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Transcribe and intone the phrases above.Содержание книги
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· Practise reading hem at normal conversational speed.
1. Listen how the speaker on the tape pronounces the following boy, toy, boil, coin, choice, voice, oil, oiler 2. Listen carefully to your fellow-student reading the words 3. Now transcribe and read the following word contrasts. Concentrate on the length of the nucleus of the diphthong. boy — boys — boyhood; toy — toys — toyshop 4. Reading Matter. Listen how the speaker on the tape reads the The boy joined us with joy. Does this noise annoy those boys? Joyce enjoys annoying Roy. 5. Transcribe and intone the phrases above, practise reading
1. Listen how the speaker on the tape pronounces the following words: so, go, tone, home, note, hope, old, only
2. Read the words yourself. Pay attention to the vowel initial. No 3. Listen carefully to your fellow-student reading the words of 4. Now transcribe and read the following word contrasts. Concentrate on the length of the nucleus of the diphthong. go — goal — goat foe — phone — photo row — road — wrote 5. Reading Matter. Listen how the speaker on the tape reads the A minute ago he spoke to Mr. Snow over the phone. Don't poke your nose into things you don't know. There was an Old Man with a nose Who said, "If you choose to suppose That my nose is too long, You are certainly wrong!" That remarkable man with a nose. 6. Practise reading the exercise above at normal conversational
1. Listen how the speaker on the tape reads the following words: now, how, loud, proud, house, mouse, out, owl Read the words yourself. 3.Listen carefully to your fellow-student reading the words of 4.Now transcribe and read the following word contrasts. Concentrate on the length of the nucleus of the diphthong. bow, how, bowed, howl, about, house 5. Read the following sets of words. Tell the differences between каучук — couch фауна — found скаут — scout нокаут — knockout 6. Reading Matter. Listen how the speaker on the tape reads a Snow came in the night Without a sound Like a white cloud Trembling down to the ground. (E. Merriam) 7. Transcribe and intone the verse above. Practise reading it at 8. Go through each line of the verse several times until you produce it rapidly and smoothly. Learn it by heart.
1. Listen how the speaker on the tape pronounces the following ear, earring, near, dear, nearer, period, serious Read the words yourself. Articulate them carefully. 3.Listen to your fellow-student reading the words of Ex. 1. Tell 4.Reading Matter. Listen how the speaker on the tape reads the We are near the end of the year. Oh, dear! I hear the sky will be sunny and clear. The museum is near the theatre. Transcribe and intone the phrases above. · Practise reading them yourself at normal conversational speed.
1. Listen how the speaker on the tape pronounces the following air, chair, care, chairs, dared, careful Read the words yourself. 3. Listen carefully to your fellow-student reading the words of 4. Reading Matter. Listen how the speaker on the tape reads the Sarah has fair hair. The boy went up one pair of stairs and there he found a teddy-bear. Transcribe and intone the phrases above. · Practise reading them yourself at normal conversational speed.
1. Listen how the speaker on the tape reads the following words: poor, tour, poorer, tourist, curious, furious Transcribe and read the words yourself. 3.Listen to your fellow-student reading the words of Ex. 1. Tell
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