Упр. 43. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в Past Perfect Continuous. 

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Упр. 43. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в Past Perfect Continuous.


Упр. 43. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в Past Perfect Continuous.

1. After I (walk) for an hour, I decided to have a rest.

2. Mary could see that the child  (cry) for some time.

3. I thought he needed some fresh air. He (sit) there reading all morning.

4. When I saw the mess my paper was in, it was obvious that someone read it.       

5. She finally said: "Yes”. He (ask) her to marry him for years.

6. The manager went down with pneumonia. He (look) unwell for several days.

7. He went to see a doctor. He (feel ill) for several days.

8. His sister (live) in that place for 5 years when the war broke down.

9. Mrs Oliver said she (read) since morning the day before but actually she

 (watch) her neighbours through binoculars.

10. She felt chilly after she (swim) for an hour and a half.

11. At last I found the book which I (look) for all day.

12. They (walk) along the street for half an hour when suddenly Nick stopped and said that he

had lost the key to the door.

13. John was running along the street. He (run) for twenty minutes without any rest.

14. When I entered the reading-room I saw my groupmates. They said they (work) there since

10 o’clock.

15. That was the factory where my father worked. He (work) there for fifteen years.


Future Perfect Continuous Tenseобразуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to beв форме Future Perfect (will have been) и формы причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола: I will have been working,he will have been working.

Отрицательная форма – I / he /she /we / you / they will not (won’t) have been working

Вопросительная форма  - WillI (he / she / we / you / they) have been working?



Future Perfect Continuousупотребляется для выражения длительного будущего действия, которое начнется ранее другого будущего действия (или момента) и будет еще совершаться в момент его наступления. Как и другие времена этой группы Future Perfect Continuous употребляется, когда указан период времени, в течение которого действие будет совершаться.

I’ll begin to work at ten o’clock                           Я начну работать в десять часов утра.

in the morning. When you return                        Когда ты вернешься домой в пять часов,

home at five o’clock, I will have                             я буду уже работать семь часов.

been working for seven hours.

By the 1st of September he will have                                  К 1 сентября он будет учиться в этом

been studyingat this Institute                            институте уже три года.

for three years.


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