Theme: Culture and Mass Media 

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Theme: Culture and Mass Media


Шетел тілдері кафедрасы

(кафедраның атауы)



«Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы

Еуразия ұлттық

университеті» ШЖҚ РМК

Шетел тілдері

кафедрасының меңгерушісі

п.ғ.к., доцент Сағымбаева Ж.Е.

«___» _____________ 20___ ж.

« Кәсіби бағыттағы шетел тілі»

KBShT211 (ағылшын тілі)

(пәннің коды және атауы)


тілдік емес мамандықтарының 2 курс студенттеріне арналған



5В070500– Математикалық және компьютерлік моделдеу, 5В060300 – Механика, 5В010900 – Математика, 5В060100 - Математика

(мамандықтың шифры және атауы)


пәні бойынша






1. Курс құрастырушылары: Дұйсенгалиева Айгул Әбунагимкызы – шетел тілдері кафедрасының аға оқытушысы

Байланыс телефоны: 8 (7172) 70-95-00 (32-222),

Ғылыми қызығушылығ: шетел тілін оқытудағы мәдениаралық қарым-қатынас

2. Шетел тілі. Код: ShT211

Кредит саны – 2

3. Оқу пәнінің жүргізілу уақыты мен орны: 4- семестр, сабақ кестесіне сәйкес.

4. Оқу пәнінің алғышарттары: «Шетел тілі» (ағылшын тілі) ( барлық жеткілікті деңгей: В1).

Курс өткеннен кейін қойылатын шарт: -

5. Пәннің сипаттамасы:

5.1. Оқу пәнінің бағыты. Берілген курс гуманитарлық бағыт мамандықтары үшін әлеуметтік-гуманитарлық циклдың міндетті пәндерінің бірі « Кәсіби бағыттағы шетел тілі» (ағылшын тілі) пәні бойынша «Математикалық және компьютерлік моделдеу», «Механика», «Математика» мамандықтарының бакалаврын даярлауға арналған. Курс, болашақ маманның шетел тілін мәдениаралық және кәсіптік қарым-қатынас құралы ретінде меңгеруін, жалпыадамзаттық ұстанымдарға араласу және шетел мәдениетін қабылдауға даярлығын қамтамасыз етуге бағытталған.

5.2. Мақсаты: базалық стандарт деңгейі (В2) бойынша шеттілдік білімді жүзеге асыру үдерісінде тілдік емес мамандықтар студенттерінің мәдениаралық-қатысымдық құзіретін қалыптастыру.

5.3. Курс міндеттері:

- шетел тілінде «Математикалық және компьютерлік моделдеу», «Механика», «Математика» мамандықтарының терминологиясы мен лексикасын (600 лексикалық бірлік) қолдану дағдысын меңгерту;

- сөйлеу қызметі түрлерінің барлығын пайдалана отырып (тыңдау, сөйлеу, оқу, жазу), шетел тілінде оқудың басымдылығымен ауызша және жазбаша қарым-қатынасты жүзеге асыру;

- ЖОО-да алған математика, әлеуметтік компьютерлік моделдеу және математика әлеуметтік жұмыс төңірегіндегі білімін өздігінен тереңдету және шеберліктерін жетілдіру;

- әлеуметтік, гуманитарлық пәндер аясында, кең өрелі және мәдени ойлай білетін жоғары білімді тұлғаны қалыптастыруға ықпал ететін негізгі білімді меңгеру;

- жаңаша техникамен жұмыс істеу дағдысының болуы, кәсіптік қызметте ақпараттық технологияны қолдана білуі;

- күнделікті кәсіптік қызметте және магистратурада білімін жалғастыру үшін қажетті жаңадан білім алу дағдысын игеру.

Курс соңында студенттің білуі керек:

- базалық стандарт деңгейінің (В2) ең жиі лексикалық, грамматикалық белгілеріне орфографиялық сәйкестіктерді;

- лексика: сөзжасам үлгілерін, көпмағыналы сөздердің мәнмәтіндік мағынасын.


- оқу: жалпыкәсіптік мәтіндерді сөздікпен және сөздіксіз оқи білуі, қажетті ақпаратты табу, оқыған мәтіннің мазмұнын түсінуі;

- жазу: бланк толтыру, резюме құрастыру, жеке және іскерлік сипатта шағын хат жаза білуі;

- аударма: аударма тілінің нормасына сәйкес мәтіндерді ана тіліне сөздікпен аудара білуі;

- тыңдау: өткізілген тақырып көлеміндегі пікірді шетел тілінде түсіне білуі;

