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- The Age of Plastics.

- The Importance of Proteins.

- The Nature of Polymeric Materials.

- Man-made Polymers.


2. Ответьте на вопросы


1. What does the life depend on?

2. Why does life depend upon organic compounds?

3. What is the list of materials needed for life?

4. What do organic polymers include?

5. What have modern methods of physical and chemical analyses un­covered?

6. What products appeared on the basis of the discovery of polymers?

7. What properties do synthetic polymers possess?

8. Did people use natural polymers in ancient times?

9. What were those polymers?


3. Дайте химические термины к следующим определениям (определение переведите).


1. Any of large group of organic compounds found in all living organ­isms.

2. A synthetic or naturally occurring polymer used in making plastics.

3. A polysaccharide that consists of a long unbranched chain of glu­cose units.

4. A liquid that dissolves another substance or substances to form a so­lution.

5. A process of boiling a liquid and condensing and collecting a va­pour.

6. A suspension of small particles produced in a liquid by chemical re­action.

7. A homogeneous mixture of a liquid with a gas or solid.


4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на … обороты


1. Thousands of years ago stars were believed to govern the fate of men. 2. Scientists are known to agree that our universe is fundamentally dependent on two factors, one of which proves to be matter, the other energy. 3. The scien­tist found the atom to have, first of all a nucleus; the nuc­leus was found to be composed of the protons and neutrons.

4. Of all the available building materials, rock and stone are known to be traditionally associated with permanence.

5. The organic materials with the notable exception of wood appeared to be largely a development of the twentieth cen­tury. 6. We know metals to be extracted from natural ores, which of course are also ceramic materials. 7. The metals turn out not to be as hard as the ceramic materials, but ceramic materials have been stated to be very brittle. 8. Al­though neither hydrogen nor helium proved to be now com­mercially produced from air, it is appropriate to mention that neither liquid hydrogen nor liquid helium can be trans­ported in the type of equipment used for liquid oxygen, ni­trogen, and argon. 9. As the field of chemical engineering developed, physical operations have been found to be con­venient to classify into a number of "Unit Operations", which could be separately studied and investigated.


5. Подберите к словам, словосочетаниям и химическим терминам 1 - 25 соответствующие определения а – у.

1. greening

2. ecology

3. extinct

4. endangered species

5. rain forest

6. environmentalist

7. ozone layer

8. acid rain

9. greenhouse effect

10. landfill

11. global warming

12. solar energy

13. biogradable

14. fuel-efficient

15. recycling

16. organic fertilizers

17. deforestation

18. composting

19. hazardous waste

20. energy-efficient

21. non-toxic

22. ecologist

23. lethal chemicals

24. environment

25. nature



a) a moist, densely wooded area with annual rainfall of 200 cm;

b) a person who works toward protecting the environment from de­struction or pollution;

c) a region in the upper atmosphere containing a high amount of ozone gas that absorbs the Sun's ultraviolet radiation;

d) the phenomenon by which the Earth's atmosphere traps some of the Sun's heat as it radiates from the Earth's surface;

e) precipitation containing high levels of nitric and sulphuric acids re­sulting from car exhausts and factories;

f) a method of solid waste disposal in which refuse is buried between layers of dirt to fill in low-lying areas;

g) the increases in world's temperature due to the greenhouse effect;

h) electrical power generated by the heat of the Sun;

i) using little fuel;

j) capable of quick decomposition into the products that are not harm­ful to the environment;

k) the process of collecting used products and remanufacturing them into new products instead of throwing them away as garbage;

1) a natural product such as manure to make the soil more productive for agriculture;

m) making a mixture of decaying organic matter to improve soil struc­ture and provide nutrients for crop production;

n) nuclear waste or industrial by-product that is potentially damaging to the environment and harmful to the health and well-being of living organisms;

o) the destruction of forests resulting from excessive clearing;

p) using little energy;

q) not poisonous;

r) a specialist in a branch of science concerned with the interrelation­ship of organisms and their environment;

s) substances capable of causing death;

t) the complex of climatic, adaptive and biotic factors that act upon an organism and ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival;

u) the external world in its entirety;

v) a division of biology concerned with the relationship between living

things and their environment;

w) animals that are threatened with extinction (disappearance);

x) no longer existing or found on the Earth;

y) the act of making something green or fresh; a restoration


III. Control text

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The human body, all animal and plant tissues, and most build­ing substances in organic nature, such as proteins, wood, consist of polymeric or macromoiccular materials. Many minerals, such as silica and feldspar are inorganic polymers, and numerous products of an­cient and modern industry such as porcelain, glass, textiles, paper, rubber and plastics are either entirely or substantially polymeric. All these substances possess one essential common feature, they consist of very large molecules.

