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Markers for , since, How long.


Summary 2-50


Make sentences Passive

1. They make shoes in that factory – Shoes are made in that factory. 2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway – Bicycles mustn’t be left in the driveway 3. They built that skyscraper in 1934 - That skyscraper was built in 1934. 4. The students will finish the course in July - The course will be finished in July 5. They are repairing the streets this month - The streets are being repaired this month 6. They make these tools from plastic – These tools are made from plastic. 7. They have finished the new product design - It has been finished. 8. They were cooking dinner when I arrived –The dinner was being cooked   9. They had finished the preparations by the time the guests arrived - The preparations had been finished… 10. They are going to perform Beethoven's Fifth Symphony next weekend - Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is going to be performed 11. Karen is going to prepare the refreshments - The refreshments are going to be prepared by Karen   

Translate:Меня пригласят на свидание. I will be/going to be invited to a date Подготовка уже закончена. The preparation has already been finished.Их спрашивают сейчас. They are being asked now. Здание было построено год назад. The building was built a year ago. Нас отправят домой. We will be/are going to be sent home 




Past SimpleCompleted action: things in the past in general -yesterday, in 1955

# I got up, switched off TV

# I liked reading when I was 5

Used to We talk about habits and long-lasting situations which now are different or finished

# I used to swim like a fish. 

Present Perfect 1) Result (when the past is connected with present)2) News (when we announce a happening or news)3) with markers already, just, yet, never, ever, always, all my life, so far, recently/lately

# I have finished my test

# I’ve found a new girlfriend!

# She’s just arrived

# I’ve been ill 2 times so far

Present Perfect Continuous 1)We use PPC when we talk about the action which began in the Past and has just stopped 2) We use PPC w w t a t a which began in the past and is still happening now

# I’ve been studying English for 2 years # How long have you been waiting?


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