Choose the one you think is the most appropriate. 

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Choose the one you think is the most appropriate.


Choose the one you think is the most appropriate.

Then add two more definitions of your own.

б Somebody I can trust

б Somebody I can rely on

б Somebody who can help me

б Somebody I often see

б Somebody who comes to me when I need him/her

б Somebody I go out with

б Somebody I get along well with

б Somebody I like to stay with

б Somebody I know very well



Read this extract from a report on a survey made in Britain about this question: Т What is a close friend?У

...............the results are amazing. 28% of the people interviewed decided that a close friend is somebody they can trust, 26% somebody they can call for help. 10% somebody they go out with, 9 % somebody they often see and comes into their homes, 8% somebody they have known for a long time and whose company they enjoy........

On four of the definitions men and women differ significantly. More women than men emphasized trust and confidentiality, more men than women emphasized pleasure in a friendХs company and going out with a friend. This is not surprising, taking into account that men, especially working class men, spend their leisure time outside the home, in company of other men..................................

More surprising is that as many men as women defined a close friend as somebody they can call on for help. This may mean that friends are now substitutes for relatives of both sexes and that friends and relatives are interchangeable.......................................

Answer these questions, then discuss them with your friends:

a. Can you compare the result in your class with the result of the survey?



b. What do you mean by Тconfidentiality?У



c. When might you rely on a friendХs Тconfidentiality?У



d. Do men in your country spend most of their leisure time outside the home? Give some examples



e. What kind of help can a close friend give you?



f. Do you think close friends are as important as relatives?









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