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I. Define the sentence with the superlative degree of an adjective.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Содержание книги
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A. My room is bigger than yours. B. Physics is more interesting to him than chemistry. C. Monday is the most difficult day for us.
II. Which of the auxiliaries should be used for the general question? These children study French. A. do B. did C. does
III. Choose the sentence with the Present Perfect Active. A. The teacher has already explained the rule. B. The teacher didn’t explain the rule. C. The teacher had explained the rule before the bell rang.
IV. Choose the correct translation of the predicate. Tom is looking through the magazines. A. проглядав B. проглядає C. проглядатиме
V. Find the predicate in the Passive Voice. A. These problems are very difficult. B. All students are present. C. The texts are discussed at the lessons.
VI. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”. Де ви були вчора? A. was B. were C. are
VII. Find the corresponding modal verb. He (повинен) ring up. A. must B. can C. may
VIII. Use the proper preposition (is necessary). Через два тижні почнуться канікули. A. in B. at C. on
IX. Choose the corresponding word. 1. My … always believes me. A. star B. uncle C. century D. north
2. The soldiers were told … firing. A. to have B. to help C. to read D. to begin
3. The weather is … A. pretty B. handsome C. wonderful D. noisy
4. They were … displeased. A. extremely B. reasonably C. brightly D. dangerously
-2- I. Choose the correct form of the verb or adverb. 1. He doesn’t have … money. A. many B. much
2. Something … very good. A. smells B. is smelling
3. Gene … dinner when his friend called. A. was eating B. ate
4. John … his report last night. A. wrote B. has written
5. John, along with twenty friends… planning a party. A. is B. are
6. Neither Bill nor Mary … going to the play tonight. A. is B. are
-3- I. Choose the correct form of the verb or adverb. 1. I would like … salt on my vegetables. A. a few B. a little
2. We … dinner at seven o’clock tonight. A. eat B. are eating
3. While Maria was cleaning the apartment, her husband …. A. slept B. was sleeping
4. Bob … this movie before. A. has been B saw
5. After John … his clothes, he began to study. A. washed B. had washed
6. The picture of the soldiers … back many memories. A. bring B. brings
-4- I. Choose the infinitive, gerund or both. 1. Would you mind … the door? A. opening B. to open C. обидві форми
2. I asked … him. A. seeing B. to see C. обидві форми
3. He stopped … to me. A. talking B. to talk C. обидві форми
4. John expects … studying law next semester. A. beginning B. to begin C. обидві форми
John and his brother need.. the house. A. painting B. to paint C. обидві форми
II. Choose the correct form of the pronoun. 1. Susan regrets … being in trouble. A. we B. us C. our -5- I. Choose the correct translation of the sentences. She is known to live in England. A. Як нам відомо, вона живе в Англії багато років. B. Відомо, що вона живе в Англії. C. Відомо, що вона жила в Англії.
They asked me to write her a letter. A. Вони попросили, щоб я написав їй листа. B. Вони просять мене написати їй листа. C. Вони просили написати їй листа завтра.
I’ve never heard of him letting anyone down. A. Я ніколи не чув, щоб він кого-небудь підвів. B. Я не чув ніколи, що він може підвести будь-кого. C. Ніколи не чути про нього, що він підводить когось.
The prices are expected to fall soon. A. Очікують, що ціни незабаром впадуть. B. Як і очікували, незабаром почалось падіння цін. C. Ми чекаємо на зниження цін незабаром.
He watched Ann give me a book. A. Він спостерігає за тим, як Енн дає мені книгу. B. Він бачив, що Енн дала мені книгу. C. Він дивився, як Енн давала мені книгу вчора.
He did not recollect such a thing having happened to him before. A. Він не пам’ятав, щоб таке траплялось з ним раніше. B. Він не пам’ятає, щоб такі речі траплялися з ним будь-коли. C. Він не згадував про те, що трапилось з ним раніше.
-6- I. Choose the correct variant of the translation. The rising sun was hidden by the clouds. A. Сонце, яке сходить, з’явилось понад хмарами. B. Сонце, яке сходить, було закрите хмарами. C. Сонце сходило, але хмари закривали його.