- сөйлеу: тілдің сөйлеу нормасына сәйкес өзінің ойын шетел тілінде айта білуі, сұрақ қойып және оған жауап бере білуі, оқытылған тақырыптың көлеміне қарай және қарым-қатынас саласына байланысты шетел тілінде әңгіме жүргізе білуі, оқу, есту және көру негізінде қатысымдық рөлді адекватты орындай отырып айтып, мазмұндай білуі;

- алдыңғы қатарлы білім элементтерін қоса кәсіптік білімін және түсінігін көрсете білуі;

- бұл білімі мен түсінігін кәсіптік деңгейде қолдана білуі;

- оқу аясында аргументтерді құрастырып және мәселелерді шеше білуі;

- әлеуметтік, этикалық, ғылыми тұрғыдан ой-пікір қалыптастыру үшін ақпаратты жинақтап және интерпретациялауды жүзеге асыра алуы;

- маман және сонымен қатар, маман емеске ақпаратты, ойлар, мәселелер және шешімдерді хабарлауы керек.

5.4. Оқу пәнінің мазмұны

Оқытылатын шетел тілінің фонетикалық, орфографиялық, лексикалық, грамматикалық нормалары.

Лексика: сөзжасам үлгілері; 800-1000 бірлік көлеміндегі лексикалық минимум, мамандық профиліне сәйкес терминдер; қолдану аясына қарай лексиканы бөлу.

Грамматика: негізгі сөз таптары- етістіктің тұйық формалары: инфинитив, герундий, есімше, көсемше, шартты сөйлемдер және олардың түрлері, т.б.

Оқу: таныса, іздей, зерттей, қарап шыға оқу дағдыларын қалыптастыру.

Сөйлеу: оқылатын тақырып төңірегінде диалогтық, монологтық сөйлеу дағдылырын қалыптастыру.

Жазу: ойды бірізді жеткізу, пайымдау және шығарма, жеке, іскерлік мәндегі хат жазу дағдыларын қалыптастыру. Тілдік нормаларға сәйкес мамандыққа қатысты мәтіндерді шетел тілінен ана тіліне аудару.

Тыңдау: күнделікті, ақпараттық және кәсіптік мәндегі хабарламаларды тыңдай қабылдау.

5.5. Пәнді оқыту жоспары



№ апта Тақырып аттары Оқу түрі, сағат саны БӨЖ тапсырмалары
  Theme:Culture аnd mass media Grammar:Infinitive: Infinitive Construction Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Read the text “Mass media” and do ex. 4-8 on pp. 23-24. Summaryofit. (Е.Н. Безручко «Английский язык» Ростов-на-Дону Издательский центр «МарТ» 2002 г.) Read the text “From librarian to a political reporter” and do ex.4 a-e on pp. 79. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.) Follow the link and past the test for grammar:
  Theme: What are economic, social and cultural rights Grammar:Infinitive Construction Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Making comparisons and describing features. Read the text “Culture shock” and do ex.1-4 on pp.67. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.) Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: What is mathematics? Grammar:Gerund: Gerundial Constructions Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Write an essay or be ready to speak about “What is mathematics?”. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: Probability of occurrence.     Grammar:Gerundial Constructions Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Follow the link below and solve the task: Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme The Internet is changing higher education   Grammar: Participle I Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Text: Computers make the world smaller and smaller p.9 (Discussion, Dialogues, Retelling) Information technology. Eric H. Glendenning. Oxford University Press, 2001 Follow the link below and solve the exercises Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme:The language of computers Grammar: Participle II Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Write an essay about Bill Gates –the rishest man in the world. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: Greek schools of mathematics.   Grammar:Grammar revision Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Write an essay on Descartes’s early years of life till his becoming the best-known mathematician of the period. Write an article covering the great contribution of Descartes to science. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: Descartes’s and P.Fermat’s coordinate geometry.   Grammar:Conjunctions Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Readthetextandspeakabout«LeadingMathematiciansoftheTime»ormakethepresentation.(Учебноепособиедлястудентовфизико-математическихспециальностейRead,learnanddiscussEnglish.Автор:С.А.Мейрамова,М.Р.Муратова,стр.4-6) Follow the link and pass the tests for grammar:
  Theme:Analysis incarnate—Leonard Euler. Grammar:Prepositions Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Read the text and speak about “A modern view of geometry ” or write an essay. (Учебное пособие для студентов физико-математических специальностей Read,learnanddiscussEnglish.Автор:С.А.Мейрамова,М.Р.Муратова,стр.30-31) Follow the link and pass the test:
  Theme:The basic and new concepts.   Grammar:If and wish Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4ч. Find out information about the great mathematicians in history of the world and make presentation about them. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: Mechanical engineering as a future profession.     Grammar: Pronouns Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Write an essay or be ready to speak about “Mechanical engineering as a future profession.”. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: Operating Systems Grammar: Linking verbs Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Speak on “Computer use and applications” p.36 Information technology. Eric H. Glendenning. Oxford University Press, 2001 Follow the link below and pass the test. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar: Text: Linux“ p.43 (Discussion, Writing, Reading) Information technology. Eric H. Glendenning. Oxford University Press, 2001
  Theme:Introduction to Physics Grammar: Compound nouns Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Divide into few subgroups and prepare questions to the theme of unit. Discuss about the unit by using your questions. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: Applied mechanics   Grammar: Subordinate clause Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. Study the fundamental fields of Mechanics from different sources. Characterize the problems they deal with. Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:
  Theme: Kinematics   Grammar:Grammar revision Практ. – 2 ч.   СРО – 4 ч. ““”Mechanical engineering as future professions” try to remember five things about mechanical engineering.Speak about mechanical engineering as a future profession. page 1 (КривоноговаО.В. Mechanical Engineering) Волгоград: ВолГУ, 2004 г. Follow the link and pass the tests for grammar:
  Барлығы: Практ. – 30сағ БӨЖ – 60 сағ.  


