Title VI - Constitutional Guarantes
Section I: The Constitutional Court
Section II: Amendments to the Constitution. Constitutional laws
Section I: The Constitutional Court
Art. 134
The Constitutional Court shall pass judgement on: controversies on the constitutional legitimacy of laws and enactments having the force of law issued by the State and the Regions; conflicts arising from allocation of powers of the State and those powers allocated to State and Regions, and between Regions; accusations made against the President of the Republic and the Ministers, according to the provisions of the Constitution.
Art. 135
The Constitutional Court shall be composed of fifteen judges, a third nominated by the President of the Republic, a third by Parliament in joint sitting and a third by the ordinary and administrative supreme Courts. The judges of the Constitutional Courts shall be chosen from among judges, including those retired, of the ordinary and administrative higher Courts, from full university professors of law and lawyers with at least twenty years practice. Judges of the Constitutional Court shall be nominated for nine years, beginning in each case from the day of their swearing in, and they may not be re-appointed. At the expiry of their term, the constitutional judges shall leave office and the exercise of the functions thereof. The Court shall elect from among its members, in accordance with the rules established by law, a President, who shall remain in office for three years and may be re-elected, respecting in all cases the expiry term for constitutional judges. The office of constitutional judge shall be incompatible with membership of Parliament, of a Regional Council, the practice of the legal profession, and with every appointment and office indicated by law. In impeachment procedures against the President of the Republic, apart from the ordinary judges of the Court, there shall also be sixteen members chosen by lot from among a list of citizens having the qualification necessary for election to the Senate, which the Parliament prepares every nine years through election using the same procedures as those followed in appointing ordinary judges.
NOTE: (*) L'art. 135 è stato sostituito dall'art. 1 della legge costituzionale 22 novembre 1967, n. 2. L'ultimo comma, inoltre, è stato modificato dall'art. 2 della legge costituzionale 16 gennaio 1989, n. 1. Il testo dell'articolo nella versione originaria era il seguente: «La Corte costituzionale è composta di quindici giudici nominati per un terzo dal Presidente della Repubblica, per un terzo dal Parlamento in seduta comune e per un terzo dalle supreme magistrature ordinaria ed amministrativa. I giudici della Corte costituzionale sono scelti tra i magistrati anche a riposo delle giurisdizioni superiori ordinarie ed amministrative, i professori ordinari di università in materie giuridiche e gli avvocati dopo venti anni di esercizio. La Corte elegge il presidente tra i suoi componenti. I giudici sono nominati per dodici anni, si rinnovano parzialmente secondo le norme stabilite dalla legge e non sono immediatamente rieleggibili. L'ufficio di giudice della Corte è incompatibile con quello di membro del Parlamento o di un Consiglio regionale, con l'esercizio della professione di avvocato e con ogni carica ed ufficio indicati dalla legge. Nei giudizi d'accusa contro il Presidente della Repubblica e contro i Ministri intervengono, oltre i giudici ordinari della Corte, 16 membri eletti, all'inizio di ogni legislatura, dal Parlamento in seduta comune tra cittadini aventi i requisiti per l'eleggibilità a senatore.» Il testo dell'articolo 135 come sostituito dalla legge costituzionale 22 novembre 1967, n. 2, identico per i primi sei commi al testo vigente, all'ultimo comma così disponeva: «Nei giudizi d'accusa contro il Presidente della Repubblica e contro i ministri intervengono, oltre i giudici ordinari della Corte, 16 membri tratti a sorte da un elenco di cittadini aventi i requisiti per l'eleggibilità a senatore, che il Parlamento compila ogni nove anni mediante elezione con le stesse modalità stabilite per la nomina dei giudici ordinari.»
(*) La legge costituzionale 9 febbraio 1948, n. 1, ha disciplinato i casi di incompatibilità relativi ai giudici costituzionali ed ai giudici aggregati, nonchè le forme di immunità a garanzia dell'attività della Corte.
