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Практикум по теоретической фонетике↑ Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «БИРСКАЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ» И.Ю. РАХМАНОВА Практикум по теоретической фонетике для студентов III курса Учебно-методическое пособие Бирск 2010 УДК 811.111`24 Печатается по решению ББК 81. 432.1- 9 редакционно-издательского совета П-69 Бирской государственной социально-педагогической академии
Рецензенты: Ю.В. Горшунов проф., док. филол. наук, кафедра английской филологии (БирГСПА) кафедра английского языка и методики его преподавания (БирГСПА)
Автор-составитель: Рахманова И.Ю. – канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии БирГСПА
П-69 Рахманова И.Ю. Практикум по теоретической фонетике для студентов III курса. – Бирск: Бирск. гос. соц.- пед. акад., 2010. – 94 с.
В данном учебно-методическом пособии представлены материалы, которые помогут студентам III курса преодолеть трудности, возникающие при изучении курса «Теоретическая фонетика». Пособие содержит список литературы для подготовки к семинарским занятиям по курсу, планы семинарских занятий, планы занятий КСР (контроль самостоятельной работы), литература для СРС (самостоятельная работа студентов), тренировочные тесты, снабжённые ключами.
© Рахманова И.Ю., 2010 © Бирская государственная социально-педагогическая академия, 2010 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисловие……………………………………………………………………..4
1. Методические рекомендации студентам………………………………….5
2. Список литературы………………………………………………………….7
3. Тематический план лекций курса «Теоретическая фонетика»…………..9
4.Тематический план семинарских занятий…………………………………11
5. Планы занятий КСР …………………………………………………..........22
6. Самостоятельная работа студентов (СРС) ……………………………….23
7. Вопросы к экзамену «Теоретическая фонетика»……………………….26
8. Критерии оценки знаний студентов на экзамене……………………….27
9. Темы курсовых работ…………………………………………………….28
10. Темы выпускных квалификационных работ……………………………28
11. Инновационное обеспечение дисциплины …………………………….29
12.Тестовые задания ………………………………………………………...30
13. Ключи к тестовым заданиям…………………………………………….87 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов III курса факультетов иностранных языков, а также может быть использовано преподавателями, которые ведут курсы теоретической и практической фонетики английского языка, аспирантами-филологами. Пособие состоит из 13 разделов. Материал пособия помогает студентам при подготовке к семинарским занятиям, ориентирует в области литературы по данному курсу, помогает лучше освоить теоретический материал курса и организовать свою самостоятельную работу. Тренировочные тестовые задания помогают студентам лучше подготовиться к итоговым контрольным работам. Ключи к заданиям позволяют студентам самостоятельно проконтролировать свои знания по курсу «Теоретическая фонетика».
МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ СТУДЕНТАМ Данный курс предполагает обязательное посещение лекционных и семинарских занятий, занятий по КСР и активное участие в них. Лекции носят диалогический характер и предполагают постановку и обсуждение с аудиторией проблемных вопросов, формулирование вопросов студентами, ответы на вопросы лектора. На лекциях предусмотрено осуществление периодического контроля за усвоением дисциплины в виде небольших тестов, результаты которых учитываются в итоговом контроле (экзамене). Для подготовки к семинарским занятиям требуется: - усвоение и критическое осмысление информации, содержащейся в материалах лекций и ознакомление с рекомендованной литературой по проблемам (см. список основной и дополнительной литературы к каждому семинарскому занятию). Ответы на поставленные на занятии проблемы не предполагают пересказа соответствующего раздела прослушанной лекции (хотя данный момент является обязательным этапом подготовки к семинару), а требуют критического обзора рекомендованных источников. - выполнение практических заданий к семинарским занятиям (например, подготовить публичное выступление на определённую тему продолжительностью 7-12 минут). С целью качественной и своевременной подготовки к семинарскому занятию рекомендуется заранее ознакомиться с вопросами и списком рекомендованных источников к следующему занятию. Обязательным условием прохождения данной дисциплины является подготовка и проведение публичного выступления на выбранную тему. Выступление будет удачным, если в ходе работы над ним Вы будете следовать рекомендациям: 1. Определите цель выступления. 2. Определите свою позицию (комментатора, информатора и т.д.). 3. Соберите необходимую информацию и подготовьте текст выступления (либо тезисно, либо полностью). 4. Прорепетируйте выступление перед зеркалом или разными слушателями (например, друзьями). 5. Подумайте об интонации и возможных жестах в ходе произнесения речи. 6. В ходе выступления следите за реакцией слушателей, корректируйте свою речь, не забывайте о повторах сложных моментов и их комментировании. 7. Адекватно реагируйте на высказанные замечания. СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ
Основная литература
1. Sokolova M.A., Gintovt K.R. English Phonetics. A Theoretical Course. – M., 1991. 2. Vassilyev V.A. English Phonetics. A Theoretical Course. – M., 1970. 3. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A. Theoretical Phonetics. – Minsk, 1980. 4. Leontyeva S.F. A Theoretical Course of English Phonetics. – M., 1988. 5. Зиндер Л.Р. Общая фонетика. – Л., 1979. 6. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. Практикум: Учебное пособие (М.А.Соколова, Афонская И.А., Ковалева Л.Б. и др.) – М., 1997.
