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Ex.3. Translate the highlighted word correctly.Содержание книги
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1. But it is noteworthy, that many more concepts arc introduced which are, in essence, creations of human mind. a) представлены b) были представлены c) представляли 2. Irrational numbers, negative numbers, and so forth are not wholly abstracted from the physical practice. a) не отделяются b) не отделяли c) не были отделены 3. Later concepts are built on earlier notions. a) строили b) строятся c) были построены 4. The basic concepts of the main branches of mathematics are abstractions from experience, implied by their obvious physical counterparts. a) подразумеваемые b) подразумевают c) подразумевали 5. Irrational numbers, negative numbers and so forth are not wholly abstracted from the physical practice, for the man's mind must create the notion of entirely new types of numbers to which operations such as addition, multiplication, and the like can be applied. a) можно будет применить b) могли применить c) могут применяться 6. The more we study mathematics the more we see that the ideas and conceptions involved become more divorced and remote from experience, and the role played by the mind of the mathematician becomes larger and larger. a) играла b) играемая c) играющая Ex.4.Listening Follow the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZaRCvc9cqY (Mathematics)
Grammar: If and wish Do exercises from Units 38-41p.76-83 ex.:38.1-41.4 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge). БӨЖ тапсырмалар: Find out information about the great mathematicians in history of the world and make presentation about them. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: http://www.study.ru/test/test.php?id=392 Unit 11 Theme: Mechanical engineering as a future profession Grammar: Pronouns Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises. Students should know the rule of Pronouns. Students should be better at discussing aboutMechanical engineering as a future profession.
Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable. Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Mechanical engineering as a future profession”. Grammar: Introduce and practice the non-finite form of the verb. Mechanical engineering as a future profession
Engineering as said in the English-English dictionary is 1. The practical application of scientific knowledge in the design, building and control of machines, roads, bridges, electrical apparatus, chemicals; 2. The work, science or profession of an engineer. The primary types of engineering are chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, and mechanical.We will study thoroughly mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering is the application of physical principles to the creation of useful devices, objects and machines.Mechanical engineers use principles such as heat, force, and the conservation of mass and energy to analyze static and dynamic physical systems, in contributing to the design of things such as automobiles, aircraft, and other vehicles, heating and cooling systems, household appliances, industrial equipment and machinery, weapons systems, etc. Fundamental subjects of mechanical engineering include: dynamics, statics, strength of materials, hydraulics, kinematics, and applied thermodynamics. Mechanical engineers should understand and be able to apply concepts from the chemistry and electrical engineering fields.Engineers in this field design, test, build, and operate machinery of all types; theyalso work on a variety of manufactured goods and certain kinds of structures. The field isdivided into machinery, mechanisms, materials, hydraulics, and pneumatics; and heat asapplied to engines, work and energy, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning. The mechanicalengineer, therefore, must be trained in mechanics, hydraulics, and thermodynamicsand must know such subjects as metallurgy and machine design. Some mechanicalengineers specialize in particular types of machines such as pumps or steam turbines.A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the productthemselves, and must design for both economy and efficiency. A typical example of modern mechanical engineering is the design of a car or an agricultural machine.One of the subtypes of mechanical engineering is automotive engineering.The automobile was invented in the late 1800's and did not come prominence untilthe early 20t h century. Its basic configuration was determined and mass-production methodswere established.It becomes available to a society. The automobile vastly expanded most people'smobility horizons. It enabled profound changes in most aspects of modern life. Newroads were built to support the automobile. But as there are many advantages so disadvantagesof the car invention also exist. It includes air pollution and car accidents. But allthis fostered new engineering solutions to improve the quality of the human condition.
Ex.1. Master the key terms and words: engineering инженерное дело, конструирование, машиностроение mechanical engineer инженер-механик, машиностроитель, инженер по механическому оборудованию automotive engineering автостроение, автомобильная техника engineering solutions техническое, инженерное решение an automobile легковой автомобиль, машина a vehicle автотранспортное средство, любое средство передвижения machinery механическое, машинное оборудование dynamics динамика, динамические характеристики statics статика, электростатические явления hydraulics гидравлика, гидравлическая система strength of materials сопротивление материалов kinematics кинематика, кинематическая схема applied thermodynamics прикладная термодинамика mechanism механизм, механическое воздействие efficiency эффективность, уровень качества
Ex.2. Choose from the text and put down the English equivalents to the Russian word combinations given below: сельскохозяйственная машина-______________________________________________ применение научных знаний-_______________________________________________ создание полезных приборов-_______________________________________________ основные дисциплины -____________________________________________________ промышленные изделия-___________________________________________________ паровые турбины-_________________________________________________________ загрязнение воздуха-_______________________________________________________ электрические приборы-____________________________________________________ система подогрева и охлаждения-____________________________________________ промышленное оборудование-_______________________________________________ серийное производство-_____________________________________________________ дорожно-транспортное происшествие-
Ex.3. Complete the sentences with given verbs: Operate use specialize design divided work study 1. We w i l l...thoroughly mechanical engineering. з 2. Mechanical engineers...principles such as heat, force. 3. Engineers in this field..., and... machinery of all types. 4. They also...on a variety of manufactured goods. 5. The field is...into machinery, mechanisms, materials, hydraulics. 6. Some of them...in particular types of machines
Ex.4. Answer the following questions: 1. What is engineering? 2. What types of engineering do you know? 3. Why do mechanical engineers use such principles as heat, force, and the conservation of mass and energy? 4. What subjects must the mechanical engineer be trained in? 5. Are there any disadvantages of the car invention?
Ex.5. Cover the text. In pairs, try to remember five things about mechanical engineering. Ex.6.Listening Follow the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZXtvJP130s (What is Function? - Concepts of Function in Mathematics)
Grammar: Pronouns Do exercises from Units 82-91 p.164-183 ex.:82.1-91.4 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge).
БӨЖ тапсырмалар: Write an essay or be ready to speak about “Mechanical engineering as a future profession.”. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: http://www.study.ru/test/test.php?id=396 Unit 12 Theme: Operating systems Grammar: Linking verbs Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises. Students should be better at discussing the Operating Software Students should know the rule of Linking verbs. Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable. Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Operating Software”. Discuss in groups. Grammar: Linking verbs.Introduce and practice the Linking verbs. Revise the use of Linking verbs
1. Study this screen display and answer these questions. 1. How do you enter Unix commands? 2. Which Unix commands does it show? 3. What is the output of each command? 4. What will happen when the last command is entered? 5. Which other Unix commands do you know? 2. Study this title. What do you think it means?
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