / are enrolled / has been enrolled 5. This house... in 1930. built / was built / has built 6. Many accidents... by dangerous driving. caused / are caused / have been caused 7. A famous architect... the bridge. was built / built / have built 8. A cinema is a place where films.... show / are shown / have been shown 9. While we were on holiday, our camera... from our hotel room. was stolen / has been stolen / had been stolen 10. The Earth's surface... mostly... with water. is... covered / was... covered / has... been covered
Тест 5. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. I was very upset and I didn’t know whom... to for advice. to turn / to be turning / to have turned / to have been turned 2. John is very proud. He is not the one... about. to order / to be ordered / to have ordered / to have been ordered 3. It was nice of you... me your Grammar book. Without it I would have been lost. to lend / to be lending / to have lent / to be lent 4. Joan likes taking care of sick animals. She is pleased... this kind of work all the time. to have been doing / to be doing / to have done / to do 5. My friend Marion is coming from Chile. I am sorry not... about it earlier. to tell / to be told / to have been told / to have told 6. Jack is in his garage. He must... his car. be repairing / have been repairing / repair / have repaird 7. Modern art is when you buy a picture... a hole in the wall – and decide that the hole looks better. to cover / to be covering / to have covered / to have been covering 8. It is difficult... a friend who knows all about you and still likes you. to find / to have found / to be finding / to have been finding 9. Library books mustn’t... for more than two weeks. keep / be kept / be keeping / have kept 10. This dress looks so old and worn out. It seems... ages ago. to make / to be made / to have been made / to have made
Тест 6. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Sheila said that she... the office earlier that day to get to the station in time. had to leave / would have to leave /had had to leave 2. Seeing that I was nervous, Sue advised me... for the answer till the following day. must wait / to wait / would wait 3. Ann begged me not to tell her father what... earlier that day. happen / had happened / would happen 4. The shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book... the museums of our town. described / was describing / had described 5. Sharon said she... her key in her pocket, but she couldn't find it there. had been left / left / had left 6. They explained to us that the Local History museum, which was usually open every Sunday,... that day. was closed / was being closed / had been closed 7. I knew Linda... around Europe for three months already. was traveling / had been traveling /had traveled 8. I told Sarah that Anne worked in a shoe shop, and she... that she didn't get enough money for her job. was always complaining / always was complaining / had always been complaining 9. Jerry said that by the end of the year he... in his new house for four years. would have been living / would be living / would live 10. Why did you say that Paul... a careful driver? isn't / wasn't / hadn't been ИТОГОВЫЙ ТЕСТ ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК В СФЕРЕ ЮРИСПРУДЕНЦИИ» FINAL TEST “ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS OF LAW” VARIANT 1 1. Choose the correct translation of the following Russian sentence: В этой тюрьме Нью-Йорка много политзаключенных.
1. Many political prisoners are in this New York jail. 2. In this New York jail are many political prisoners. 3. There are many political prisoners are in this New York jail. 4. There are in this jail many political prisoners.
2. Choose the suitable grammar form for the following sentences: 1. … by his work he can do more than this. a) judged; b) judging; c) judge 2. The legislation … by this department is very important. a) prepare; b) preparing; c) prepared 3. There are some state institutions … the life of the society. a) regulate; b) regulating; c) regulated
3. Choose the suitable word for the following sentences: 1. The … of any state regulates the political life in the society. a) legislation; b) power; c) government; d) department 2. The police is necessary to … a) divide private property; b) keep order; c) exploit the power; d) regulate relations 3. The … class regulates legislation. a) economic; b) collective; c) historical; d) ruling
4. Choose the suitable synonym for the following words: 1. legislation – a) judging people; b) making laws; c) special laws; d) police actions; 2. consist of – a) be made up of; b) be well at; c) be bothered; d) be included. 5. Choose the suitable words for the following sentences: 1. The job of … is to accuse the criminal. a) defence counsel; b) chairman; c) prosecutor; d) witness 2. Nobody wanted to … nazism. a) call on; b) accuse; c) test; d) defend 3. The witness gave very important … a) hearing; b) sentence; c) crime; d) evidence 4. When the hearing was over the judge read the … a) sentence; b) evidence; c) threat; d) facts
6. Choose the suitable synonym for the following words: 1. just – a) poor; b) progressive; c) numerous; d) fair 2. to strengthen – a) to struggle; b) to make stronger; c) to threaten; d) to find guilty.
