What is the literary process? Definition of term. 

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What is the literary process? Definition of term.


44) What is the literary process? Definition of term.

Historical development and functioning of world literature in general and national literatures in particularity, their connection, interrelation and interchange of traditions name as a literary process. Beginning with the period of Enlightenment, the world literary process was submitted to the collisions and changes of literary trends. The world literary process is differentiated, by other words is divided on national literatures, literatures of cultural – historical epochs, historical communities and other parts, stages, levels, and at the same time it is a set of special parts, levels, sub-systems, and their integration. Differentiated literature (дифференцированная лит-ра) is a developed national literature with divided poetry and prose, with multi- genres system of literary phenomena, that passes multi - phase way of historical development.


45) What studies comparative literary study?

Comparative literature is an academic field dealing with the literature of two or more different linguistic, cultural or nation groups. While most frequently practiced with works of different languages, comparative literature may also be performed on works of the same language if the works originate from different nations or cultures among which that language is spoken. Also included in the range of inquiry are comparisons of different types of art; for example, a relationship of film to literature.


46) Stages\epochs\periods of the literary process. The main characteristics.

Through a dominating way of public art thinking and dominating esthetic ideal it is possible to allocate mythological, authoritative, humanistic, enlightenmental, specific historical, decadent, neo-mythological stages of world literary process;

it is possible to allocate cultural-historical and literary-style epochs of the Renaissance, baroque, Enlightenment, rococo, empire; it is possible to define periods in literary movements, trends, genre - style particularities, literary groups. Periodization is an external and relative division of time of a process into its certain periods - years, decades, centuries, and millennia - stages, formations, epochs, eras, stages, and the periods.



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