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What the Sami can teach Britain's rulers about country life

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    Writing my last Diary I was cold, having just arrived from Kenya, which was about 40C at its hottest.

    This week I am writing with the mother-and-father of all chest infections – popping antibiotics and steroids like Smarties. Lulu and me have just got back from the Arctic Circle: northern Sweden, which was -21C. I thought clean, cold air was supposed to do you good. So how did I get this particular debilitating nasty? I suppose it could be the rapid temperature shift – of 61C. More likely I sat near somebody full of contagious cold – aeroplanes are notorious for spreading virtually every disease known to man.


    Never again. But the real question is: will the Government now demand repayment of my old man’s heating allowance? A ridiculous payment anyway, in the majority of cases – but one that I intend to keep taking while the Government persists in wasting so much of the tax I pay. Dropping bombs on Col Gaddafi to turn Libya into a dysfunctional, dangerous state is only one expensive and disgraceful example. If only we had statesmen instead of career politicians, most of whom have never done a proper job.


    The purpose of our trip was to visit the 400-year-old Jokkmokk Winter Fair in Swedish Lapland. The Sami (once called Laps) call Lapland “Sapmi”. We went with our friends Tilly and Alan Smith, owners of Britain’s only free ranging herd of reindeer – a fit and healthy herd in the Cairngorms – which makes Tilly and Alan Britain’s only authentic reindeer herders (a fact confirmed by the Association of World Reindeer Herders).


    The winter fair was staggering, giving a real glimpse of life on the frontier – a people still living lives of nomadic hunter/herder/gatherers but with some home comforts and central heating in their far-from-traditional winter homes. The fair was opened with a procession of reindeer led by Per Kuhmunen in Sami dress – he is an owner/herdsman who sold Tilly and Alan some more reindeer in 2011 to improve the genetic pool of the Cairngorm herd.


    At the Jokkmokk fair there were bundles of skins – fox, beaver and pine marten – for sale. No badger skins – coarse badger hair is not the warmest. But there is a hunting season in Sweden for badgers, and 35,000 are taken out each year. With hunting seasons for two major predators, badgers and pine martens, is it any wonder that capercaillie – woodland grouse – are so common in the forests of Sweden that 21,500 are shot for the table in the hunting season? It’s a very different tale in Scotland, where certain conservationists prefer wildlife to be left alone, out of balance, with the result that the capercaillie is almost critically endangered – more about this in my next Diary.


    In the nearby museum there was Sami music and singing, including the famous “joiking”. Joiking has been described as “hearing the sound of one’s soul”.



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