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Read the text about the KPI and get ready for a discussion of the facts you didn’t

Task 4.

know about the University

The National Technical University of Ukraine “The Kiev Polytechnic

Institute” (NTUU “KPI”)

1) ____________________________________________________________

The Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is the largest technical university of Ukraine among universities of research type, one of the leading universities in Europe and world.

It was founded in 1898. The idea of its creation united such outstanding scientists of that time as V. L. Kirpichov, MY. Zhukovsky, K. O. Timiryazyev. The President of the First Examining Board in chemistry faculty was Dmitry Mendeleyev. The Institute had only four departments then, among them: mechanical, chemical, engineering and agricultural. A great number of prominent people worked and studied there: Y. P. Paton, the founder of electric welding, I. Sikorsky, the inventor of helicopters, S. P. Korolyov, the designer of the first satellites and spaceships in the world.


Today the University consists of  30 teaching and research departments (9 institutes and 19 faculties), 8 scientific research centers, 12 research institutes, 14 research centers and 1 design bureau which train specialists in such fields of technology as power engineering, radio, electronics, computing, automation, telecommunications and so on.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated April 8, 1995 #289/95 Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was granted with the name the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and got the Status of the National self-governing (autonomous) higher State educational establishment with wide authorities in determination of the content of the higher education, its forms and ways of activity.  In April, 2007 the Board of Education of Ukraine decided to provide KPI with status of research university.

 The National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" is one of the oldest higher technical institutes of Ukraine and has its own historical traditions. But as it was before, its main tasks are training specialists for industry, scientific pedagogical specialists for the development of scientific-technical potential of Ukraine, the development of fundamental and applied research as well as in the traditional directions (fields) of science and technology so in the newest directions.


The creative potential of the pedagogical and scientific staff of the university, material-technical and laboratory basis, wide contacts with industrial enterprises, research institutions of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, traditional connections with universities abroad allow to train bachelors, engineers, masters, candidates (of sciences) and doctors of sciences, to carry out scientific research work at the up-to-date level. Activity of the teaching staff of NTUU "KPI", consisting of more than 2000 professors, assistants and other personnel, covers a great deal of problems: selection and enrolment of young people who want to become students, training the highly educated specialists, conferring the Candidate's and Doctor's degrees, raising the level of skill and requalification.

Following the best traditions of the higher education, the teaching staff of our university is seeking advanced methods of training, inviting as lecturers the well-known scientists of Ukraine as well as professors of leading foreign universities working with NTUU "KPI".

After getting the highest State status of the National Technical University of Ukraine, specialities in economy and the humanities that correspond to the modern needs of the country as well as new engineering specialities are developed. This creates opportunity for getting second speciality.


New situation in Ukraine has created new possibilities for NTUU "KPI" integration into the world higher education system to take part in the international educational programs. Module and rating technology of study with full methodical supplying has been started. At present NTUU "KPI" cooperates with almost 30 technical universities of many countries, trains bachelors, masters, candidates and doctors of sciences for about 100 states of the world. The exchange of students is also carried out according to the agreements on cooperation with many higher educational establishments of the USA, Canada and Western Europe.

KPI actively participates in international educational, scientific projects and programs, successfully cooperates with 47 countries, has 32 joint structures with universities partners, leading international companies (EC, CU, UNDP, UNESCO, UNIDO, WIPO, NATO, EDNES, ICSU, CODATA) and well-known companies (MOTOROLA, SIEMENS, FESTO, SAMSUNG, INTEL, etc..).

In 2015 according to QS international ranking, NTUU “KPI” as well as Kyiv national university after T. Shevchenko ranked among the best 50 universities over twenty countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

World Universities Web Ranking 2015 was posted, NTUU "KPI" was recognized the first among the Ukrainian higher education institutions.

In August 17, 2016 National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" was named after its former student, an outstanding aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky.


More than 40 thousand students and postgraduates of NTUU "KPI" inhabit the University Campus. Its structures make up the complex of 28 academic and laboratory structures and blocks of research institutes, 20 dormitories (2 for married students), sports complex with 2 swimming pools, gymnasiums of Olympic standard, rehabilitation centre, sports grounds, a stadium, tennis courts, a library with almost 3 million books in it. Many shops, repair shops and services, cafes and clubs, a post-office, a policlinic, discos, etc. are available on its territory. There is also a board and lodging house, a health camp, a sport camp in the Carpathians and a rest base. The University provides students with almost everything necessary for better studies and happier life.


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