A polymer is a substance consisting of molecules which are multiples of low-molecular-weight units. The low-molecular-weight unit is the monomer.

Isomeric polymers are polymers which have essentially the same percentage composition, but differ with regard to the arrangement of the individual atoms or atom groups in the molecules.

A homopolymer consists of macromolecules which are formed either by a single type of unit or by two (or more) chemically dif­ferent types in regular sequence.

Copolymers are macromolecules containing two or more chemi­cally different monomeric units in a more or less irregular sequence.

Further examples can be given almost without limit. We note that most foodstuffs are non-newtonian. This is important in respect both to food processing and to the preparation of acceptable natural food substitutes.

In many cases the marketability of a polymer is due to the rhe­ologically complex behavior of the material. An example can be found in the compounding of materials for coating of surfaces. The non-newtonian behaviour of paints is an important factor in deter­mining the "brushability" of a paint. Interesting tests have been de­vised to measure this quality in the laboratory. One wishes to have a paint that will not show brush marks after drying; on the other hand, if the paint is too thin it will not adequately cover a surface. Similarly, the art of paper coating is highly dependent on the rheol-ogy of the coating material. In conventional coating applications the coating "colour", as it is called, is subjected to extreme variations of high and low shearing.

The petroleum industry uses large quantities of "drilling muds" to lubricate the drill bit and to carry rock chips out of the hole during drilling of oil wells. It is important to have muds which ex­hibit low viscosity under sharing but which are very thick at rest, thus preventing rapid settling of chips when the drilling unit is not in operation.

Plastics have established themselves as active competitors to the older materials of construction, even on the score of price, and the rapid growth of the plastic industry is attributable in part to the uti­lization of this group of materials for industrial construction. Of the vinyl resins, polyvinyl chloride is perhaps most widely used and is fabricated in sheets and drawn in tubes by welding. Sharp-tipped tools and high machine speeds produce the best results with this class of material. However, where dimensional stability is of paramount importance the filled phenolics still lead the field. This material is used as the material of construction not as a lining, even to very large units of equipment. By selecting the filler this may be produced as a thermal and electrical insulator or conductor. The material is fabricated by moulding, so that roughly speaking, any detail that can be cast in iron can be formed from a filled phenolic, but where flatsided vessels are involved, plates are fabricated by join­ing with chemically accelerated cements, and this can be done in situ.


Ответьте на вопросы


1. What do human body, animal and plant tissues consist of?

2. What polymeric products do you know?

3. What inorganic polymers do you know?

4. What is common for all these substances?

5. What is a polymer?

6. What is an isomeric polymer?

7. What is a ho-mopolymer?

8. What are copolymers?


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Test 10


1. In 1833 Berzelius formulated the … of polymerism

  1. concept
  2. theory
  3. principle
  4. method



2. The problem of protection of the environment is closely connected with the problem of … of polymers.

  1. Pollution
  2. Investigation
  3. Definition
  4. Production



3. The … of synthetic plastics is celluloid.

  1. Origion
  2. Beginner
  3. Ancestor
  4. Form



4. Plastics with cross-linked polymers … cannot be softened.

  1. Forms
  2. Ranges
  3. Chains
  4. Structures



5. Clouds are formed from …

  1. Water vapour
  2. Evaporation
  3. The hydrologic cycle
  4. Ground water



6. Carbon … to occur in two crystalline forms.

  1. Know
  2. Is known
  3. Knows
  4. It is known



7. The material for … organic chemicals used to be found in the sea.

  1. Producing
  2. Produce
  3. Produced
  4. Being produced



8. … these salts decompose.

  1. On being heated
  2. Having heated
  3. On heated
  4. Heating



9. It may seem strange that may came rather late to the … of organic polymers.

  1. Examination
  2. Creation
  3. Discovery
  4. Invention



10. Most of the organic chemical we have are…

  1. False
  2. Unreal
  3. Artificial
  4. Assumed




Keys to tests

Test 1

1 a 2 b 3 d 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 d 8 b 9 c 10 a


Test 2

1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 c 7 d 8 a 9 b 10 d


Test 3

1 b 2 a 3 a 4 d 5 c 6 d 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 d


Test 4

1 b 2 d 3 c 4 d 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 d


Test 5

1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 d 6 a 7 c 8 d 9 c 10 b


Test 6

1 b 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 d 9 c 10 a


Test 7

1b 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 d 7 b 8 a 9 c 10 a


Test 8

1 d 2 d 3 b 4 c 5 d 6 a 7 c 8 b 9 a 10 a


Test 9

1 c 2a 3 d 4 a 5 b 6 d 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 d


Test 10

1 a 2 d 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 a 9 a 10 c


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