7. Choose the suitable word for the following sentences: 1. The king’s party … their opponents. a) signed; b) refused; c) defeated; d) reflected 2. The king refused … the delegation. a) to argue; b) to defeat; c) to sign; d) to accept 3. The … of this country is in the interests of its people. a) century; b) development; c) difference; d) matter 4. This powerful group … the policy of the state. a) is held; b) calls; c) supports; d) summons
8. Choose the suitable synonyms for the following words: 1. to argue – a) to disagree; b) to advise; c) to change; d) to reflect 2. to defeat – a) to control; b) to accept; c) to date back; d) to win a victory
9. Choose the suitable word for the following sentences: 1. The people of this country have been struggling for their … for 10 years. a) occasion; b) chamber; c) independence; d) vote 2. The Queen has les … than Prime-Ministe. a) rules; b) rights; c) chambers; d) honours 3. Where is George? I believe he has … already. a) arrived; b) sent; c) presided; d) quarreled 4. There are rules for all … a) beginnings; b) shairs; c) duties; d) occasions
10. Choose the suitable synonym for the following words: 1. believe – a) follow; b) be afraid of; c) be of the opinion; d) be full 2. honour – a) respect; b) duty; c) right; d) rule FINAL TEST “ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS OF LAW” VARIANT 2
1. Choose the suitable word for the following sentences: 1. … will be held in a year. a) suffrage; b) majority; c) election; d) qualification 2. The deputies will … with their electors. a) receive; b) meet; c) recall; d) register 3. Mr. White … the republicans. a) represents; b) deprives; c) reports back; d) nominates 4. The Democratic Party candidate got … of votes. a) right; b) confidence; c) suffrage; d) majority
2. Choose the suitable synonyms for the following words: 1. receive – a) recall; b) accept; c) participate; d) report back 2. suffrage – a) elector; b) voter; c) vote; d) right
3. Choose the suitable definition of the following words: 1. council – a) group of people appointed or elected; b) a person who gives advice; c) the head of the government; d) people who gowern the state; 2. to agree – a) to discuss something; b) to get acquainted; c) to say “yes”; d) to remind
4. Choose the suitable synonyms for the following words: 1. publich – a) protect; b) punish; c) show; d) issue 2. force – a) lighting; b) strength; c) forth; d) freedom
5. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks: 1. His choice was not … by his father. a) blocked; b) organized; c) issued; d) approved 2. The … of this country is not as complicated as in Britain. a) circuit; b) judiciary; c) bench; d) passage 3. He doesn’t … his father. a) belong; b) look like; c) declare; d) determine 4. The … laws of that country serve the interests of the rich. a) special; b) approving; c) preserving; d) existing
6. Choose the suitable description of the jurisdiction of the following courts: 1. Supreme Court; 2. Court of Appeal; 3. District Court; a) Most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by this court. b) It has the right to declare unconstitutional any law passed by Congress. c) It hears appeals from lawer courts.
7. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks:
1. Thin man has just been … a) violated; b) faced; c) got; d) robbed 2. Burglary is one of the … crimes. a) international; b) violent; c) legislative; d) special 3. He … some very serious problems. a) violated; b) murdered; c) faced; d) bought 4. This man is a very dangerous … a) criminal; b) juvenile; c) neighbour; d) teenager
8. Choose the suitable definition of the following words: 1. violence – a) unlawful killing of a person; b) commission of an act, accompanied by great force; c) deprivation of smb’s property 2. burglary – a) crime of taking drugs; b) crime of taking smb’s property secretly; c) crime of breaking into a house by night to steal.
9. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks: 1. It is … that try most of criminal and some civil cases. a) accused; b) jury; c) justice of the peace; d) Law lord 2. This … was the most important thing for him. a) country; b) accused; c) layman; d) judgement 3. The … was told about his rights. a) accused; b) Law lord; c) magistrate; d) barrister 4. The sooner this … is over, the better. a) Common Law; b) appeal; c) jury; d) trial
10. Choose the suitable answer for the following questions: 1. How many systems of law are there in the United Kingdom? a) 1; b) 2; c) 3; d) 4 2. What do the sources of law include? a) statutes, Equity; b) Common Law, Equity; c) statutes, Common Law; d) statutes, Common Law, Equity 3. What do the Crown Courts deal with? a) civil cases; b) criminal cases; c) civil and criminal cases 4. What are the County Courts? a) the main civic courts; b) the main criminal courts; c) the main appellate courts FINAL TEST “ENGLISH FOR STUDENTS OF LAW” VARIANT 3
1. Choose the suitable synonyms for the following words: 1. magistrate – a) layman; b) professional; c) justice of the peace; d) barrister 2. precedent – a) judgement; b) appeal; c) statute; d) analogy
2. Choose the suitable ending for the following sentences: 1. The solicitors are … a) lawyers who speak at the court; b) justices of the peace; c) lawyers who give advice to non-professional clients; d) lawyers who can wear a silkdoyn. 2. A barrister must pass the special legal exams and become … a) counsel for the plaintiff; b) Queen’s Counsel; c) a junior barrister; d) a member of legal corporation. 3. The judges are appointed from … a) barristers; b) solicitors; c) Queen’s Counsels; d) jurors.
