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A. There is no consensus on the definition of regionalization. Read the definitions of this phenomenon and think which best describes it. Discuss with your partner.Содержание книги
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“Regionalization can be defined as politicoadministrative process by which regions emerge as relevant units of analysis for economic and political activity and welfare and service provision. In many cases this notion of regionalization can be equated to notions of ‘regionalization from above’ or devolution, i.e. regions being the objects of governmental reforms designed to recognise a particular regional space along defined economic and political lines.” (Björn Hettne) “The concept of regionalization is reserved for more spontaneous processes of region formation by different actors – state or non-state. Regionalization is clearly a political process, but it is obviously not necessarily state-led, as states are not the only political actor around... we clearly believe that, within each regional project (official or not), several competing regionalizing actors with different regional visions and ideas coexist.” (Morten Bøås) b. Using your general knowledge and the information given above, say which of the suggested options characterize regionalization: ●growth of societal integration within a region ●incentives for economic linkages ●convergence of interests ●sharp distinctions within a region ●demarcation of regions ●division of an area into segments ●reinforcement of domestic authoritarianism ●dissolution of international ties Listening A. You are going to listen to an abstract about the development of regionalism. Before listening think if regionalism can be regarded as a phenomenon of the XX century or a centuries-long process. Then read the information given below and say whether you agree with it. It is quite difficult to define when the history of regionalism begins, since there is no single explanation that encompasses the origins and development of the regional idea. Criteria such as the desire by states to “make the best of their regional environment” are regarded by certain analysts as elusive; they prefer to consider the history of regionalism in terms of the rise of modern institutions. If formal organization at the regional as opposed to the international level is to be the yardstick for the onset of regionalism, it is difficult to place its origins much before 1945. B. Look at the data presented in the table and decide what waves of regionalism can be distinguished since 1945. Which of them is termed “Old Regionalism” and “New Regionalism”?
Source: Tanja A. Börzel, Comparative Regionalism/ A New Research Agenda. Freie Universität Berlin: No. 28, August 2011, p. 11. C. Below you can see some facts about Old Regionalism and New Regionalism. Work with your partner and choose those which refer to each form of regionalism, then fill in the table. · started with the establishment in 1957 of the forerunner of the European Union · was formed in and shaped by a bipolar cold-war context · marked the first step towards the creation of regional trade agreements (RTAs) initiated “from above” · is characterised by shallow integration which involved only reducing or eliminating barriers to trade in commodities · started during roughly the second half of the 1980s · is taking place in a multi-polar world order · can be described as “open” and thus compatible with an interdependent world economy · is a process of deep integration which includes trade and economic integration, environment, social policy, security and democracy · led to a “domino effect” of renewed interest in regional trade agreements (RTAs) with deeper integration in the EU and the establishment of NAFTA · is characterized as conservative, resistant to change, dominated by politics of identity and separatist sentiments
D. The following words and phrases appear in the passage you are going to hear. Explain their meaning in your own words. Then make up sentences using them. ●global in scope ●decline of hegemony ●a room-for-manoeuvre ●compatible ●discernible ●to tackle challenges ●inward oriented ●to supplant the old order ●a building block ●a stumbling block ●to deter ●a multidimensional process E. Now listen to the radio talk. While listening, mark the sentences given below as I (for the Interviewer), M (for Dr. Chris Milner), or G (for Prof. Helena Greenway). Which speaker:
F. Discuss in groups. · Can the New regionalism be considered as a more profound process than the Old regionalism? Why/why not? · Does the tendency towards regionalism allow new forms of regional arrangements and regional policy to respond to new global pressures? Reading A. The past years have witnessed a resurgence of regionalism in world politics and an increasingly important role for regional institutions. These institutions are intended as vehicles of development assistance. Thus the contribution of regional institutions to enhanced national and international prosperity seems to be significant. Work in groups and brainstorm the regional organizations you know.
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