6. Негізгі және қосымша әдебиеттер

6.1. Негізгі әдебиеттер:

1. Дюсенгалиева А.А.,. «Математикалық және компьютерлік моделдеу, Механика и Математика» мамандықтарының 2 курс студенттері үшін «Кәсіби бағыттағы шетел тілі» ПОӘК. 73-бет

2.Кривоногова О.В. «Mechanical Engineering».

3.С.А. Мейрамова, М.Р. Муратова «Учебное пособие для студентов физико-математических специальностей» Астана, 2002

4. Basic English for Computing / Eric H. Glendinning, John McEwan. – revised and updated – Oxford University Press, 2003.


6.2. Қосымша әдебиеттер:

1.Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010

2.Безручко Е.Н. «Английский язык» Ростов-на-Дону Издательский центр «МарТ» 2002

3.Raymand Murphy, English grammar in use, Cambridge university press, 2004

4. Teaching Maths through English – a CLIL approach.



7. Білімді бақылау

Семестр көлемінде аудиториялық сабақтарда ағымдық бақылау, БӨЖ орындау сапасы; тест түріндеекі аралық бақылау, ауызша емтихан түрінде қорытынды аттестациялауды өткізу жоспарланады.

Ағымдық бақылау -20%

БӨЖ-ді бақылау -20%

Аралық бақылау:

тестілеу -20%

Қорытынды бақылау -40%

8. Оқу пәнінің талаптары

«Кәсіби бағыттағы шетел тілі» 5В070500– Математикалық және компьютерлік бағдарламалау, 5В060300 – Механика, 5В010900 – Математика, 5В060100 – Математика мамандықтары үшін міндетті пән. Оқу жүктемесінің көлемі 2 кредиттен тұрады, оның ішінде практикалық сағат - 30 сағат, БӨЖ - 60 сағат.

Пәннің талаптары: аудиториялық сабақтарға міндетті түрде қатысу, сұрақтарды талқылауға белсене қатысу, оқу-әдістемелік кешені және негізгі әдебиет бойынша практикалық сабақтарға алдын-ала дайындалу, БӨЖ тапсырмаларын сапалы және уақытында дайындау, бақылаудың барлық түрлеріне (ағымдық бақылау, БӨЖ-ді бақылау, аралық бақылау, қорытынды бақылау) міндетті қатысу.





