Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Electronic assistant:Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the new library. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about reading books. Please answer the six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started. Electronic assistant: What books do you prefer to read? Student: _______________________ Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite writer? Student: _______________________ Electronic assistant: How often do you borrow books in the library? Student: _______________________ Electronic assistant:Why do teenagers use libraries less nowadays than they used to? Student: _______________________ Electronic assistant: Do you prefer e-books or printed books? Why? Student: _______________________ Electronic assistant: What book would you recommend your friends to read on holiday? Student: _______________________ Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Прослушайте запись ответов учащегося на вопросы телефонного опроса (запись 1–2.1). Прочитайте текст ответов и комментарии к нему. Согласны ли вы с этими комментариями? Можете ли вы что-либо добавить к ним?


Скрипт записи 1–2.1 (приводится без изменений)

Electronic assistant: What books do you prefer to read?

Student: So, as for me I prefer different kinds of books. For example, I like scientific books but also I read historical books and also adventure books. For some people I can offer to read the book of American writer. This books called “Roads” I find it very interesting and a bit touching.

Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite writer?

Student: So, I don’t have any favourite writers but I like to read books of Oscar Wilde and some Russian writers, for example Alexander Pushkin or Nikolai Gogol. I don’t have any favourite book and texts. And so …I can’t answer this question honestly because of these reasons.

Electronic assistant: How often do you borrow books in the library?

Student: To be honest I have never took them from librarybecause I have my own library at home. I can borrow there books and read them every day, and so I don’t have to take any signature from library and then get back it to library, because I have lots of books of different genres and topic at my home.

Electronic assistant: Why do teenagers use libraries less nowadays than they used to?

Student: Nowadays lots of technologies which can help us to read books on the computer, on the electronic books or on the phone, so nowadays teenagers prefer this reading to reading usual book and I think this is a bit bad and unhealthy because it can spoil our …eyes and teenagers must buy glasses and I think this is a bit bad for them and unhealthy as I told before.

Electronic assistant: Do you prefer e-books or printed books? Why?

Student: I think that I prefer printed books to e-books. Because I like to read it not on electronic board and on the screen because I also have problem problems with my eyes and this …even better to read text on the paper than to read it on the screen. And I like to read books printed because I have never tried to read e-books because I find them a bit different to printed books.

Electronic assistant: What book would you recommend your friends to read on holiday?

Student: Probably, I would recommend them to read book ‘War and Peace’ of Lev Tolstoy because it’s beautiful book and I found it very amazing and exciting. There are lots of different old words which are not using nowadays but this is touching story and I would recommend to read this books for my friends on holidays. I think this would be the best way to spend their time on holidays and just to play computer games or waste your time by watching TV.

Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Комментарий к записи 1–2.1

Учащийся дал полные ответы на вопросы 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 (см. подчеркнутые предложения в скрипте). Отвечая на вопрос 3, учащийся объяснил, какой вид книг он предпочитает и почему (I prefer printed books to e-booksbecause I also have problems with my eyes …even better to read text on the paper than to read it on the screen. ).

На вопрос 4 (Why do teenagers use libraries less nowadays than they used to?) учащийся ответ не дал.

Отвечая на вопросы, учащийся допустил ряд фонетических и языковых (лексических и грамматических) ошибок, но они не препятствуют пониманию ответов.

За ответы на вопросы 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 учащийся получает 1 балл;
за выполнение всего задания – 5 баллов (из 6 возможных).

ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Прослушайте запись ответов учащегося на вопросы телефонного опроса (запись 1–2.2). Прочитайте текст ответов и дополните комментарий.

Скрипт записи 1–2.2 (приводится без изменений)

Electronic assistant: What books do you prefer to read?

Student: Usually I prefer to read some books with fantastic stories and some adventures, but if I need to read some historical facts I usually read classic writers and books.

Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite writer?

Student: I haven’t any favourite writers but when I was in 2nd class, I liked to read Kir Bulichev, it’s very interesting books by his.

Electronic assistant: How often do you borrow books in the library?

Student:Usually I buy books that I want to read, but nowadays I have no time read books and it’s very awful.

Electronic assistant: Why do teenagers use libraries less nowadays than they used to?

Student: Because nowadays children want to play computer games or go for
a walk with their friends and they don’t like to read books.

Electronic assistant: Do you prefer e-books or printed books? Why?

Student: I prefer printed books because I like the pape r and I like to touch my favourite book.

Electronic assistant: What book would you recommend your friends to read on holiday?

Student: I can recommend my friends to read some fantastic books as like Harry Potter or … in Russian writers.

Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Комментарий к записи 2.2

Учащийся дал _______ ответы на вопросы _____________.

Однако на вопросы ______ учащийся не ответил:

- не было сказано, __________________________ (вопрос __);

- не _______________________________________ (вопрос ___).

Отвечая на вопросы, учащийся допустил ряд фонетических и языковых (лексических и грамматических) ошибок, но ______________________.

За ответы на вопросы ___________учащийся получает 1 балл, за выполнение всего задания – _________(из 6 возможных).


Прослушайте запись ответов учащегося на вопросы телефонного опроса (запись 1–2.3). Оцените и прокомментируйте выставленные баллы. Сравните вашу оценку с экспертной, изучите комментарии к выполненному учащемуся заданию. Согласны ли вы с этими комментариями? Можете ли вы что-либо добавить к ним?

Скрипт записи 1–2.3 (приводится без изменений)

Electronic assistant: What books do you prefer to read?

Student: I prefer mystering books.

Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite writer?

Student: My favourite writer is Carrol Lewis.

Electronic assistant: How often do you borrow books in the library?

Student: I borrow books about 2 times a week.

Electronic assistant: Why do teenagers use libraries less nowadays than they used to?

Student: нет ответа на этот вопрос.

Electronic assistant: Do you prefer e-books or printed books? Why?

Student: I …I prefer printed books because it’s most interested to read these books.

Electronic assistant: What book would you recommend your friends to read on holiday?

Student: I think it’s ‘Alice in… a Strange Country’.

Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Комментарий к записи 1–2.3

Учащийся дал ответы на вопросы 1, 2, 3 (см. подчеркнутые предложения в скрипте).

На вопрос 3 учащийся ответ не дал.

Отвечая на вопрос 4, учащийся не смог объяснить, почему он предпочитает печатные книги.

В ответе на вопрос 6 дано неточное название книги, но ответ можно засчитать (поскольку можно догадаться, о какой книге идет речь).

Учащийся допустил ряд фонетических и языковых (лексических и грамматических) ошибок, но они не препятствуют пониманию ответов на вопросы.

За ответы на вопросы 1, 2, 3, 6 учащийся получает 1 балл; за выполнение всего задания – 4 балла (из 6 возможных).


Прочитайте приведенный ниже скрипт телефонного опроса, в котором предлагается принять участие участникам ОГЭ. Ответьте на вопросы. Какие вопросы, на ваш взгляд, могут вызвать затруднения у учащихся? Почему?



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