Дополнительная литература 1. Антипова А.М. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., 1979. 2. Антипова А.М. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 1984. 3. Браун Д. Восприятие английской речи на слух: кн. для учителя. На англ. языке.- М.: Просвещение, 1984. 4. Дикушина О.И. Фонетика английского языка. (Теоретический курс). – М-Л., 1965. 5. Исследование фоностилистических особенностей речевых стилей. /Сб. научных трудов. – М., 1978. 6. Кантер Л.А. Системный анализ речевой интонации. – М., 1988. 7. Крейдлин Г.Е., Чувилин Е.А. Улыбка как жест и как слово // Вопросы языкознания. – 2001. – № 4. – С. 66. 8. Маковский М.М. Английская диалектология. – М., 1980. 9. Медведева Т.В. Самая популярная разновидность произношения? // Филологические науки. – 2000. – № 1. – С. 78-83. 10. Орлов Г.А. Современная английская речь. – М.: Высшая школа, 1991. 11. Орлов Г.А. Современный английский язык в Австралии. – М., 1979. 12. Пиз А. Язык телодвижений. – Нижний Новгород, 1992. 13.Плоткин В.Я. Динамика английской фонологической системы. – Новосибирск, 1969. 14.Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Кантер А.А. и др. Практическая фонетика английского языка. – М., 1984. 15.Торсуева И.Г. Интонация и смысл высказывания. – М., 1979. 16.Торсуев Г.П. Проблемы теоретической фонетики и фонологии. М., 1969. 17.Хрестоматия по английской филологии / проф. Александрова О.В. – М., 1991. 18.Чикилева Л.С. Прагматический аспект публичной речи. – Бирск, 2002. 19.Shakhbagova D.A. Varieties of English Pronunciation. – M., 1982. ТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ПЛАН ЛЕКЦИЙ КУРСА «Теоретическая фонетика»
Lecture № 1 Topic: Theoretical Phonetics as a Branch of Linguistics Plan: 1. Phonetics as a science. Its aims and significance. 2. Branches of Phonetics. 3. The connection of Phonetics with other linguistic and non-linguistic sciences. Its practical, social and theoretical significance.
Lecture № 2 Topic: Phonostylistics Plan: 1. Phonostylistics as a branch of linguistics. 2. Extra linguistic situation, main style differentiating factors. 3. Classification of intonational functional styles. 4. The main difference between reading and speaking.
Lecture № 3 Topic: The Phoneme Theory Plan: 1. The definition of the phoneme, its aspects and functions. 2. The phoneme theory existing in this country and abroad. 3. Types of transcription. 4. Methods used in phonological investigation. 5. Morthonology.
Lecture № 4 Topic: The System of English Consonant and Vowel Phonemes Plan: 1. The system of English consonants. 2. The system of English vowels.
Lecture № 5 Topic: Syllabic and Accentual Structure of English Words Plan: 1. English syllables. 2. Accentual structure of English words. 3. The English segmental phonemes in writing.
Lecture № 6 Topic: Intonation Plan: 1. Definition of intonation. 2. Two main approaches to the problem of intonation. 3. Functions of intonation. 4. Components of intonation. 5. Notation.
Lecture № 7 Topic: Territorial Varieties of English Pronunciation Plan: 1. Spread of English. 2. English-based pronunciation standards of English. 3. American-based pronunciation standards of English. 4. Paralinguistic means of communication.