Access Connect to, or get (information) from, a system or a database.
Algorithm A prescribed set of well–defined rules or instructions for the solution to a problem.
RAM Acronym for random access memory – memory that can be read and written to by the processor.
Rational Numbers A number that is an integer or that can be expressed as a fraction whose numerator and denominator are integers, and whose denominator is not zero. Examples: - 1, 1/3, 3/a, 9, 235. Rational numbers, when expressed as decimals, are recurring decimals or finite (terminating) decimals. Numbers that are not rational are irrational. Irrational numbers include V5 and n which produce infinite, non-recurring decimals.
Equation A mathematical statement showing that two expressions are equal. The expressions are linked with the symbol = Examples: 7 - 2 = 4 + 1 4x = 3 x2 - 2x + 1 = 0
Axiom A premise or starting point of reasoning. As classically conceived, an axiom is a premise so evident as to be accepted as true without controversy.[1] The word comes from the Greek ἀξίωμα (āxīoma) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident.
Whole numbers The members of the set of positive integers including zero. They can as well be referred to simply as integers, or natural numbers. Examples of whole numbers include 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. They are numbers which neither fraction nor decimal.
Abstraction he process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it to a set of essential characteristics.(from the Latin abs, meaning away from and trahere, meaning to draw).
Multiplication The operation of combining two numbers to give a third number, the product. Example: 12 x 3 = 36 is a multiplication. Multiplication can be seen as the process of repeated addition. Example: 3 x 5 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15. Multiplication is the inverse operation of division, and it follows that 7 + 5 x 5 = 7 Multiplication is commutative, associative and distributive over addition or subtraction.
Hard (disk) drive A common magnetic storage device that reads and writes data on metal disks inside a sealed case.
Vehicle Any device designed to transport people or cargo from one destination to another i.e. bicycles, cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, boats and aircraft. The word vehicle is derived from a Latin word vehiculum. Vehicles that do not travel on land are referred to as crafts.
Hydraulics A topic in applied science and engineering dealing with the mechanical properties of liquids. At a very basic level hydraulics is the liquid version of pneumatics.
Calculus The study of how things change. It provides a framework for modeling systems in which there is change, and a way to deduce the predictions of such models.
Magnetism A class of physical phenomena that includes forces exerted by magnets on other magnets. It has its origin in electric currents and the fundamental magnetic moments of elementary particles. These give rise to a magnetic field that acts on other currents and moments.
Fragmentation A database server feature that allows you to control where data is stored at the table level. Fragmentation enables you to define groups of rows or index keys within a table according to some algorithm or scheme. You can store each group or fragment (also referred to as a partition) in a separate dbspace associated with a specific physical disk.
Graphic A picture, drawing, animation or other type of image.
Arithmetic and logic unit The part of the CPU that performs the mathematical and logical operations.
Theorem A statement that has been proven on the basis of previously established statements, such as other theorems—and generally accepted statements, such as axioms. The proof of a mathematical theorem is a logical argument for the theorem statement given in accord with the rules of a deductive system .
Probability A measure or estimation of likelihood of occurrence of an event.[1] Probabilities are given a value between 0 (0% chance or will not happen) and 1 (100% chance or will happen).[2] The higher the degree of probability, the more likely the event is to happen, or, in a longer series of samples, the greater the number of times such event is expected to happen. A simple example is a coin toss that has 0.5 or 50% chance of landing with the "head" side facing up.
Subtraction The renaming of a sum and an add end; the opposite of addition.
Server A main computer that provides a service on a network.
Equality A relationship between two quantities or, more generally two mathematical expressions, asserting that the quantities have the same value or that the expressions represent the same mathematical object.
Triangle One of the basic shapes in geometry: a polygon with three corners or vertices and three sides or edges which are line segments
Real numbers A number that is rational or irrational. Real numbers are those generally used in mathematics, science and everyday contexts. Numbers that are not imaginary, not connected with the square root of a negative number for instance.
Function A relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. An example is the function that relates each real number x to its square x2.
Irrational number Any real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio a/b, where a and b are integers and b is non-zero.
Fraction Represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters.(from Latin: fractus, "broken")
Kinematics The branch of classical mechanics which describes the motion of points, bodies (objects) and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the causes of motion. The term is the English version of A.M. Ampère's cinématique, which he constructed from the Greek κίνημα, kinema (movement, motion), derived from κινεῖν, kinein.
CD–ROM Abbreviation for compact disk read– only storage device (a disk) that is read using laser light.
Constant A number or quantity that does not vary. Example: in the equation y = 3x + 6, the 3 and 6 are constants, where x and y are variables.
Negligible Refers to the quantities so small that they can be ignored (neglected) when studying the larger effect. Although related to the more mathematical concepts of infinitesimal, the idea of negligibility is particularly useful in practical disciplines like physics, chemistry, mechanical and electronic engineering, computer programming and in everyday decision-making.
Corner In elementary geometry, a point where two or more lines or line segments meet. More correctly called vertex, vertices (plural). Examples: a rectangle has four corners or vertices; and a cube has eight corners or vertices.
Circular function A term used to describe the cosine and sine functions in trigonometry. Sometimes used for other trigonometric functions which are respectively the x and y coordinates of a rotating point on a circle of unit radius, centred on the origin of coordinates. The term circular function is also used for other trigonometric functions that can be derived from the cosine and sine functions.
Index laws Where index notation is used and powers are multiplied or divided, the rules for manipulating index numbers. Examples: 2a x 2 b = 2 a+b and 2a г 2 b = 2 a - b
Machine element Refers to an elementary component of a machine.
Mechanism Is a device designed to transform input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and movement.
decimal number a real number which expresses fractions on the base 10 standard numbering system using place value, e.g. 37100 = 0.37
differential equation an equation that expresses a relationship between a function and its derivative, the solution of which is not a single value but a function (has many applications in engineering, physics economics, etc)
differential geometry a field of mathematics that uses the methods of differential and integral calculus (as well as linear and multilinear algebra) to study the geometry of curves and surfaces
Hyperbola a smooth symmetrical curve with two branches produced by the section of a conical surface
hyperbolic geometry a non-Euclidean geometry based on a saddle-shaped plane, in which there are no parallel lines and the angles of a triangle sum to less than 180°
Identity an equality that remains true regardless of the values of any variables that appear within it, e.g. for multiplication, the identity is one; for addition, the identity is zero
imaginary numbers numbers in the form bi, where b is a real number and i is the “imaginary unit”, equal to √-1 (i.e. i 2 = -1)
Infinity a quantity or set of numbers without bound, limit or end, whether countably infinite like the set of integers, or uncountably infinite like the set of real numbers (represented by the symbol ∞)  
Integral the area bounded by a graph or curve of a function and the x axis, between two given values of x (definite integral), found by the operation of integration
Limit the point towards which a series or function converges, e.g. as x becomes closer and closer to zero,(sin x)x becomes closer and closer to the limit of 1  
linear equation an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or the product of a constant and the first power of a single variable, and whose graph is therefore a straight line