Art. 136
When the Court declares the constitutional illegitimacy of a law or enactment having the force of law, the law ceases to have effect from the day following the publication of the decision. The decision of the Court shall be published and communicated to the Houses and to the Regional Councils concerned, so that, wherever they deem it necessary, they shall act in conformity with constitutional procedures.
Art. 137
A constitutional law shall establish the conditions, the forms, the terms for proposing judgements on constitutional legitimacy, and the guarantees of the independence of the constitutional judges. Ordinary laws shall establish the other provisions necessary for the constitution and the functioning of the Court. Against the decision of the Constitutional Court no appeals are allowed.
Section II: Amendments to the Constitution. Constitutional laws
Art. 138
Laws amending the Constitution and other constitutional laws shall be adopted by each House after two successive debates at intervals of not less than three months, and shall be approved by an absolute majority of the members of each House in the second voting. Said laws are submitted to a popular referendum when, within three months of their publication, such request is made by one-fifth of the members of a House or five hundred thousand voters or five Regional Councils. The law submitted to referendum shall not be promulgated if not approved by a majority of valid votes. A referendum shall not be held if the law has been approved in the second voting by each of the Houses by a majority of two-thirds of the members.
NOTE: (*) Con la legge costituzionale 6 agosto 1993, n. 1, che ha istituito la Commissione parlamentare per le riforme istituzionali, è stato previsto, unicamente per i progetti di legge della XI legislatura un diverso procedimento di revisione costituzionale che comporta, fra l'altro, la obbligatoria sottoposizione a referendum dei progetti approvati dalla Commissione.
Art. 139
The form of Republic shall not be a matter for constitutional amendment.
Transitory and Final Provisions
- I
- II
- IV
- V
- VI
- IX
- X
- XI
- XV
With the implementation of the Constitution the provisional Head of the State shall exercise the functions of President of the Republic and assume that title.
If, at the date of the election of the President of the Republic, all the Regional Councils have not been set up, only members of the two Houses shall participate in the election.
For the first composition of the Senate of the Republic, Deputies to the Constituent Assembly who possess all the requisites by law to be Senators and who: had been Presidents of the Council of Ministers or of legislative Assemblies; had been members of the dissolved Senate; had been elected at least three times including to the Constituent Assembly; had been dismissed at the sitting of the Chamber of Deputies of 9 November 1926; had been imprisoned for not less than five years by a sentence of the special Fascist tribunal for the defence of the State; shall be appointed Senators. Those also shall be appointed Senators, by decree of the President of the Republic, who had been members of the dissolved Senate and who had been part of the Consulta Nazionale. The right to be appointed Senator may be renounced before the signing of the decree of appointment. Acceptance of candidacy in political elections shall constitute renunciation of the right to be appointed Senator.
For the first election of the Senate Molise shall be considered a Region in itself, having the due number of Senators on the basis of its population.
The provisions of Article 80 of the Constitution on the question of international treaties which involve budget expenditures or changes in the law, shall become effective as from the date of convocation of Parliament.
Within five years after the Constitution has come into effect the special jurisdictional bodies still in existence shall be revised, excluding the jurisdiction of the Council of State, the Court of Auditors, and the military tribunals. Within a year of the same date, a law shall provide for the re-organisation of the Supreme Military Tribunal according to Article 111.
Until such time as the new law on the Judiciary in accordance with the Constitution has been issued, the provisions in force shall continue to be observed. Until such time as the Constitutional Court begins its functions, the decision on c ontroversies indicated in Article 134 shall be conducted in the forms and within the limits of the provisions already in existence before the implementation of the Constitution.
NOTE: (*) L'art. 7 della legge costituzionale 22 novembre 1967, n. 2, ha abrogato l'ultimo comma della disposizione che così recitava: «I giudici della Corte costituzionale nominati nella prima composizione della Corte stessa non sono soggetti alla parziale rinnovazione e durano in carica dodici anni.»
