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Read these sentences about friendship.




Read these sentences about friendship.

1. The best mirror is an old friend

( George Herbert)



4. Friendship is the finest balm for the pangs of despised love.( Jane Austen)


5. A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway.

( Fr. Jerome Cummings)



6. Best friends are like diamonds, beautiful and rare. False friends are like Autumn leaves found everywhere

(Author Unknown).



7. My best friend is the one who brings out the best of me. ( Henry Ford)



8.A real friend will tell you when you have spinach stuck in your teeth.

(Author Unknown).


3. Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friendХs success. ( Oscar Wilde)



9. IХll be there for you when the rain starts to pour. ( Friends signature song)



2. ТTo have a friend, be a friendУ.



Now find quotations that mean:

☐ People who pretend to be your friends are very common; real friends are rare


☐ ItХs easy to help friends whoХve got problems; itХs much more difficult to share their success


☐ Friends will look after you


☐ Friends donХt just tell you the good things. They help you look your best.


☐ Friends recognize your best qualities and help you develop them


What is a close friend?



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