Seminar I-2 Seminar 1 Seminar 2 The study of pronunciation. Seminar 3-4 Seminar 3 Problems of Phonostylistics 1. Phonostylistics – a new way of looking at phonetic phenomena. Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp. 16-19. 2. The lecture. 2. Extralinguistic situation and its components. Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp.19-21. 2. The lecture. 3. The main factors determining variations in language usage: 1) the purpose, or the aim of the utterance; 2) the speaker’s attitude; 3) the form of communication; 4) the degree of formality; 5) the degree of spontaneity. Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp. 21-26. 2. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A., pp. 122-129. 3. The lecture. 4. Two kinds of speech – speaking and reading. Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp. 26-29. 2. The lecture. 5. Classification of phonetic styles. 1) Informational style; 2) Academic style; 3) Publicistic style; 4) Declamatory style; 5) Conversational style. Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp. 30-32. 2. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A., pp. 122-125. 3. The lecture. 4. Sokolova M.A. Практическая фонетика английского языка. Практикум. – М., 1997. – С. 8-21. Seminar 4 What is communication. Contextualization. The spoken language. Literature: Хрестоматия по английской филологии. Александрова О.В. – С. 87-88. Seminar 5 – 6 Seminar 5 Seminar 6 1. Aspects of the phoneme: 1) material aspect; 2) abstractional aspect; 3) functional aspect; Literature: 1. Vassilyev V.A. Ch.5. 5.17 - 5.19. 2. The lecture. 2. Functions of the phoneme: 1) The constitutive function; 2) The distinctive function; 3) The recognitive function. Literature: 1. Vassilyev V.A. Ch.5. 5.33 - 5.36. 2. The lecture. 3. Types of transcription: Literature: 1. Vassilyev V.A. Ch. 5. 5.20 - 5.22; 5.25. 2. Sokolova M.A., pp.40-41 (4); pp.34-36 (1, 3); pp.40-41. 3. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A., pp. 42-44. 4. The lecture. 4. Methods of Phonological Analysis: 1. The aim of the phonological analysis. 2. The distributional method. 3. The semantic method. Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp. 43-48. 2. Vassilyev V.A. Ch. 5.53-5.57; 5.60; 5.67-5.69. 3. The lecture. Seminar 7 Seminar 8 Seminar 9 Seminar 10 Intonation 1. Definition of intonation. 2. Function of intonation as means of communication.
Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp.125-128. 2. The lecture. 3. Components of intonation: 1) Rhythm and tamber; 2) Sentence stress (normal, rhythmic, logical, emphatic); 3) Tempo of speech, pauses (syntactic, emphatic, hesitation); 4) Melody or pitch.
Literature: 1. Leontyeva S.F., pp.193-199. 2. Vassilyev V.A. Ch. 12. P. 286. 3. Sokolova M.A., pp. 113-121. 4. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A., pp. 75-87. 5. The lecture. 4. Main types and parts of an intonation pattern (group).
Literature: 1. Vassilyev V.A. Ch. 12., pp. 299-301. 2. Leontyeva S.F., pp. 190-195. 5. Notation.
Literature: 1. Sokolova M.A., pp. 122-136. 2. Vassilyev V.A. 3. The lecture.
Дополнительная литература 1) Rhythm. Sokolova M.A. pp.130-137. (Практикум) 2) Prosodic Units. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A., pp.71-74. 3) The functional aspect of prosody. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A., pp. 89-98. 4) Borisova L.V., Metlyuk A.A., pp. 99-107. 5) Sokolova M.A., pp. 99-125. (Практикум) Seminar 11 Stylistic Use of Intonation 1. Stylistic use of intonation. Seminar 12 Seminar 13 Seminar 14 1. Doing of Practical Assignments. 2. Test in Theory.
САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА СТУДЕНТОВ СРС осуществляется в форме подготовки публичных выступлений, рефератов по указанным ниже темам.
Вопросы к экзамену «Теоретическая фонетика» 1. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. The main branches of phonetics. 2. The main methods and devices used in phonetic investigation. 3. Phonetics and other sciences (linguistic and non-linguistic). 4. Practical and theoretical significance of phonetics. 5. The conception of the phoneme put forward in this country. 6. The conception of the phoneme put forward abroad. 7. A phoneme as a dialectic unity of three aspects: material, abstractional, functional. 8. Methods of phonological investigation. The distributional method. The semantic method. 9. Two types of phonetic transcription. 10. Principle types of pronunciation in Great Britain. RP as a teaching norm. 11. Regional non-RP accents of English (English English. Welsh English). 12. Regional non-RP accents of English (Scottish English. Northern Ireland English). 13. The system of English vowels. Changes of vowel quality. 14. The system of English consonants. Changes of consonant quality. 15. American-based pronunciation standards of English (American English. General American). 16. Intonation. Its components (rhythm, tamber). 17. Intonation. Its components (stress, tempo, melody). 18. Nature of word stress. Different conceptions of word stress. 19. Types of sentence stress (normal, rhythmic, logical, emphatic). 20. Placement of word stress. Functions of word stress (constitutive, distinctive, recognitive). 