3. Практикалық сабақтарың конспектісі

Unit 1

Mass Media


No doubt, is an important part of our life. People from different walks of life have become nowadays listeners, readers, viewers. Or in other words, reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio are our main means of getting information in all its variety. Newspapers with their enormous circulation report different kinds of news. They carry articles which cover the latest international and national events. Now people buy newspapers also for the radio and TV programs which they publish. There are special newspapers which gave a full coverage of commercial, financial and publish affairs. There are newspapers and magazines for young people. They give a wide coverage of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment, and fashion. There are a lot of advertising programs now, sensation material, too. They represent the views of today’s youth. Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music programs (Europa plus). TV, radio, press reflect the present day life. Their information may vary from social and economic crises, conflicts, wars, disasters, earthquakes, to diplomatic visits, negotiations, from terrorism, corruption, to pollution problems, strikes, and social movements. Much information is published concerning official governmental decisions. TV is the most popular kind of mass media now. Viewers are fond of watching variety show, films, sports, plays, games, educational and cultural programs. We have many different channels, including commercial channels. There are many interesting and exciting programs, but at the same time too often very primitive films are televised. I mean horror films, thrillers, detective films with all their cool-blooded atmosphere of violence and endless crimes and murders.

Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
The earliest kind of mass media was newspaper. The first newspaper was Roman handwritten newssheet called "Acta Diurna" started in 59 B.C. Magazines appeared in 1700's. They developed from newspapers and booksellers' catalogs. Radio and TV appeared only in this century.
The most exciting and entertaining kind of mass media is television. It brings moving pictures and sounds directly to people's homes. So one can see events in faraway places just sitting in his or her chair.
Radio is widespread for its portability. It means that radios can easily be carried around. People like listening to the radio on the beach or picnic, while driving a car or just walking down the street. The main kind of radio entertainment is music.

Newspapers can present and comment on the news in much detail in comparison to radio and TV newscasts. News- papers can cover much more events and news.

Magazines do not focus on daily, rapidly changing events. They provide more profound analysis of events of proceeding week. Magazines are designed to be kept for a longer time so they have cover and binding and are printed on better paper.


Aerial - A radio antenna, especially one suspended in or extending into the air.

Column is a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. Columns are written by columnists.

Editorial, leader (US), or leading article (UK) is an article in a newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinion of the editor, editorial board, or publisher.

Editorial board is a group of editors, usually at a print publication, who dictate the tone and direction that the publication's editorials will take

Ex. 1. A) Scan the text and formulate the main ideas. Read the text again carefully and retell it close to the original.

B) Answer the questions:

1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
2. What was the earliest kind of mass media?
3. Why is the television so exciting?
4. What is the reason for widespread use of radios?
5. What advantages do newspapers have over the other kinds of mass media?
6. What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?

Ex. 3. A) Read the news. The words written in bald have few meanings. How do you think, what is their meaning in these sentences?

