What is the main idea in a literary work? 

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What is the main idea in a literary work?


26) What is the main idea in a literary work?

The idea is an attitude to represented, the main thought, basic pathos of a literary work, the category expressing an author's tendency in artistic representation of the given theme. Art is not a mirror, but «a magic lantern», shining the image of life through the author‘s attitude. The writer estimates, comprehends, correlates the represented ideas in a literary work to a certain ideal, he gives his understanding of reality. It is necessary to distinguish idea, in a literary work and in the scientific treatise. The idea is the main thought of a literary work. The idea - subjectivity, expressed in a literary work as the complex of thoughts and feelings that belong to the author. The idea is embodied in literary images. The idea of a literary work may be contrary to life truth.


27) What is the problem in a literary work?

Themes and problem, themes and ideas, themes and motifs are related in a literary work. Problem - is the theme articulated in the form of a question. Problem - complicated question posed in a literary work (can get an answer or remain unresolved), the party of life, which is particularly interested in the writer. The same theme can serve as a basis for the formulation of various problems (the topic of serfdom - the problem of lack of freedom inside the fortress, the problem of mutual corruption, mutilation and serfs and serf, the problem of social injustice). Thought about how you can solve the main problem of the work, the author found a version of the solution, called the idea of the work. There are many unresolved issues that everyone should look for yourself (for example, the problem of unrequited love).



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