21. Intonation, its definition and the main functions. Intonation pattern. 22. Different ways of marking intonation in the text and on the staves. (Different notation systems) 23. Stylistic use of intonation. (Informational style. Publicistic style. Declamatory style. Conversational style). 24. Intonation and language teaching. 25. Problems of phonostylistics. 26. Extra-linguistic situation, main style differentiating factors. 27. The main difference between reading and speaking. 28. Syntactic, emphatic and hesitation pauses. Verbal “fillers” in speech. 29. The role of paralinguistic means in the process of communication (a smile, eye-contact, gestures, facial expression). 30. Pragmatic means used in public speaking. 8. Критерии оценки знаний студентов на экзамене Ответ студента на вопросы экзаменационного билета оценивается на «отлично», если студент точно и правильно ответил на все вопросы по теории курса и справился с практическим заданием. На «хорошо» оценивается ответ, охватывающий основной материал экзаменационного билета, студент должен справиться с практическим заданием и ответить на дополнительные вопросы экзаменатора. «Удовлетворительным» считается ответ, если студент смог только поверхностно отразить содержание вопросов экзаменационного билета, справился с практическим заданием, но не смог ответить на все вопросы экзаменатора. «Неудовлетворительным» считается ответ, если студент не смог ответить на вопросы экзаменационного билета и экзаменатора, не справился с практическим заданием. Темы курсовых работ 1. Инаугурационная речь американских президентов как разновидность риторического дискурса. 2. Роль текстовых реминисценций в публичной речи. 3. Метафора как средство создания прагматического эффекта (на материале публичной речи). 4. Американский политический дискурс. 5. Роль аллюзий в публичной речи. 6. Лингвокультурологические особенности американской публичной речи. 7. Прагматический аспект американской публичной речи. 8. Роль аргументации в американской публичной речи. 9. Роль стилистических средств в создании положительного перлокутивного эффекта (на материале публичной речи). 10.Гендерные различия в американской публичной речи.
ТЕСТОВЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ Дидактическая единица 1 Phonetics as a Science I: {{001}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: Phonetics is … -: a branch of linguistics which studies consonants and vowels -: an independent branch of linguistics which studies the sound system of the language, i.e. segmental phonemes, word stress, syllabic structure and intonation -: an independent branch of linguistics which studies separate sounds -: a part of grammar which deals with speech sounds I: {{002}} S: The term “Phonetics” comes from the … words -: Greek -: Latin -: English -: French I: {{003}} S: Speech sounds have four aspects: articulatory, acoustic, auditory and … -: functional -: allophonic -: lexical -: phonetic I: {{004}} S: From the articulatory point of view every speech sound is a complex of definite, coordinated and differentiated movements and positions of the various speech … -: organs -: activities -: sounds -: variations I: {{005}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: Special phonetics is the phonetics of a particular ###. I: {{006}} S: Phonetics is connected with linguistic and ### sciences. I: {{007}} S: There are two cavities: the mouth cavity and the ### cavity. I: {{008}} S: Phonetics which is mainly concerned with the functioning of phonetic units in the language is called ###. I: {{009}} S: Phonetics is divided into 2 major components: segmental and ###. I: {{010}} Q: Definitions can be made up through matching their parts from the columns. L1: Acoustic phonetics studies R1: the way in which the air vibrates between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ear
L2: Auditory phonetics investigates R2: the hearing process L3: Articulatory phonetics studies mostly R3: the movements of speech organs R4: the rhythm R5: the vocal cords I: {{011}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: The opening between the vocal cords is known as the ###. I: {{012}} S: The branch of phonetics that studies the linguistic function of consonant and vowel sounds, syllabic structure, word accent and prosodic features is called ###. I: {{013}} S: The ways in which pronunciation interacts with society are studied by ###. I: {{014}} S: Phonetics that studies the substance, the material form of phonetic phenomena in relation to meaning is called ###. I: {{015}} Q: Definitions can be made up through matching their parts from the columns. L1:Special phonetics is R1: the phonetics of a particular language L2: Comparative phonetics studies R2: kindred languages L3: Functional phonetics studies R3: the functional styles of the spoken speech R4: the hearing process R5: the pronunciation I: {{016}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: The air may pass through the nasal cavity and the ### cavity. Дидактическая единица 2 Problems of Phonostylistics II: {{017}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: Phonostylistics is a part of … -: functional stylistics -: general stylistics -: comparative stylistics -: historical stylistics II: {{018}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: Factors that lie outside the linguistic properties and influence pronunciation are called ###. II: {{019}} S: The branch of linguistics which is primarily concerned with the problems of functional styles is called ###. II: {{020}} S: The science which studies the functional aspects of speech sounds and all the other components of the sound matter of the language is called ###. II: {{021}} S: The method of direct observation and experimental method are the basic methods of ###. II: {{022}} S: Artistic, acquired or stage style is called ###. II: {{023}} S: Phonostylistics is a new way of looking at ###. II: {{024}} S: Informational intonational style is qualified as ###. II: {{025}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: The method of direct observation is… -: he oldest -: modern -: the most up to date -: not widely used II: {{026}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: The form of communication may be a monologue, a dialogue, ###. II: {{027}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: Using a tape-recorder means … -: using the method of direct observation -: fixing the speech -: using the instrumental method in speech analysis -: analyzing the sounds II: {{028}} S: Suppose your pupil palatalizes the sound [t] in the word “pity” and pronounces the sound [p] without aspiration. These mistakes are … -: stylistic -: phonetic -: phonological -: functional II: {{029}} S: Suppose your pupil pronounces the Russian [p] instead of the English [r]. This mistake is … -: stylistic -: phonetic -: phonological -: functional II: {{030}} S: Suppose your pupil pronounces the word “sit” with the vowel [i:]. This mistake is … -: phonological -: phonetic -: functional -: stylistic II: {{031}} S: Suppose your pupils pronounce an unaspirated [t] in the word “ten”. This mistake is … -: phonological -: phonetic -: functional -: stylistic II: {{032}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: The main factors determining variations in language usage are the purpose or the aim of the utterance, the speaker’s attitude, the form of communication, the degree of formality, ###. II: {{033}} S: There are two kinds of speech – speaking and ###. II: {{034}} S: According to M.A. Sokolova there are 5 phonetic styles: informational, academic, publicistic, declamatory and ###. II: {{035}} S: Extralinguistic situation has 3 components: purpose, participants and ###. II: {{036}} S: Phonostylistics is not a new ###. II: {{037}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: A system of interrelated intonational means which is used in a social sphere and serves a definite aim of communication is called … -: functional style -: intonational style -: linguistic style -: grammatical style II: {{038}} S: The choice of an intonational style is determined by the purpose of … -: communication -: utterance -: speech -: activity II: {{039}} S: In oral speech the means of the prosodic realization are more … -: expressive -: valuable -: valueless -: formal II: {{040}} S: The speaker may use hesitation … -: rhythm -: pauses -: styles -: length II: {{041}} S: Pauses may be silent and … -: slow -: filled -: long -: expressive II: {{042}} S: Silent pauses may be called … -: phonetic -: embarrassing -: strange -: long II: {{043}} S: Terminal tones are very … -: common -: categoric -: meaningful -: rhythmic II: {{044}} S: Academic style is volitional and … -: neutral -: intellectual -: common -: quick II: {{045}} S: Academic style is manifested in academic and educational lectures, scientific discussions, at the … -: concerts -: conferences -: clubs -: cinema II: {{046}} S: The ideal model of the scientific style talk would be an academic informational … -: piece of news -: lecture -: dialogue -: seminar II: {{047}} S: Publicistic style is especially noticeable in public political … -: clubs -: speeches -: seminars -: cinema II: {{048}} S: Political speeches tend to be very formal, politicians use “high-flown” phrases and set … -: talks -: expressions -: lectures -: news II: {{049}} S: Any public speech is fully prepared and even … -: read -: rehearsed -: translated -: forgotten II: {{050}} S: In any public speech the speaker uses “rhetorical silence” to exert influence on the … -: parents -: public -: president -: wife II: {{051}} S: The prosodic organization of declamatory texts depends on the type of the theatrical performance – whether it is a drama or a … -: show -: comedy -: lesson -: wild life programme II: {{052}} S: In everyday life a more natural and spontaneous style is used. It is called … -: conversational style -: declamatory style -: informational style -: publicistic style II: {{053}} S: In conversational style speakers use lots of emotional stimulating speech signals which are called … -: dialogues -: gestures -: pauses -: levels II: {{054}} S: Non-verbal means of communication are – postures, gestures, facial … -: manners -: expressions -: cosmetics -: manifestations II: {{055}} S: Conversations are characterizes by the lack of planning and the randomness of subject … -: matter -: style -: type -: expression II: {{056}} S: Polite phrases which help to keep the conversation going (asking for information, agreeing, expressing gratitude etc.) are called speech … -: behaviour -: etiquette -: activity -: manner II: {{057}} S: Spontaneous conversation is characterized by a high proportion of “errors” involving hesitation phenomena, slips of the … -: speech -: tongue -: head -: behaviour II: {{058}} S: Many of sentences used in dialogue are … -: complex -: incomplete -: compound -: long II: {{059}} S: Speakers use high tempo of speech and they may … each other. -: characterize -: interrupt -: see -: agree II: {{060}} S: Vocabulary of conversational style is characterized by the use of colloquialisms, idioms and vocalization, sometimes … is introduced. -: gesture -: slang -: smile -: anecdote II: {{061}} S: There are three very important stages in classroom interaction – opening, answering and … -: speaking -: follow-up -: quarrelling -: keeping silence II: {{062}} S: All intonation choices depend ultimately on the … situation the speakers find themselves. -: place -: extralinguistic -: time -: proper II: {{063}} S: “Interest” of the listener is based on forward posture, visual attention, initiation of eyebrow or blinks during the speaker’s … -: presentation -: answer -: behaviour -: attitude Дидактическая единица 3 Phoneme III: {{064}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: The phoneme is the smallest ###. III: {{065}} S: The phoneme is a unity of three aspects: material, abstractional and ###. III: {{066}} S: The functions of the phoneme are constitutive, distinctive, ###. III: {{067}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: L.V. Shcherba created … conceptionof the phoneme theory. -: a mentalistic -: a materialistic -: a historical -: a linguistic III: {{068}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: The function of speech sounds in so far as they constitute the material forms of morphemes, words and sentences may be called ###. III: {{069}} S: The smallest language unit that exists in the speech of all the members of a given language community is called ###. III: {{070}} S: The phoneme is material, real and ###. III: {{071}} S: Allophones that occur under the influence of the neighbouring sounds in different phonetic situations are called … III: {{072}} S: A set of symbols representing speech sounds is termed as ###. III: {{073}} S: The functional view of the phoneme gave rise to a branch of linguists called ###. III: {{074}} S: The “abstract” view of the phoneme regards phonemes as independent of the acoustic and physiological ###. III: {{075}} S: The “physical” view regards the phoneme as a ### of related sounds satisfying certain conditions. III: {{076}} S: Sounds which are variants of a phoneme are called ###. III: {{077}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: In the sentences: “He was heard badly. – He was hurt badly.”- the opposition of phonemes serves to distinguish the meaning of … -: the morphemes -: the whole phrase -: the words -: the paragraph III: {{078}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: The phoneme is realized in speech in the form of speech ###. III: {{079}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: The allophones of the same phoneme are not identical in their articulatory content though there remains some … between them. -: linguistic relevance -: phonetic similarity -: allophonic similarity -: peculiarity III: {{080}} S: The dark [ł] and the light [l] belong to the same phoneme [l] as they are not capable of differentiating the … -: context -: meaning -: sounds -: letters III: {{081}} S: The articulatory features which form the invariant of the phoneme are called … -: irrelevant -: relevant -: linguistic -: functional III: {{082}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: If an allophone of the same phoneme is replaced by an allophone of a different phoneme the mistake is called ###. III: {{083}} S: If an allophone of one phoneme is replaced by another allophone of the same phoneme the mistake is called ###. III: {{084}} S: Allophonic transcription is called ###. III: {{085}} S: Phonetic transcription is called ###. III: {{086}} S: Narrow transcription provides symbols for all ###. III: {{087}} S: Broad transcription provides symbols for all ###. III: {{088}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: Narrow transcription is good for … purposes. -: linguistic -: scientific -: teaching -: phonological III: {{089}} S: Allophones of different phonemes occur in … phonetic context. -: different -: the same -: equal -: narrow III: {{090}} S: Allophones of the same phoneme never occur in … phonetic context -: different -: the same -: equal -: narrow III: {{091}} S: Broad transcription is good for … purposes. -: scientific -: teaching -: linguistic -: phonological III: {{092}} S: There are … kinds of oppositions of phonemes in the English language. -: two -: three -: four -: five III: {{093}} S: If the opposition is single one … feature of phonemes is marked. -: distinctive -: double -: triple -: multiple III: {{094}} Q: Notions can be made up through matching their parts from the columns.
