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Saying this, Nārada with his vīṇa ascended to Svarga. Yudhiṣṭhira, taking those words in his heart, gave up his lamentation.



Saying this, Nārada with his vīṇa ascended to Svarga. Yudhiṣṭhira, taking those words in his heart, gave up his lamentation.



Nārada saying this concluded, and then ascended to Svarga. Śucaḥ means lamentation.



caturdaśo ’dhyāyaḥ

yudhiṣṭhira-vitarko nāma

|| 1.14.1-2 ||

sūta uvāca

samprasthite dvārakāyāṁ jiṣṇau bandhu-didṛkṣayā |

jñātuṁ ca puṇya-ślokasya kṛṣṇasya ca viceṣṭitam ||

vyatītāḥ katicin māsās tadā nāyāt tato ’rjunaḥ |

dadarśa ghora-rūpāṇi nimittāni kurūdvahaḥ ||


Sūta said:

When Arjuna went to Dvārakā to see his friends and understand the activities and intentions of famous Kṛṣṇa, he did not return for some months. Yudhiṣṭhira saw inauspicious omens at that time.


In the fourteenth chapter, Yudhiṣṭhira understands the meaning of the inauspicious signs when he sees Arjuna arrive in distress.


He went to understand Kṛṣṇa’s activities and his intentions (ca). “Some months” means seven months. Nimittāni means ill omens.

|| 1.14.3 ||

kālasya ca gatiṁ raudrāṁ viparyastartu-dharmiṇaḥ |

pāpīyasīṁ nṛṇāṁ vārtāṁ krodha-lobhānṛtātmanām ||



He saw a fearful change of time, with seasons appearing in the wrong order. He saw sinful men engaged in maintaining themselves by occupations which were characterized by anger, greed and cheating.



Time passed with the sequence of seasons being reversed. Men’s livelihood (vārtām) became most sinful.


|| 1.14.4 ||

jihma-prāyaṁ vyavahṛtaṁ śāṭhya-miśraṁ ca sauhṛdam |

pitṛ-mātṛ-suhṛd-bhrātṛ- dam-patīnāṁ ca kalkanam ||


He saw dealings that were filled with deception, and friendships which were mixed with cheating. There were quarrels between fathers, mothers, friends, brothers, husbands and wives.



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