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Упражнение 3. Write sentences. Use the past simple passive.


Упражнение 3. Write sentences. Use the past simple passive.

1. my laptop / steal / last week.

2. the men / arrest / by the police

3. the painting / sell / for £500

4. the goal / score / by Raul

5. these cars / make / by robots



Present Simple Passive

Упражнение 1. Read the texts and find the sentences with Present Perfect Active and Present Perfect Passive tense forms.


Nina has lived in Sydney for two years. She has done a lot of things in Sydney. She has seen several plays, she has gone to the picture galleries and museums. She has visited the circus as well, and she has taken a tour to the Islands on Port Jackson. However, there are a lot of planned things she hasn’t done yet. She hasn’t gone to the Australian Reptile Park yet. Nina hasn’t been to some other parks yet.


The boss is angry with his secretary today because important letters haven’t been typed yet. Tea has been given to him cold. Wrong telephone numbers have been written down. The mail hasn’t been sent in time. A lot of time has been spent over the telephone.

Упражнение 2. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.


 I have already finished my work. My work ...

— My work has already been finished.

1. I have already taken the books back to the library. The books ...

2. She has just posted those letters. Those letters ...

3. The teacher has already checked my test. My test ... —

4. He has lost the key. The key ...

5. We have opened all the windows. All the windows ... '

6. I have bought bread on the way home. Bread ...

7. I have done this exercise. This exercise ...


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