L1: If one distinctive feature of phonemes R1: single is marked, the opposition is L2: If two distinctive features of phonemes R1: double are marked, the opposition is L3: If three distinctive features of phonemes R3: triple are marked, the opposition is R4: proper R5: regular III: {{095}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: Scientists use ### type of transcription. Дидактическая единица 4 Дидактическая единица 5 Дидактическая единица 6 Intonation VI: {{172}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: In the broad sense intonation is … -: a complex unity of all its components -: speech melody and pitch variations -: the stress which is the strongest compared with the other stresses used in a word -: tempo, rhythm and pausation VI: {{173}} S: The components of intonation are … -: speech melody, word stress, tempo, rhythm and pausation, voice-tamber -: pre-head, head, head -: the Low Fall, the High Fall, the Rise-Fall, the Low Rise, the High Rise, the Fall-Rise -: pre-head, head, tail VI: {{174}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject. S: Rhythm is the regular alternation of stressed and ###. VI: {{175}} S: A special voice colouring is called ###. VI: {{176}} Q: The correct answer for the following is: S: The parts of an intonation pattern are pre-head, head, nucleus, … -: end -: tail -: finish -: post-head VI: {{177}} S: The phonemic composition of the words of a sentence may differ from that composition of words when they are used in … -: isolation -: a context -: a text -: a phrase VI: {{178}} S: Isolated words don’t express the speaker’s attitude, feelings and thoughts, they don’t constitute a … -: sentence -: form -: word -: combination VI: {{179}} S: Intonation turns the word or word combination into a … -: action -: sentence -: type -: context VI: {{180}} S: Intonation performs its sentence-constitutive function not only in oral speech, but also in … language. -: written -: English -: French -: foreign VI: {{181}} S: In written texts intonation is represented by … -: grammar -: punctuation -: phonemes -: allophones VI: {{182}} S: Intonation cannot represent all the extremely rich and varied intonations of living … -: being -: speech -: organism -: people VI: {{183}} S: The punctuation marks at the end of the sentence do double duty – delimit sentences, indicate different syntactic types of … -: sentences -: words -: phrases -: units VI: {{184}} S: A full stop signals the writer’s intention to make the sentence … -: declarative -: interrogative -: exclamatory -: complex VI: {{185}} S: The question mark may signal two different patterns of intonation: downward and … -: upward -: inward -: fall-rise -: special VI: {{186}} S: The change of pitch may be a realization of two phonologically opposed sentence tones: falling and … -: rising -: falling-rising -: falling -: rising and falling VI: {{187}} S: An exclamation mark signals that the fall is … -: lower -: wider -: slow -: quick VI: {{188}} S: Some phoneticians define intonation only as variation of … -: pitch -: tempo -: tamber -: pauses VI: {{189}} S: In the narrow sense intonation is speech melody and … -: pitch variations -: tempo -: stress -: pausation VI: {{190}} S: Although the four components of intonation function all together, none of them can be isolated in actual … -: analysis -: speech -: sentence -: pitch VI: {{191}} S: The constitutive, distinctive and … functions – are functions of intonation. -: identificatory -: phonological -: stylistic -: lexical VI: {{192}} S: The constitutive function manifests itself in the delimitative function, both within a sentence and at its … -: end -: middle -: tail -: nucleus VI: {{193}} S: The delimitative function within a sentence consists in delimiting from each other its portions which are known as … -: groups -: intonation-groups -: grammar-groups -: terminal groups VI: {{194}} S: The last stressed syllable of a sense-group or sentence is called … -: nucleus -: tail -: head -: variant VI: {{195}} S: A syllable containing a high fall is … than one with a low fall. -: slower -: longer -: shorter -: quicker VI: {{196}} S: A stressed syllable is usually represented like a dash, an unstressed – like a … -: dot -: curve -: stave -: tone VI: {{197}} S: All nuclear tones may be made … -: emphatic -: slower -: longer -: quicker VI: {{198}} S: The High Normal tones are in most frequent use, and may be considered as the … variety. -: territorial -: basic -: dialectal -: regional VI: {{199}} S: One section of an intonation pattern, formed by unstressed or partially stressed syllable(s) preceding the 1st fully stressed syllable is called the … -: prehead -: head -: nucleus -: tail VI: {{200}} S: One section of an intonation pattern, formed by the 1st fully stressed syllable of the intonation-group is called the … -: prehead -: head -: nucleus -: tail VI: {{201}} S: One section of an intonation-group, formed by the stressed and unstressed syllables lying between the head and the nucleus is called the … -: body -: prehead -: head -: nucleus VI: {{202}} S: When the nuclear syllable is followed by any unstressed or partially stressed syllable(s) it is called the … -: prehead -: tail -: head -: body VI: {{203}} S: The type of tail depends on the … tone used. -: nuclear -: final -: terminal -: level VI: {{204}} S: The terminal tone is a … unit than a nuclear tone. -: broader -: narrower -: closer -: more basic VI: {{205}} S: There are … pitch levels. -: 2 -: 3 -: 4 -: 5 VI: {{206}} S: Pitch range is the interval between … differently-pitched syllables. -: 2 -: 3 -: 4 -: 5 VI: {{207}} S: Pitch ranges may be wide or … -: narrow -: broad -: quick -: slow VI: {{208}} S: Pitch ranges should not be confused with pitch … -: tone -: level -: end -: analysis VI: {{209}} S: The American descriptivists define 4 pitch levels: extra high, high, mid and … -: big -: low -: graphic -: nucleus VI: {{210}} S: Terminal sentence tonemes distinguish the speaker’s emotional attitudes. This is the … function of intonation. -: attitudinal -: distinctive -: functional -: phonological VI: {{211}} S: If there are two or more words in an intonation-group, at least one of them should have sentence … -: stress -: end -: pitch -: group VI: {{212}} S: Sentence-stress may be defined as the special … given to one or more words so as to single them out among the other words in the same intonation group. -: means -: prominence -: device -: way VI: {{213}} S: Sentence accent is … from word accent. -: different -: the same -: lower -: narrower VI: {{214}} S: The distribution of stresses in a sentence is determined primarily by the … factor. -: semantic -: linguistic -: functional -: lexical VI: {{215}} S: Word accentuation is determined by the accentual rules of the … -: language -: speech -: English -: vocabulary VI: {{216}} S: A word or a group of words which conveys the most important point of communication in the sense group is called the … -: head -: communicative centre -: nucleus -: centre VI: {{217}} S: Communicative centre contains … information for the listener. -: new -: known -: old -: modern VI: {{218}} S: The stress on the word expressing the communicative centre is called the … -: nominal stress -: logical stress -: normal stress -: emphatic stress VI: {{219}} S: Different degrees of sentence-stress distinguish emphatic sentences from … ones. -: unemphatic -: complex -: interrogative -: compound VI: {{220}} S: The temporal component of intonation manifests itself in pauses, duration, … -: stress -: rhythm -: speed -: rate VI: {{221}} S: Physical nature of … is yet unknown. -: tamber -: stress -: rhythm -: tempo VI: {{222}} S: There are no languages which are spoken as a … -: quick tone -: monotone -: rapid speech -: variety VI: {{223}} S: Term “prosody” cannot substitute the term … -: intonation -: pitch -: language -: pause VI: {{224}} S: An intonation pattern contains … nucleus. -: one -: two -: three -: five VI: {{225}} S: Terminal tone is formed by the nucleus and … -: the tail -: head -: prehead -: body VI: {{226}} S: There exist several notation systems which represent intonation in … -: listening -: writing -: asking -: mentioning VI: {{227}} S: We can roughly divide the information in a message into given information and … information. -: new -: old -: modern -: old-fashioned VI: {{228}} S: Given information is called … -: the theme -: old -: known -: modern VI: {{229}} S: New information is called … -: the rheme -: acknowledged -: admitted -: accepted VI: {{230}} S: The most powerful phonological unit is the … -: terminal tone -: syntactical tone -: nuclear tone -: initial tone VI: {{231}} S: The number of terminal tones indicates the number of … -: punctuation marks -: intonation groups -: syllables -: words VI: {{232}} S: Rhythm is realized in lexical, syntactical and … means. -: prosodic -: grammatical -: functional -: modern VI: {{233}} S: There are two groups of languages syllable-timed and … -: stress-timed -: mono-timed -: phoneme-timed -: place-timed VI: {{234}} S: Speech rhythm has influence on vowel reduction and … -: accommodation -: elision -: neutralization -: transmission VI: {{235}} S: The more organized, the speech is the more … -: rhythmical -: quick -: slow -: modern VI: {{236}} S: The most striking rhythmicality is observed in … -: poetry -: literature -: articles -: tales VI: {{237}} S: There are numerous stylistic … known in poetry. -: devices -: words -: structures -: groups VI: {{238}} S: Repetition of the same sound at frequent intervals is called … -: alliteration -: assonance -: parallelism -: polysyndeton VI: {{239}} S: Imitation of the sounds of animals is called … -: alliteration -: sound symbolism -: parallelism -: polysyndeton VI: {{240}} S: The unusual word order chosen to emphasize the logical centre of the phrase is called … -: inversion -: assonance -: parallelism -: polysyndeton VI: {{241}} S: A syntactical stylistic device which stimulates rhythmicality of a poem by repetition of the same conjunctions is called … -: inversion -: polysyndeton -: parallelism -: alliteration VI: {{242}} S: A syntactical stylistic device which helps to increase rhythmicality by repetition of grammatical structures is called … -: syntactical parallelism -: repetition -: alliteration -: polysyndeton VI: {{243}} S: A special choice of words to show the increase of feelings, emotions or actions is called … -: intensification -: metaphor -: simile -: personification VI: {{244}} S: A fairy-tale has a specific manner of oral presentation, different from poetry and … -: article -: prose -: text -: newspaper style VI: {{245}} S: The end of a rhythmic unit is marked by a … -: pause -: tempo -: stress -: intensity VI: {{246}} S: Pauses may be long, very long and … -: short -: quick -: simple -: complex VI: {{247}} S: Speech without pauses seems … -: unnatural -: natural -: formal -: informal
Дидактическая единица 7 КЛЮЧИ К ТЕСТОВЫМ ЗАДАНИЯМ Дидактическая единица 1 Phonetics as a Science
I: {{001}} -: an independent branch of linguistics which studies the sound system of the language, i.e. segmental phonemes, word stress, syllabic structure and intonation I: {{002}} -: Greek I: {{003}} -: functional I: {{004}} -: organs I: {{005}} -: language I: {{006}} -: non-linguistic
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