euronews Chile’s minister of Mines has been in touch with trapped miners by telephone, through a narrow shaft piercing the 700 meters of rock straight down. The leader underground said the men were well, and they cheered and sang the national anthem. Rock- 1) (n) the hard substance which the Earth is made of. 2) (n) a small piece of rock that had broken away from a mountain or a cliff. 3) (n) loud music with a strong beat that is played using instruments including electric guitars and drums.
euronews Drilling to begin on shaft to rescue trapped miners. A new video of Chile’s trapped miners has beenbroadcast showing the 33 men, sending greetings to their families.   Trap- 1) (n) a device for catching animals. 2) (v) to trick you so that you do or say something which you did not want to. 3) (v) when something falls onto you or blocks your way, preventing you from moving.
euronews In Chile four survivors of a plane crash in the Ands Mountains 38 years ago have arrived at the mine where 33 miners have been trapped. They met with the families to offer them encouragement and support for the ordeal ahead. Survive – 1) (v) not to die 2) (v) to manage to continue in spite of the difficult circumstances 3) (v) (to survive someone) – to continue to live after they have died
euronews The 33 trapped Chilean miners were able to communicate with their loved ones on Saturday (September 4) through a video teleconference system. Silvia Segovia, whose brother is among the trapped miners, said that she was happy her brother seemed to be in good condition Communicate – 1) (v) (with someone) - to give them information 2) (v) to talk to each other 3) (v) to make someone aware of idea or feeling to them.
euronews Thirty-three trapped Chilean miners were able to watch the Chilean national squad’s friendly against the Ukraine over a fiberoptic line   Squad- 1) (n) a section of a police force that is responsible for dealing with a particular type of crime 2) (n) group of players from which a sports team will be chosen 3) (n) a small group of soldiers.
euronews The arrivalof Esperanza, a baby girl at the Copiapo maternity clinic has, quite literally, given hope to one of the 33 trapped miners in Chile. Arrival - 1) (n) your arriving at a place is the act of arriving there. 2) (n)beginning to exist or become available 3) (n) someone who just arrived at a place.
euronews Rescue workers in Chile could be just a day away from reaching 33 trapped miners. A drill known as Plan B is said to be less than 100 meters from the men.   Drill - 1) (n) a tool for making holes 2) (v) to make a hole using a drill 3) (n) a procedure which a group of people especially soldiers, practice so they can do something quickly and efficiently.
euronews The operation to rescue the 33 trapped miners in Chile has begun successfully. Florencio Avalos was the first to be pulled out of the San Jose mine, shortly after midnight local time. Mario Sepulveda followed him to the surface about an hour later. The third miner, Juan Illanes has just reached the surface. Mine - 1) (pron.) The first person singular possessive pronoun. 2) (n) a place where deep holes or tunnels are dug under the ground in order to extract minerals. 3) (n) A bomb hidden in the ground or in water which explodes when something touches it.
euronews The operation to rescue the trapped miners in Chile has been a complete success. All 33 men have reached the surface safely. The rescue team has also made the trip to the surface. The last man to leave was the first who went down to the miners, Manuel Gonzalez. Surface - 1) (n) – the top part of something or the outside of it. 2) (n) The surface of the situation is what can be seen easily rather than what is not immediately obvious. 3) (v) to come up to the surface of the water.

B) Answer the questions:

Who are the heroes of the news? What happened to the miners? How do you think, what has left behind the official news?

C) Pairwork. Do tasks and act out your story in front of your classmates:

- Make up a dialogue about a story with the trapped miners. Imagine that you are:

a) a miner that was trapped under the ground;

b) a miner’s wife;

c) a rescuer.

- What would you feel and how would you act?


1. How old is he?

a) 13 b) 14 c) 15

2. What does he do?

a) He works b) He plays the guitar c) He dances

3. What was his goal in the first audition?

a) To achieve a better life for his family b) To become famous c) For fun

4. How did he do in his first audition?

a) He did well b) He did bad c) He did awful

5. What does he have now in his second audition?

a) More friends b) Bigger and better moves c) Bigger and better mood

6. Where does he dance to get better?

a) At home b) In the streets of Manchester c) At school

7. What does he look now?

a) Much taller b) Much fatter c) Much better

8. What did he do last summer?

A) He trained harder and “got bigger and better” b) He played Hide and Seek c) He practiced a little


9. Did he take dance classes?

a)Yes b) He didn’t say c) No

10. Where does he practice?

a) In his house/in his room b) In a friend’s house c) In the streets of London

11. How old is he?

a) 11 b) 10 c) 9

12. Why did he enter the competition?

a) He just likes dancing b) To make money c) To make new friends

Ex. 7. A) Match the words and their definitions.

· Television

· Newspaper

· The Internet

· Radio

1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;

2. broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;

3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;

4. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

B) Complete the column “THE EFFECTS OF MASS-MEDIA”

Positive Negative


Follow the link: (The Queen of Mathematics - Professor Raymond Flood)


Grammar: Infinitive: Infinitive Constructions

Do exercises from Unit 54,p.108-109 ex.:54.1-54.5 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge)


БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

Making comparisons and describing features.

Read the text “Culture shock” and do ex.1-4 on pp.67. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.)Read the text “From librarian to a political reporter” and do ex.4 a-e on pp. 79. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.)

Follow the link and past the test for grammar:

Unit 2

Theme: Human Rights

Ex. 1. A) Speak about democracy. How do you understand it? Can you give explanation of it?


What does it mean to be fully human? How is that different from just "being alive" or "surviving"?

