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Тема: Залікова контрольна робота. Залік.


Питання до заліку:

1) What is the first step in a successful search for a job?

2) What questions must you ask yourself beginning to search for a job?

3) What methods of finding a job do you know?

4) Why should you read the want ads?

5) What may the ad tell you about?

6) What suggestions will help you to use want ads effectively?

7) What is a resume?

8) What are the basic requirements for a good resume?

9) How many types of resumes do you know? What do they differ in?

10) What type of resume is the most popular with the recruiters?

11) What information is recommended to exclude from your resume?

12) Which of special suggestions that can help you write a perfect resume do you think are the most important?

13) How do you understand the meaning of the word “the job interview”?

14) What does the employer judge during the interview?

15) What makes a good interview?

16) Which guidelines do you think are the most important? Why?

17) Can you give any other advice to a candidate?

18) What are the “Golden Rules” for writing business letters?

19) What steps in planning a business letter do you know?

20) Which steps do you think are the most important? Why?

21) What is the structure of the letter?

22) What are the opening (closing, linking) phrases in a business letters?

23) What types of business letter do you know?

24) What letters of two types are often used?

25) What is the main aim of an offer?

26) What information do the offers usually include?

27) What are the types of the quotation?

28) What phrases do usually open a free offer?

29) How do a free and a firm offers differ from each other?

30) What is the principle of a fax machine work?

31) What is fax?

32) What are the advantages of sending messages by fax?

33) How is sending messages by telex performed?

34) How can one correct the mistake made while sending a telex?

35) Name the abbreviations used when sending telexes.

36) Tell the story of creating the Internet.

37) What is the purpose of using the Internet?

38) Which main spheres/branches of using the Internet do you know?

39) What is e-mail?

40) How does a typical e-mail address look like? Give examples.

41) What does an e-mail message consist of?

42) Name abbreviations used when writing an e-mail message.


Список літератури:

1. Андрюшкин А. П. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учебное пособие. – 3‑е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2008. – 332 с.

2. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина II: Навч. посіб. для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263 с.

3. Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.

4. Дарская В. Г., Журавченко К. В., Лясецкая Л. А., Памухина Л. Г., Чопрова Е. Г., Шах-Назарова В. С., Шелкова Т. Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business. - М.: Вече, 2005. – 672 с.

5. Карпусь И. А. Английский деловой язык: Учебное пособие. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – К.: МАУП, 1996. – 208 с.

6. Мёрдок-Стерн С. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учеб. пособие / Серена Мёрдок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И. И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142 с.

Залікова контрольна робота

1. Translate from English into Ukrainian: 2. Translate from Ukrainian into English:

to implement the rules електроний засіб комунікації

special skills домовлятися про переговори

to get a job мати привабливий вигляд

to vary evidences керувати установою

to circulate information висвітлювати досягнення

to apply for a job вимагати кваліфікацію

up-to-date advertisement уникати довгих речень

to plan the business letter написати чернетку

to reduce the prices закупити продукцію

to transfer data отримувати інформацію


3. Translate into English:

1. У 1972 народилася ідея створення електронної пошти в системі Інтернет.

2. Створіть список запитань, які ви можете поставити вашому майбутньому роботодавцю.

3. Пам’ятайте, що оголошення про прийом на роботу не єдиний засіб, який слід використовувати.

4. Хронологічне резюме має список щодо досвіду навчання та робочого досвіду.

5. Проаналізуйте співбесіду та подумайте, як ви можете вдосконалити її наступного разу.

6. Просимо пробачення за затримку з відповіддю на ваш лист.

7. Ми готові співпрацювати з вами.

8. Він надасть проект контракту, як тільки він буде готовий.

9. У порівнянні з телексом, електронна пошта дешевша та не вимагає втручання оператора.

10. Під час співбесіди створюйте гарне перше враження.

4. Answer the following questions:

1. What can a fax machine do?

2. What information is recommended to exclude from your resume?

3. How many types of resumes do you know?

4. Which guidelines in a job interview do you think are the most important?

5. What is the structure of a business letter?

6. How can the Internet be divided into?

7. Where does the word “fax” come from?

8. Give examples of opening phrases in a business letter.

9. What are the basic requirements for a good resume?

10. Who is e-mail particularly advantageous for?

5. Choose the correct definition of the:

1) fax –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;

c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;

d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;

e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

2) e-mail –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;

c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;

d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;

e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

3) telex –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;

c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;

d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;

e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

4) Internet –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;

c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;

d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;

e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe.

