Advertising advancemeny of the company 

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Advertising advancemeny of the company


I. Greeting the audience

Teacher: On behalf of the President of “ Langworthy CompanyCONSULTANTS” Josef Langworthy, I’d like to welcome you to our annual training course “Personal and Company Profile”.

I’m Helen Miller, a representative of this company, and a moderator of a blended educational course “Personal and Company Profile”. So we are very pleased to meet you all.

Today is the last seminar on the topic “Personal and Company Profile”. First of all. Could you introduce yourself? Well, have you ever thought about the main aim of your education in our training course? Could you match the challenges with their solutions?

Card 1:

1. What do you want to achieve with your written profile? A. You’ll benefit in a big way by knowing how to instantly attract your reader’s attention.
2. Why do you write a profile? B. Know you options to up-skill and seek out extra information to improve your writing profile and save money.
3. Begin with your goals in mind. C. Understand the benefits writing professional business profile and how this skill can propel (зд. продвигаться вперёд) your business and career.
4. Know your audience. D. Know what you want to achieve with your profile and you’ll understand the true purpose of mastering the skills.
5. What styles and formants can you use? E. Don’t despair. You’ll learn all the steps and secrets to overcoming one of your biggest fear.
6. If English is not your first language? F. Once you know these hidden secrets, you’ll be able to stop your profile writing worried forever!
7. Improving skills. G. Once you learn the most suitable formants and letter style to use, you’ll massively save time in writing your personal profile.

Keys: 1. – F, 2. – C, 3. – D, 4. – A, 5. – G, 6. – E, 7. – B.

II*. You have prepared your personal profiles as a home work. Before posting them in your blogs, let’s listen two or more samples of them and fill in the application form of profile. It will help you to improve your skills in placing all information in logical order and make the question to your partner if you miss some information while listening to him/ her.

Card 2:

How to write the Personal profile (application form)

1. Before you start writing the profile (your / someone’s profile), fill in the chart:

Position you take up  
Jobs you have had  
Responsibilities you have had  
Schools you have gone to  
Areas you have majored in  
Special courses you have taken  
Memberships you have held  
Awards and honours you have received  
Languages you speak  
Special skill you have (Extracurricular activities you have joined in)  

2. Write the business profile according to the information above:

Contact information  

(A teacher asks one of the students to read a profile in brief)

III*. It’s high time to post your profiles in your blogs.


IV*. Many companies are multinational and they operate in several different countries. What company do you work in? Could you share this information with us? You’ll have to do the same work, to fill in the application form of the company profile. Let’s listen to two or more profiles! Use the key phrases todescribe of your partner’s company profile: If you miss some information you can ask any questions to the speaker according to the plan of company profile.

Card 3:

1. form of business · My business is small. · We are multinational company with …employees
2. the name of your business We are larger manufacture of … (IBM/ McDonald, Facit)
3. product/ services · It is famous for its work constructing … · It produces/ manufactures and sells … · It is responsible for the manufacture and marketing of …
4. locations of the factories/ branches, etc. (the head of the office) · Our holding or parent company is located in the Netherlands. · The head of our office is in …
5. main customers/ suppliers (потребители/ поставщики) · The main customers of our business are … · Our suppliers are the representatives of …
6. size (of employees/ turnover – товарооборот) · We have a turnover of over sixty-two billion dollars and fifteen thousand employees worldwide. · The group has a turnover of …
7. current project · We are expanding our activities in China at the moment. · We are developing business ventures with the People’s Republic.
8. other information · We are developing a new culture … · We are introducing new system that encourage speed, risk …

V*. Well done. So, all of you are brilliant students. The second step of our seminar is to post, first of all, your companies’ achievement in figures and graphs (turnover, productivity, market share, etc.) if you wish. Then, you’ll have to post your company profile. It will be the first information to be placed in your blog.


VI*. Log in your partner’s blog, become familiar with his/ her personal and company profile. And be ready to participate in on-line discussion.

You may ask any questions you wish; invite to mutual cooperation; share in someone’s profits, expand the contacts with some other companies, attract investors’ attention to your company, and etc.

Thank your for excellent work! You have got some professional skills working in off-line and on-line regime. I hope this knowledge will help you in your future business and career.

Памятка студенту. Комментарии в блоге

I. *Составьте ключевые вопросы, предложения к сотрудничеству; продумайте отказ на приглашение и выдвижение своей альтернативы:

a) запрос информации;

b) организация деловой встречи;

с) приглашение к сотрудничеству;

d) заказ на продукцию, услуги.

II.* Зарегистрируйтесь в блоге своего партнёра по бизнесу и разместите свои вопросы, мнения, предложения по заключению договоров к сотрудничеству, заказа и т.д.

Памятка студенту «Подготовка к научно-студенческой конференции»


Making students’ conference

Greeting the audience

Good morning/ afternoon, Hello, ladies and gentlemen. friends and guests. everyone/ everybody jury/ my tutor
On behalf of the President of EDUCENTRAL Mc. Collin I’d like to welcome you to conference «My Major through English»

Introducing yourself

Let me introduce myself My name is … I’m … of … faculty As you already probably know …, I’m … of … faculty It is my chance/ privilege today to be talking to professional experts in this field

Some rules to begin your report

The report will take I am going to speak for about   5 (10) minutes
If you don’t understand pleas stop me. If you have any questions I will be glad/pleased/happy to answer them at the end of my report


Expressing the gratitude:don’t forget to thank your tutor for his help I would like to thank my scientific supervisor for his/her help …
Starting the target:While speaking about the targetyou canuse words like: the main aim/ purpose/ goal/ object/ topic. · The topic of my (this) work/ report/ presentation is to inform/ to review/ to discuss/ to identify/ to the information with … · My work consists of the introduction, the main part, the list of terms used in my review as well as the list of literature (Internet resources) and the resume.


Summary:repeat briefly the main point of the report or give a summary of the main idea/ proposal or conclusion · To sum it up, I can say that … · Summarizing the information given in my report I can draw your attention to the main conclusions I have come to … · Going over the main point raised in my paper/ report … · As a way of conclusion I should say that …
Closing:thank people, for their attention and invite them to ask questions · Thank you for attention/ being attentive/ listening to me very attentively · You are welcome to ask questions · If there are any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them

Points for discussion

· Why did you decide to do scientific research/report?

· What is the topic of your research?

· Why did you choose this topic?

· Are you going to publish any article on your research?

· Did you use the Internet for your work?

· How many parts are there in your work?

· Are there any Russian/ British/ American scholars who have investigated these problem?

· Are you going to use the materials you translated in your work?


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