Elections of the Regional Councils and the elected bodies of provincial administration shall be called within one year of the implementation of the Constitution. The laws of the Republic shall regulate for every branch of public administration the passage of the state functions attributed to the Regions. Until such time as the re-organisation and re-distribution of the administrative functions among the local bodies has been accomplished, the Provinces and the Municipalities shall retain t hose functions they then exercise and those others which the Regions may delegate to them. Laws of the Republic shall regulate the transfer to the Regions of officials and employees of the State, including those from central administrations, which shall be made necessary by the new provisions. In setting up their offices the Regions shall, except in cases of necessity, draw their personnel from among the employees of State local bodies.
The Republic, within three years of the implementation of the Constitution, shall adjust its laws to the needs of local autonomies and to the legislative jurisdiction attributed to the Regions.
To the Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, as per Article 116, shall be applied temporarily the general provisions of Title V of the second part, without prejudice to the protection of linguistic minorities in accordance with Article 6.
Up to five years after the implementation of the Constitution other Regions may, by constitutional laws, be established, thus amending the list in Article 131, and without the conditions requested by the first paragraph of Article 132, without prejudice, however, to the obligation to consult the peoples concerned.
NOTE: (*) Il termine di cui alla XI Disposizione è stato prorogato al 31 dicembre 1963 dalla legge costituzionale 18 marzo 1958, n. 1.
It shall be forbidden to reorganise, under any form whatsoever, the dissolved Fascist party. Notwithstanding Article 48, the law has established, for not more than five years from the implementation of the Constitution, temporary limitations to the right to vote and eligibility for the leaders responsible for the Fascist regime
The members and descendants of the House of Savoy shall not be voters and they shall not hold public office or elected offices. To the ex-kings of the House of Savoy, to their consorts and their male descendants shall be forbidden access and sojourn in the national territory. The assets, existing on national territory, of the former kings of the House of Savoy, of their consorts and of their male descendants shall revert to the State. Transfers and the establishment of royal rights on said patrimony which took place after 2 June 1946, shall be null and void.
NOTE: (*) La legge costituzionale 23 ottobre 2002, n. 1 ha stabilito che i commi primo e secondo della XIII disposizione transitoria e finale della Costituzione esauriscono i loro effetti a decorrere dalla data di entrata in vigore della stessa legge costituzionale (10 novembre 2002).
Titles of nobility shall not be recognised. The predicates of those existing before 28 October 1922 shall serve as part of the name. The Order of Saint Mauritius shall be preserved as a hospital corporation and shall function in the ways established by law. The law shall regulate the suppression of the Heraldic Council.
With the entry into force of the Constitution, the legislative decree of the Lieutenant of the Realm No. 151 of 25 June 1944 on the provisional organisation of the State shall pass into law.
Within one year of the entry into force of the Constitution, the revision and co-ordination therewith of the preceding constitutional laws which had not at that moment been explicitly or implicitly abrogated shall begin.
The Constituent Assembly shall be called by its President to decide, before 31 January 1948 on the law for the election of the Senate of the Republic, on the special regional statues and on the law governing the press. Until the day of the election of the new Houses, the Constituent Assembly may be called, when it is necessary to decide on matters attributed to its jurisdiction by Article 2, paragraphs one and two, and Article 3, paragraphs one and two, of legislative decree No. 98 of 16 March 1946. At that time the Standing Committees shall maintain their functions. Legislative Committees shall send back to the Government those bills, submitted to them, with their observations and proposals for amendments. Deputies may present questions to the Government with request for written answers. The Constituent Assembly, in accordance with the second paragraph of this Article, shall be called by its President at the documented request of the Government or by at least two hundred Deputies.
The present Constitution shall be promulgated by the provisional Head of State within five days of its approval by the Constituent Assembly and shall come into force on 1 January 1948. The text of the Constitution shall be deposited in the Town Hall of every Municipality of the Republic and there exposed, for the whole of 1948, so as to allow every citizen to know of it. The Constitution, bearing the seal of the State, shall be included in the Official Records of the laws and decrees of the Republic. The Constitution must be faithfully observed as the fundamental law of the Republic by all citizens and bodies of the State.