Based on this list, what do people need to live in dignity?

Are all human beings essentially equal? What is the value of human differences?

Can any of our "essential" human qualities be taken from us? For example, only human beings can communicate with complex language; are you human if you lose the power of speech?

What happens when a person or government attempts to deprive someone of something that is necessary to human dignity?

What would happen if you had to give up one of these human necessities?

B) Read aloud the story of Dr. Martin Luther King's life. Make notes of the main periods of his life. Say why he was called ‘CIVIL RIGHT LEADER’.

Ex. 6. A) Make a list of rights that women of the 19th century didn’t have but now they do. Discuss them with whole group.

B) Game ‘Guess’. On separate sheets of paper write some of those rights and fix them on the backs of students so that the owners of sheets not to see what is written there. Group can walk around the class to read each others sheets. Then students have to explain each other what right is on their backs.

Note: Students are not allowed to use words written on the sheets, they can do explonation with help of synonyms/ antonyms.


Grammar: Infinitive Constructions

Do exercises from Units 55,p.110-111 ex.:55.1-55.4 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge)

БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

Making comparisons and describing features.

Read the text “Culture shock” and do ex.1-4 on pp.67. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.)Read the text “Making the punishment fit the crime” and do ex.1-4 on pp.41. Give a short summary of it. (Schaefer R.T. Sociology, (12-оеиздание) – New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010 г.) Discussion: make comparison of the rights in our and foreign countries.

Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:


Unit 3

Theme: What is mathematics?

What is mathematics?

The students of mathematics may wonder where the word "mathematics "comes from. Mathematics is a Greek word, and, by origin or etymologically, it means "something that must be learnt or understood", perhaps “acquired knowledge" or "knowledge acquirable by learning" or “general knowledge". The word "mathematics'' is a contraction of all these phrases. The celebrated Pythagorean school in ancient Greece had both regular and incidental members. The incidental members were called "auditors"; the regular members were named "mathematicians" as a general class and not because they specialized in mathematics; for them mathematics was a mental discipline of science of learning. What is ma­thematics in the modern sense of the term, its implications and connota­tions? There is no neat, simple, general and unique answer to this question.

Mathematics as a science, viewed as a whole, is a collection of branches. The largest branch is that which builds on the ordinary whole num­bers, fractions, and irrational numbers, or what, collectively, is called the real number system. Arithmetic, algebra, the study of functions, the cal­culus differential, equations, and various other subjects which follow the calculus in logical order, are all developments of the real number sys­tem. This part of mathematics is termed the mathematics of number. A second branch is geometry consisting of several geometries. Mathematics contains many more divisions. Each branch has the same logical structure: it begins with certain concepts, such as the whole numbers or integers in the mathematics of number, and such as point, line and tri­angle in geometry. These concepts must verify explicitly stated axioms. Some of the axioms of the mathematics of number are the associative, commutative, and distributive properties and the axioms about equalities. Some of the axioms of geometry are that two points determine a line, all right angles are equal, etc. From the concepts and axioms theorems are deduced. Hence, from the standpoint of structure, the concepts, axioms and theorems are the essential components of any compartment of ma­thematics. We must break down mathematics into separately taught sub­jects, but this compartmentalization taken as a necessity, must be com­pensated for as much as possible. Students must see the interrelation­ships of the various areas and the importance of mathematics for other domains. Knowledge is not additive but an organic whole and mathema­tics is an inseparable part of that whole. The full significance of mathe­matics can be seen and taught only in terms of its intimate relationships to other fields of knowledge. If mathematics is isolated-from other provinces, it loses importance.

Ex.1 Match the columns:

1. fraction 2. whole numbers 3. irrational numbers 4. differential equations 5. concept 6. point 7. line 8. triangle 9. equality 10. axiom a) аксиома b) иррациональные числа c) дробь d) целые числа e) концепция f) точка g) дифференциальные уравнения h) равенство i) линия j) треугольник

Ex.2. Choose a,b,c or d.

1. Where does the word “mathematics” come from?

a) Greece b) England

c) Russia d) Alexandria

2. What does the word “mathematics” mean by origin or etymologically?

a) “acquired knowledge” b) “logical construction”

c) “scientific knowledge” d)“knowledge about nature”

3. What is mathematics as a science?

a) a real number system b) a collection of branches

c) a calculus in logical order

d) a calculus, differential equations, and functions

4. What is the largest branch of mathematics?

a) geometry b) differential equations

c) the whole number system d) the real number system

5. What is the certain concept of mathematics of number?

a) whole numbers or integers b) points, lines, and triangles

c) differential equations d)fractions and irrational numbers

6. What is deduced from the concepts and axioms?

a) structures b) theorems

c) calculus d) equations

Ex.3. Choose rhe title of the text according to summary.

a. Geometry

b. Mathematics of number

c. Mathematics as a science

d. The Pythagorean school

Ex.5 Listening

Follow the link: (Beauty and Truth in Mathematics and Science)


Unit 4

Probability of occurence

In mathematical language the choice, the probability of success is the ratio of the number of ways in which the trial can succeed to the total number of ways in which the trial can result. Here nothing favors the choice of any particular circle; they are all on the same page, and you are just as likely to cover one as another. The trial can result in five ways; there are five black circles. The trial can result in nine ways; there are nine circles in all (in exercise 1.1). If p represents the probability of success, then p = ,5-9..

