evaṁ vitta-vyatiṣaṅga-vivṛddha-vairānubandho 'pi pūrva-vāsanayā mitha udvahaty athāpavahati. 

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evaṁ vitta-vyatiṣaṅga-vivṛddha-vairānubandho 'pi pūrva-vāsanayā mitha udvahaty athāpavahati.


evaṁ vitta-vyatiṣaṅga-vivṛddha-vairānubandho 'pi pūrva-vāsanayā mitha udvahaty athāpavahati.

Having increased enmity with others because of transactions for money, he marries according to his previous karmas and then gives up the marriage.

This explains the sentence “Living with increased enmity because of business transactions for wealth, he marries” in SB 5.13.13. Apavahati means again he gives up that marriage.

|| 5.1438 ||

etasmin saṁsārādhvani nānā-kleśopasarga-bādhita āpanna-vipanno yatra yas tam u ha vāvetaras tatra visṛjya jātaṁ jātam upādāya śocan muhyan bibhyad vivadan krandan saṁhṛṣyan gāyan nahyamānaḥ sādhu-varjito naivāvartate 'dyāpi yata ārabdha eṣa nara-loka-sārtho tam adhvanaḥ pāram upadiśanti.

On the path of saṁsāra, one is afflicted by various obstacles and sufferings, giving up the persons who have encountered disaster and death, and accepting those who are born. Lamenting, becoming bewildered, fearing, quarrelling, crying, rejoicing, singing, being bound up by them, devoid of association with devotees, one does not escape. The wise say that the method of crossing over material existence is the Supreme Lord from whom material existence of the jīva has arisen.

This verse explains the sentence “Absorbed in the path by ignorance, a person wanders about and does not understand anything” in SB 5.13.19. Āpanna-vipannaḥ means “receiving disaster and dying.” Only in the association of devotees can one cross over the difficulties. The wise point out that the Supreme Lord (tam) from whom material existence has arisen is the way to cross over material existence. (pāram). Association with devotees is the cause.

|| 5.14.39 ||

yad idaṁ yogānuśāsanaṁ na vā etad avarundhate yan nyasta-daṇḍā munaya upaśama-śīlā uparatātmānaḥ samavagacchanti.

Crossing material existence is attained by bhakti-yoga, and not by materialistic persons. Those who have given up violence to all beings, who are peaceful, who have controlled their minds, attain freedom from saṁsāra.

The cause of not returning to the material world is described. Samavagacchanti means “they attain.”


|| 5.14.40 ||


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