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  1. Группа Т-178. Занятие за 20.03.2020 г.

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Группа Т-178. Занятие за 20.03.2020 г.

Группа Т-178. Занятие за 20.03.2020 г.

Страноведческий материал: викторина «Великобритания».

Срок сдачи работ: 27.03.2020 г.

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1.Where is London situated?

a) in the south west of England

b) in the south east of England

2.Which of these countries is not part of the United Kingdom?

a) Scotland

b) Wales

c) Ingland

d) The Republic of Ireland

3.Which of the following is the emblem of Scotland?

a)  the daffodil

b)  the shamrock

c)  the thistle

d) the rose


4.Which sea or ocean borders England in the South?

a) The Atlantic Ocean

b) The channel

c) The Irish Sea


5.In which of these cities was William Shakespeare born?

a) Oxford

b) Plymouth

c) Stratford-upon-Avon

d) Bath


6.What is the name of this monument in London?


7.What is the capital city of Scotland?


8.Which of the following is not typical of a full English breakfast?

a) bacon and eggs

b) cereal and milk

c) maple syrup on toast

d) black pudding


9.Which of these English writers created the character of Oliver Twist?

a) Jane Austen

b) Daphne du Maurier

c) Charles Dickens


10. What is the other name of Northern Ireland?

a) Eire

b) Ulster


11. What is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom?

a) The United Flag

b) The Union Jack


12. Which of the following cheeses is not British?

a) Cheddar

b) Brie

c) Stilton


13. Who was the first King of England?

a) William the Conqueror

b) Henry I

c) James I


14. I became a hero after my death at the Battle of Trafalgar fighting the French. Who am I?



15. Which sport can you play in Saint Andrews?

a) Golf

b) Rugby

c) Football


16. Which river runs through London?

17. Which of these airports is not in England?

a) Heathrow

b) La Guardia

c) Gatwick


18. How has this London monument been nicknamed?



a) the cucumber

b) the gherkin

c) the zucchini



19. In front of which London monument can you see the Changing of the Guard?


20. What English city is famous for having two football teams?



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