5) telephone –

а) a means of telecommunication, that is connected with a telephone socket and works on a system similar to the telephone system;

b) a means of communication, a machine like a typewriter, has a dial on its casting;

c) a means of sending and receiving messages – internally, nationally, or internationally;

d) a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world;

e) a means of communication, that helps to communicate, but allows only to hear the speaker, not to observe


1. The company usually advertises the ______ _______ in a newspaper.

a) job interview b) job title c) job requirements d) job vacancy

2. Find as much as possible about the company you are going to for a _______ _______.

a) job advertisement b) job title c) job interview d) job vacancy

3. If you want to write a good resume you must know the _________ _________.

a) chronological resume b) covering letter c) basic requirements d) job interview

4. Job advertisement usually gives the description of the ________ _________.

a) targeted resume b) business letter c) working conditions d) applicant’s needs

5. At first a company chooses the best candidate and then makes an __________.

a) appointment b) salary c) experience d) qualifications

6. _______ ______ emphasizes capabilities and accomplishments relating to the specific job applied for.

a) combination resume b) functional resume c) chronological resume d) targeted resume

7. It’s better to highlight your skills, ______ ________ in your resume.

a) travel restrictions b) job vacancy c) letter of application d)professional experience

8. When you write a business letter try to use ________ sentences.

a) narrow b) wide c) short d) long

9. A machine which can send a duplicate of message, document, design or photo is ________.

a) fax b) telex c) e-mail d) personal computer

10. The _______ is a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world.

a) laptop b) Internet c) e-mail d) PC

11. Spam are usually unsolicited _________ ________ which are unwanted by the user.

a) e-mail messages b) fax transfers c) business negotiations d) telephone conversations

12. Secretary is usually responsible for doing _________ ________ for the boss.

a) application form b) curriculum vitae c) paper work d) job vacancy

13. _______ mail is much faster than traditional mail.

a) electronics b) electric c) electricity d) electronic

14. Telex messages have their own _______.

a) addressee b) language c) number d) operator

15. We give the _______ a few catalogues of our products.

a) customers b) applicants c) vacancies d) addressers

16. Business-to-business letters are intended for company to _______ communication.

a) client b) company c) applicant d) co-worker

17. Most business _______ are arranged by telephone.

a) telexes b) partners c) letters d) appointments

18. An ______ ______ is used to take calls when the individual is out.

a) electronic mail b) extended number c) answering machine d) urgent call

19. Requires for special training are normally included in the _____ _____.

a) want ad b) targeted resume c) invitation letter d) job interview

20. ______ ______ are usually excluded from the resume.

a) work objectives b) salary demands c) personal interests d) special skills

21. Make sure message can be understood _________.

a) like b) more c) clearly d) sure

22. Ask caller to hold _______.

a) the line b)PC c) letters d) appointments

23. The ad may tell you about ___________________________ for the job.

a) resume b) the Internet

c) business letter requirements d) the education and work experience

24. Before the job interview find out all you can about __________.

a) means of telecommunication b) telephone units c) company d) dress

25. E-mail is a way of sending a message from one computer to____________.

a) electronic mail b) one or more other computers c) letters d) urgent call

26. Don't mention ______ in your resume.

a) telephone number b) education experience c) work experience d) salary

27. There are ___ types of a resume.

a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 6

28. The company makes a short list of the most suitable candidates and invites them for an__.

a) education b) experience c) interview d) appointment

29. Can you put me _______?

a) away b) thought c) though d) through

30. A resume is a kind of written sales _________.

a) presentation b) license c) requirement d) schedules

Список рекомендованої літератури


1. Business English. Бизнес-курс английского языка / Под ред. Е. И. Кобзарь, Н. А. Лешнёвой. – Харьков: Парус, 2007. – 152 с.

2. Агабекян И. П. Деловой английский. English for business. Серия «Высшее образование». – Ростов н/Д: «Феникс», 2004. – 320 с.

3. Андрюшкин А. П. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учебное пособие. – 3‑е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2008. – 332 с.

4. Барановська Т. В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. — Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ „ВП Логос-М”, 2006. – 384 с.

5. Бессонова І. В. Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням). Частина II: Навч. посіб. для дистанційного навчання. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2005. – 263 с.

6. Богацкий И. С., Дюканова Н. М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И. С. – 5-е изд., испр. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос», 2004. – 352 с.: ил. (Серия «Вас ждет упех!»).

7. Буданов С. І., Борисова А. О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. 2-ге вид. – Харків: ТОРСІНГ ПЛЮС, 2006. – 128 с.

8. Дарская В. Г., Журавченко К. В., Лясецкая Л. А., Памухина Л. Г., Чопрова Е. Г., Шах-Назарова В. С., Шелкова Т. Г. Новый деловой английский. New English for Business. - М.: Вече, 2005. – 672 с.

9. Карпусь И. А. Английский деловой язык: Учебное пособие. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – К.: МАУП, 1996. – 208 с.

10. Мёрдок-Стерн С. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учеб. пособие / Серена Мёрдок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И. И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142 с.

11. Науменко Л. П. Business English Course: Бизнес-курс английского языка. – К.: А.С.К., 2005. – 448 с. – Англ., рус.

12. Шевелева С. А. Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс: Учебник. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2000. – 438 с.

13. Хачатурова М.Ф. Английский язык для деловых контактов. – К.: Аконит, 2002. – 335с.


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