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quotations from today’s news.


1) Vladimir Putin: “It is necessary to direct WHO’s efforts to identify hidden epidemics of coronavirus in countries where testing is not possible”
Putin said efforts should be made to identify hidden coronavirus epidemics in countries where testing is not possible.
2) TASS “The Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has agreed with the authorities of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the evacuation of Russians stuck in the country because of coronavirus”
TASS reports that Ramzan Kadyrov helped Russians get out of the UAE.
3) TASS "The maximum fine for citizens who violate the quarantine in Russia will be 300 thousand rubles, for officials - 500 thousand, for the organization - one million"
TASS said that the maximum fine for violation of quarantine will be from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles.Посмотрите, пожалуйста, еще раз правило backshift, как поменяется will.
4) OKKO “We will help Russians with leisure during quarantine”
OKKO informed Vladimir Putin that it was ready to help Russians with quarantined leisure time.
5) St. Petersburg Administration "Locals are not allowed to attend churches because of coronavirus"
In St. Petersburg, local residents were forbidden to attend institutions of religious organizations because of the coronavirus. This is stated in the decree of the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, published on the website of the city administration.

6) Edition Rise: “A coronavirus was suspected of an employee of the apparatus of the Russian government”
In the apparatus of the Russian government, they check an employee who is likely to have become infected with a coronavirus. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the publication "Rise".
7) Sergei Sobyanin “In Moscow, all stores will be closed, except for pharmacies and food - these are unprecedented measures”
Sergei Sobyanin said that in Moscow they will close all stores except pharmacies. Посмотрите, пожалуйста, еще раз правило backshift, как поменяется will.
8) Vladimir Putin “The next week is declared non-working, with salary remaining”
The next week will be a non-working day for Russians with salary preservation, said President Vladimir Putin during his address to the nation.

9) Тhe HBR-Russia: "The most digital country in 2019 is considered to be the United States"                                                                                         According to the HBR-Russia data, the most digital country in 2019 is the United States. Посмотрите, пожалуйста, еще раз правило backshift, как поменяется “is”.

10) According to TASS: "the Number of people infected has increased to 658"

TASS data shows that the number of people infected in Russia has increased to 658. Посмотрите, пожалуйста, еще раз правило backshift


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