I wish to visit King Videha, who is most dear to Me.” O King, having said this, Lord Balarāma, the beloved descendant of Yadu, entered the city of Mithilā. 

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I wish to visit King Videha, who is most dear to Me.” O King, having said this, Lord Balarāma, the beloved descendant of Yadu, entered the city of Mithilā.



Upon learning that Lord Kṛṣṇa was preparing to kill him, Śatadhanvā was struck with fear. To save his life he approached Kṛtavarmā and begged him for help, but Kṛtavarmā replied as follows.


|| 10.57.12-13 ||

nāham īsvarayoḥ kuryāṁ  helanaṁ rāma-kṛṣṇayoḥ

ko nu kṣemāya kalpeta tayor vṛjinam ācaran

kaṁsaḥ sahānugo ’pīto yad-dveṣāt tyājitaḥ śriyā

jarāsandhaḥ saptadaśa- saṁyugād viratho gataḥ


[Kṛtavarmā said:] I dare not offend the Supreme Lords, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma. Indeed, how can one who troubles Them expect any good fortune? Kaṁsa and all his followers lost both their wealth and their lives because of enmity toward Them, and after battling Them seventeen times Jarāsandha was left without even a chariot.


Kṛtavarmā told Śatadhanvā, “Indeed, I instigated you to murder Satrājit, but not out of enmity towards Kṛṣṇa. However, if you do not want to surrender to Kṛṣṇa, why should I follow you and also go against the Lord?”


Kṛtavarmā said, “Kaṁsa and his followers died (apītaḥ) and thus lost their wealth.” Or the sentence can mean, “Kaṁsa and his company were already dead because of their enmity towards the Lord, and they were also rejected by Lakṣmī. Kṛṣṇa defeated Jarāsandha in seventeen battles.”


|| 10.57.14 ||

pratyākhyātaḥ sa cākrūraṁ pārṣṇi-grāham ayācata

so ’py āha ko virudhyeta vidvān īśvarayor balam


His appeal refused, Śatadhanvā went to Akrūra and begged him for protection. But Akrūra similarly told him, “Who would oppose the two Personalities of Godhead if he knew Their strength?”


|| 10.57.15 ||

ya idaṁ līlayā viśvaṁ sṛjaty avati hanti ca

ceṣṭāṁ viśva-sṛjo yasya na vidur mohitājayā


“It is the Supreme Lord who creates, maintains and destroys this universe simply as His pastime. The cosmic creators cannot even understand His purpose, bewildered as they are by His illusory Māyā.”


Akrūra’s use of the singular yaḥ, “He who,” indicates that the frequent references to “the two Lords, Kṛṣṇa and Rāma,” do not compromise the fact there is one Supreme Godhead, one Absolute Truth, who appears in His original form as Kṛṣṇa. The irregular connection (sandhi) of the phrase mohita ājayā to mohitājayā is poetic license.


|| 10.57.16 ||

yaḥ sapta-hāyanaḥ śailam utpāṭyaikena pāṇinā

dadhāra līlayā bāla ucchilīndhram ivārbhakaḥ


“As a child of seven, Kṛṣṇa uprooted an entire mountain and held it aloft as easily as a young boy picks up a mushroom.”


|| 10.57.17 ||

namas tasmai bhagavate kṛṣṇāyādbhuta-karmaṇe

anantāyādi-bhūtāya kūṭa-sthāyātmane namaḥ


“I offer my obeisances to that Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, whose every deed is amazing. He is the Supreme Soul, the unlimited source and fixed center of all existence.”


|| 10.57.18 ||

pratyākhyātaḥ sa tenāpi śatadhanvā mahā-maṇim

tasmin nyasyāśvam āruhya śata-yojana-gaṁ yayau


His appeal thus rejected by Akrūra also, Śatadhanvā placed the precious jewel in Akrūra’s care and fled on a horse that could travel one hundred yojanas [eight hundred miles].


The term nyasya “leaving in the care of” implies Śatadhanvā now believed the jewel was his; thus he left it in the care of his friend, Akrūra. The special quality of the horse was its ability to run for hundreds of miles in an emergency. It will be stated that the horse went with great difficulty all the way from Dvārakā to a garden on the outskirts of Mithilā and then died of exhaustion.


|| 10.57.19 ||

garuḍa-dhvajam āruhya rathaṁ rāma-janārdanau

anvayātāṁ mahā-vegair aśvai rājan guru-druham


My dear King, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma mounted Kṛṣṇa’s chariot, which flew the flag of Garuḍa and was yoked with tremendously swift horses, and pursued Their elder’s murderer.


Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma pursued Śatadhanvā, the killer of their father-in-law (guru).


|| 10.57.20 ||

mithilāyām upavane visṛjya patitaṁ hayam

padbhyām adhāvat santrastaḥ kṛṣṇo ’py anvadravad ruṣā


In a garden on the outskirts of Mithilā, the horse Śatadhanvā was riding collapsed. Terrified, he abandoned the horse and began to flee on foot, with Kṛṣṇa in angry pursuit.


|| 10.57.21 ||

padāter bhagavāṁs tasya padātis tigma-neminā

cakreṇa śira utkṛtya vāsasor vyacinon maṇim


As Śatadhanvā fled on foot, the Supreme Lord, also going on foot, cut off his head with His sharp-edged disc. The Lord then searched Śatadhanvā’s upper and lower garments for the Syamantaka jewel.


Though Kṛṣṇa, being omniscient, knew that Akrūra had the jewel, He made a show of searching for it in order to confuse Balarāma who was observing from a distance. By doing this Kṛṣṇa was able to separate Himself from Balarāma, so that Balarāma could give mercy to His pure devotee King Bahulāśva in Mithilā.


|| 10.57.22 ||

alabdha-maṇir āgatya kṛṣṇa āhāgrajāntikam

vṛthā hataḥ śatadhanur maṇis tatra na vidyate


Not finding the jewel, Lord Kṛṣṇa went to His elder brother and said, “We have killed Śatadhanvā uselessly. The jewel isn’t here.”


|| 10.57.23 ||

tata āha balo nūnaṁ sa maṇiḥ śatadhanvanā

kasmiṁścit puruṣe nyastas tam anveṣa puraṁ vraja


To this Lord Balarāma replied, “Indeed, Śatadhanvā must have placed the jewel in the care of someone. You should return to Our city and find that person.”


|| 10.57.24 ||

ahaṁ vaideham icchāmi draṣṭuṁ priyatamaṁ mama

ity uktvā mithilāṁ rājan viveśa yada-nandanaḥ



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