According to common vision only, the destruction of the Yadus occurred by the will of the Lord, because actually living beings themselves cause their own survival and destruction. 

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According to common vision only, the destruction of the Yadus occurred by the will of the Lord, because actually living beings themselves cause their own survival and destruction.



What you guessed--my defeat, also occurred. Without my friend, my mind became vacant (hṛdayena śūnyaḥ). I was almost fainting. Actually the cowherds were not low criminals. Gopa means those who protected (pa) the earth and heavens (go). These persons took the queens away. The Lord took the form of these cowherd men and took away his dear queens so that they could enter into the unmanifest pastimes.


na vayaṁ sādhvi sāmrājyaṁ svārājyaṁ bhaujyam apy uta

vairājyaṁ pārameṣṭhyaṁ ca ānantyaṁ vā hareḥ padam

O saintly lady, we do not desire dominion over the earth, the sovereignty of the King of heaven, unlimited facility for enjoyment, mystic power, the position of Lord Brahmā, immortality or even attainment of the kingdom of God.


kāmayāmaha etasya śrīmat-pāda-rajaḥ śriyaḥ

kuca-kuṅkuma-gandhāḍhyaṁ mūrdhnā voḍhuṁ gadā-bhṛtaḥ


We simply desire to carry on our heads the glorious dust of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s feet, enriched by the fragrance of kuṅkuma from His consort’s bosom. SB 10.83.41-42


vraja-striyo yad vāñchanti pulindyas tṛṇa-vīrudhaḥ

gāvaś cārayato gopāḥ pada-sparśaṁ mahātmanaḥ


We desire the same contact with the Supreme Lord’s feet that the young women of Vraja, the cowherd boys and even the aborigine Pulinda women desire—the touch of the dust He leaves on the plants and grass as He tends His cows. SB 10.83.43


From these verses it is understood that the queens desired the form of the Lord that the gopīs hankered for. Otherwise, if the queens, who were directly Lakṣmī, enjoyed by the Lord, were touched by low material persons, they would have immediately disappeared. It is understood that they attained forms as women of Vraja in another manifested pastime. This can be understood from the Viṣṇu and Brahma Purāṇas. Vyāsa also spoke to Arjuna about this:


evaṁ tasya muneḥ śāpād aṣṭāvakrasya keśavam |

bhartāraṁ prāpya tā yātā dasyuhastā varāṅganāḥ ||


Because of the curse of the sage Aṣṭāvakra, the best of women, becoming the wives of Kṛṣṇa, would be touched by the thieves.


Long ago, the heavenly women praised Aṣṭāvakra. He blessed them by saying “Viṣṇu will become your husband.” Because they laughed at him on seeing his crooked body, he cursed them “You will be taken by the thieves.” Again being merciful he said that after the curse had ended they would again attain the Lord who would take the form of the thieves. Not being able to avoid the curse and the blessing, they experienced being taken by the thieves and attaining the Lord because of this, since Kṛṣṇa took the form of the thieves. It is also said:


tat tvayā na hi kartavyaḥ śoko ’lpo ’pi hi pāṇḍava |

tenāpy akhila-nāthena sarvaṁ tad upasaṁhṛtam ||

O Pāṇḍava! Do not lament at all. All of the queens have been brought close by the perfect husband Kṛṣṇa.


Akhila-nāthena means by Kṛṣṇa, the perfect husband. Sarvam refers to all the dear queens. Upasaṁhṛtam means “brought close to him in a direct way,” since this happened through the instrument of Arjuna.


|| 1.15.21 ||

tad vai dhanus ta iṣavaḥ sa ratho hayās te

so ’haṁ rathī nṛpatayo yata ānamanti |

sarvaṁ kṣaṇena tad abhūd asad īśa-riktaṁ

bhasman hutaṁ kuhaka-rāddham ivoptam ūṣyām ||



I, the warrior, and the bow, the arrows, the chariot and the horses which made kings bow to me, have become powerless in a moment without the Lord. They are as fruitless as sacrificing ghee into ashes, or as immaterial as getting an illusory gift from a magician, or as perishable as sowing seeds in salty earth.



The reason for all this is the absence of Kṛṣṇa and nothing else. All of these things which caused kings to bow to me, have lost there effect because Kṛṣṇa is absent. Throwing ghee into ashes shows no results. Getting articles from a magician shows their insubstantiality. Sowing seeds in salty earth shows the perishable condition.


|| 1.15.22-23 ||

rājaṁs tvayānupṛṣṭānāṁ suhṛdāṁ naḥ suhṛt-pure |

vipra-śāpa-vimūḍhānāṁ nighnatāṁ muṣṭibhir mithaḥ ||

vāruṇīṁ madirāṁ pītvā madonmathita-cetasām |

ajānatām ivānyonyaṁ catuḥ-pañcāvaśeṣitāḥ ||



O king! Only four or five among our friends in Dvārakā remain. Drinking rice wine, by the curse of a brāhmaṇa they become bewildered, enraged in mind, and killed each other with handfuls of reeds as if not knowing each other.



Among the friends who, having drunk wine, became enraged and killed each other with handfuls of erakā reeds, only a four or five remain.


|| 1.15.24 ||

prāyeṇaitad bhagavata īśvarasya viceṣṭitam |

mitho nighnanti bhūtāni bhāvayanti ca yan mithaḥ ||




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