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Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases

3. Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases

Берілісқорабы / коробка передач gearbox____

Майлаужүйесі / система смазки Lubricationsystem________

Жүкмашинасы / грузовик truck

Қауіпсіз безопасный safety

Заманауи / современный _modern

4. Change the sentences from the Passive into the Active voice

The budget must be approved by the engineering manager and the chief engineer. __the engineering manager and the chief engineer should approved the budget

Instructions will be given to you by the director.

the director will give you instructions_

The Grand Canyon is viewed by thousands of tourists every year.

thousands of tourists every yearviewedThe Grand Canyon

The metal beams were eventually corroded by the salt water.

thesalt watereventually corrodedThe metal beams

The comet was viewed by the science class.

the science classviewedThe comet

II. Reading

1. Read this article about Civil engineering and circle (true) or F (false).

1) Tesla created his the greatest creation when he was working for himself. T /

2) The inventor started his career in the USA. / F

3) Tesla’s invented motor used a rotating magnetic field T /

4) “Electromagnetic motor” was shown for the first time in Europe / F

5) At the end of his career he had a lot of inventions and patents T /

2. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Who was the inventor of “electromagnetic motor” _________Tesla created his greatest invention, the electromagnetic motor.___

2. What does motor converts electric energy to? _________A motor converts electric energy to mechanical power__

3. How many inventions did Tesla have? ______________Tesla had over 700 inventions and 100 patents to his credit.

4. What theory did Tesla prove in New York?______in New York, he proved his theory: the “induction” or “electromagnetic” motor.

5. What did Tesla’s revolutionary motor use to spin the rotor?___Tesla’s revolutionary motor used a rotating magnetic field, rather than mechanical switches, to spin the rotor.


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