3. Choose the words corresponding to the given definitions: 1. Decision reached by a jury on a question of fact in a law case. a) information; b) verdict; c) judgement; d) advice 2. Person who brings an action at law. a) defense counsel; b) defendant; c) counsel for the prosecution; d) plaintiff.
4. Choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks: 1. This body is to … the work of the courts. a) administer justice; b) supervise; c) enact; d) draft 2. This body has enough … to help you to settle this question. a) authority; b) chamber; c) instance; d) decision 3. If you … them, you’ll learn many interesting things. a) draft; b) join; c) mention; d) forget 4. The courts of different instances … in Russia. a) pay attention; b) supervise; c) enjoy; d) administer justice
5. Choose the suitable ending for the following sentences: 1. There’s a special body for … a) social development of the country; b) holding a nation-wide referendum; c) enacting the laws; d) supervision of the observance of the law 2. The highest executive body of state authority is … a) the Government; b) the Parliament; c) the Supreme Court; d) the Procurator-General 3. Direction of economic, social and cultural development is the power of … a) the Parliament; b) the Supreme Court; c) the Government; d) the Procurator General
6. Choose the words corresponding to the given definitions: 1. Group of people who do smth. together or who are united in some way. a) chamber; b) office; c) authority; d) body 2. The law and its administration. a) authority; b) justice; c) supervision; d) maintenance
7. Choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks: 1. The death was … by the heavy blow on the head. a) caught; b) proved; c) caused; d) introduced 2. He was tried on the … a) testimony; b) indictment; c) circumstancial evidence; d) charge 3. The withnes … and then gave his evidence. a) took an oath; b) pleaded a case; c) cross examined; d) proved 4. Only a barrister can … in court. a) invite; b) plead a case; c) take an oath; d) introduce 8. Choose the words corresponding to the following definitions: 1. to show beyond doubt to be true. a) to cause; b) to urge; c) to swear; d) to prove 2. declaration in law court that smth. is true. a) cross-examination; b) indictment; c) testimony; d) suspect 9. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks: 1. The moment the murderer saw the jury he understood he would be … a) suspected; b) snatched; c) executed; d) puzzled 2. The accused was found innocent and … a) qualified; b) released; c) executed; d) saved; 3. The defense counsel had no … to the question of Mr. Smith. a) perjury; b) truth; c) alibi; d) objection 4. The criminal’s … managed to escape. a) suspect; b) witness; c) solicitor; d) accomplice
10. Choose the suitable antonyms for the following words: 1. innocent – a) alive; b) excited; c) beloved; d) guilty 2. to release – a) to care; b) to exhibit; c) to execute; d) to solve. 7.4. Тексты договоров и внешнеторговых контрактов на английском языке, используемые для самостоятельной работы студентов (письменный перевод) при изучении Модуля 3, темы 17 «Язык юридических документов и договоров» Distributorship AGREEMENT
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made this ____________ day of ___________________200___, BETWEEN IPSA Industries Plc of Manchester, Great Britain (hereinafter called "the Company") of the one part, AND sujarwo TRADING COMPANY of Djakarta, Indonesia PO Box JKST 3rd Floor Jalan M H Thamrin No. 51 Djakarta, Indonesia (hereinafter called "the Distributor") of the other part.
WHEREAS 1. The Company manufactures forestry exploitation equipment. Such products are hereinafter called "the Products". 2. The Company has agreed (a) to sell to the Distributor such quantities as may be mutually agreed of the Products as are defined by the Company from time to time during the period of this Agreement, and (b) to appoint the Distributor as a distributor of the Products on the terms and conditions hereinafter described. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article 1. Territory (a) The Distributor is hereby appointed a distributor of the Products for the resale thereof in the following territory (hereinafter called "the Territory"), namely THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA which Territory may be altered by the Company subject to not less than six months' notice in writing being given by the Company to the Distributor provided always that such alteration shall not exclude from the Territory as altered the principal place of business of the Distributor. (b) The Distributor shall purchase from the Company for re-sale quantities of the Products on the terms and conditions hereinafter described and on such additional terms and conditions as may be actually agreed in writing from time to time during the period of the Agreement.
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