Ex. 3.Put the following sentences into the Passive (paying attention to transitive verbs followed by prepositions). 

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Ex. 3.Put the following sentences into the Passive (paying attention to transitive verbs followed by prepositions).


Ex. 2. Fill in by or with.

1. The lock was broken … a hammer. 2. This book was written … my favourite author.               3. The cake was decorated … icing. 4. The tiger was shot … a gun. 5. Claire was shouted at … her teacher. 6. He was hit on the head … an umbrella. 7. She was woken up …a loud voice.                8. John was told off … his mother. 9. The chair was covered … a woolen blanket. 10. This dessert was made … with Irish cream.

Ex. 3.Put the following sentences into the Passive (paying attention to transitive verbs followed by prepositions).

    Model:   They arrived at the decision soon. →

                      The decision was arrived at soon.

1. People speak much of this famous actor.

2. They will look after the children well while you are away.

3. They sent for the doctor at once.

4. The teachers were always finding fault with Tom.

5. Why are they laughing at him?

6. Very soon they lost sight of the train.

7. He is an excellent lecturer and students always listen to him with great interest.

8. We can always rely on his words.

9. Nobody has lived in this summer cottage since last winter.

10. I cannot understand why they often refer to his works.

11. Nodody took notice of that little boy.

Ex. 4.Use the appropriate form of the verb instead of the Infinitives in brackets.

1. Such mistakes (to make) even by the best students.

2. A special meeting (to hold) at 7 p. m. tonight.

3. The students (to examine) now.

4. All political events (to discuss) weekly by our group.

5. Everything (to arrange) by the time you return from the trip.

6. This symphony (to compose) by Tchaikovsky.

7. Special preparations for the conference (to make) at present.

8. This news (to announce) just.

9. I am sure you (to ask) such questions at your exam.

10. The letter (to write) yet?

11. Who the book (to translate ) by?


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