The man smoking a cigarette is my brother. A. Людина курить цигарку з моїм братом. B. Людина, яка курила цигарку, мій брат. C. Людина, яка курить цигарку, мій брат.
The results obtained were promising. A. Результати, які отримали, були обнадійливими. B. Вони отримали обнадійливі результати. C. Обіцяли, що отримають обнадійливі результати.
Thrown by the boy the stone reached the opposite bank. A. Хлопець кинув камінь і він долетів до протилежного берега. B.Камінь, який кидає хлопець, долітає до протилежного берега. C.Камінь, який кинув хлопець, долетів до протилежного берега.
It being late, we had to return home. A. Оскільки було пізно, ми повинні були повернутися додому. B.Вже пізно і ми маємо повернутися додому. C.Якби було пізно, ми б повернулися додому.
I have my watch repaired. A. Я полагодив свій годинник. B. Мені полагодили годинник. C. Я маю полагодити свій годинник. -7- I. Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. Cowperwood realised that he … making a very remarkable confession. A. is B. was C. has been
2. I knew that he … a good engineer. A. is B. be C. was
3. She scarcely realized what … happening. A. was B. is C. will be
4. He told me that he … in Lviv. A. lived B. lives C. is living 5. She asked me when I … to Kyiv. A. go B. will go C. should go 6. We did not think the speed … so great. A. was B. is C. is being -8- I. Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. Henry talks to his dog as if it … him. A. understand B. understood C. will understand
2. If they had left the house earlier, they … so late. A. were not B. would not be C. would not have been
3. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I … it to my sister for her birthday. A. give B. would give C. shall give
4. If I ahd seen the movie, I … you about it last night. A. would have told B. told C. would tell
5. Had Bob not interfered in his sister’s marita problems, there … peace between them. A. were B. would have been C. was
6. He would give you the money if he … it. A. had B. have C. has
I. Find an English sentence equivalent for a Ukrainian one. В нашому інституті буде конференція. A. A conference will be there in our institute. B. There will be a conference in our institute. C. In our institute will be a conference there. D. There in our institute a conference shall be.
II. Choose the correct form of the verb “to have”. They … a good plan yesterday. A. have B. has C. had D. will have
III. Choose the correct form of the verb “to be”. Tom’s sister … seventeen years old. A. is B. am C. are D. be
IV. Define the function of the verbs “to have” or “to be”. We have a new lab. A. допоміжне дієслово B. модальне дієслово C. смислове дієслово
V. Choose the correct form in parentheses. The sun is shining … A. bright B. brightly
VI. Choose the correct form of the degrees of comparison. Pat’s car is … than Dan’s. A. fast B. the fastest C. faster
VII. Find the English equivalent. He (подобається) this book. A. like B. likes C. liked D. will like
VIII. Choose the necessary verb. When … you get up in the morning yesterday? A. did B. do C. does D. shall
IX. Finish the sentence by adding a tag question. You are going to the college, …? A. don’t you B. didn’t you C. aren’t you D. doesn’t he
X. Find the correct translation of the sentence. I was asked to read this sentence. A. Я попросив прочитати це речення. B. Я прочитав це речення. C. Мене попросили прочитати це речення.
XI. Choose the correct form of the verb. The ground … with deep snow. A. were covered B. are covered C. was covered D. am covered
I. Choose the correct form of the verb for the given sentence. Ann … dinner now. A. eats B. is eating C. has eaten
II. Use the Past Progressive or Simple Past. While John was reading a book, Martha (дивилась) television. A. was watching B. watched C. had watched
III. Put the predicate in the Future Progressive or Future Perfect. He … a letter at 5 o’clock tomorrow. A. will have written B. will be writing C. shell have written
IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb. This week she … twice in the language laboratory. A. works B. is working C. has worked V. Define the sentence in which the Past Perfect should be used. A. Yesterday he (вчив) new English words. B. She (відвідувала) lectures last month. C. I (виконав) my homework by two o’clock.
VI. Choose the necessary tense-form of the predicate for the Passive Voice. Considerable damage … by the fire. A. has caused B. has been caused C. will cause
VII. Find the English equivalent of the verb in the brackets. You (слід) write this article today. A. should B. need C. might
VIII. Give the correct translation of the equivalent of the modal verb.
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