Similarly, the probability of failure is the ratio of the number of ways in which the trial can fail to the total number of ways in which it can result. If q represents the probability of failure, in this case q = ,4-9.. Notice that the sum of probability of success and failure is 1. If you put your finger on a circle, it is certain to be either a black circle or a white one, for no other kind of circle is present. Thus p+q = ,5-9.+,4-9.=1. The probability that an event will occur can not be more than 1. When p =1, success is a certainty. When q =1, failure is sure. Let S represent the number of ways in which a trial can succeed. And let f represent the number of ways in which a trial can fail.


When S is greater than f, the odds are S to f in favor of success, thus the odds in favor of covering a black circle are 5 to 4. Similarly, when f is greater than S, the odds are f to S against success. And when S and f are equal, the chances are even; success and failure are equally likely. Tossing a coin illustrates a case in which S and f are equal. There are two sides to a coin, and there is no reason why a normal coin should fall one side up rather than the other. So if you toss a coin and call heads, the probability that it will fall heads is ,1-2.. Suppose you toss a coin a hundred times, for each of the hundred trials, the probability that the coin will come down heads is ,1-2.. You might expect fifty of the tosses to be heads. Of course, you may not get fifty heads.But the more times you toss a coin, the closer you come to the realization of what youexpect.

If p is the probability of success on one trial, and K is the number of trials, then the expected number is K p. Mathematical expectation in this case is defined as K p.

Ex.1. Answer the following questions.

a. What does the article deal with?

b. If you were shown 9 red circles and 6 black circles and were asked to choose one

of them which on these circles would you be likely to choose? Why?

c. Can you give the definition of the probability of failure? What is it?

d. What are the odds in case f > S?

e. What are the odds in case f < S?

f. Suppose S = f, what would the chances be?

g. Could you give some examples to illustrate a case when S and f are equal?

Ex.2. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

a. The trial can succeed in nine ways when you suppose that you have nine circles.

b. The sum of the probability of success and failure is equal to 1.

c. The probability that an event will occur can be more than 1.

d. In tossing two coins the fact that one fell heads would not affect the way the other


Ex.3. Fill in each gap using a word from the text.

a. There are differences of opinion among mathematicians and philoso– phers about ______ theory.

b. Suppose two dice are thrown. What are the chances that the ______of the faces is five?

c. Two coins are ______ simultaneous. Since a coin will come down ______ () or tail (T), each possible outcome is a member of A × A where A = { …, T}.

d. To describe this sample space ______ each situation in terms of events and discuss the chances of each event ______.

e. When we try to do something several times we say that we have had several ______.


Follow the link: (Mathematics Gives You Wings)


Unit 5


Follow the link: (Introduction to Higher Mathematics - Lecture 2: Introduction to Proofs)



Ex.5. Split into 2 groups and debate on the topic: “The Internet: For and Against”

Grammar: Participle I

Do exercises from Unit 67 p.134-135 ex.:67.1-67.3 and Unit 68 p.136-137 ex.:68.1-68.4 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge).


БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

Follow the link below and solve the exercises

Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:

Unit 6

Grammar: Participle II

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing about the rational numbers.

Students should know the rule of Participle II.


Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “The language of Computer”.

Define the high-level languages. Discuss in groups. Observe and characterize the internet languages in detail.

Grammar: Participle II. Introduce and practice thenon-finite form of the verb. Revise the use of thenon-finite form of the verb: Participle II.


Ex.1. Read the text and give short summery of it.


The language of computers.

50 YEARS AGO, people didn’t even hear of computers, and today we cannot imagine life without them.

Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the revolution is still going on.

Very soon we’ll have computers that we’ll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings. Such wearable computers are being developed in the USA.

Japan’s biggest mobile-phone company has just released its cleverest product so far, the i-mode, a mobile phone that allows you to surf the Internet as well as make calls. People are already using the phone to check the news, headlines, follow the stock market and download the latest jokes. Soon they will be able to buy cinema tickets and manage their bank accounts.

The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. They will contain electronic ‘neural networks’. Of course, they’ll be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, understand and control the world’s money


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