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Description of a famous family.


2. Description of a famous family.

He was married twice. In 1862, the scientist married Feozva Nikitichny Leshcheva, a native of Tobolsk and stepdaughter of Peter Petrovich Ershov. Fiza was 6 years older than her husband. Unfortunately, she was not too interested in his scientific work, and his sharp temper and restless lifestyle were often the cause of family scandals. In the first marriage, three children were born: the eldest Maria (died in infancy), son Vladimir and daughter Olga.

In 1880, his attention was drawn to the musically and artistically gifted girl Anna Ivanovna Popova. She was a friend of her niece, the scientist Kapustin, and often visited him. Interest in young Anna soon grew into a deep feeling. Not wanting to become the cause of the family tragedy, Anna Ivanovna left for Italy, and the lover tried to get his wife’s permission to divorce. It was possible to solve the problem only with the help of a friend - the rector of the university. In 1881, their marriage was finally dissolved. By this moment, the young daughter of Luba was already growing up in the new family of the scientist. In addition to Lyubov, three more children were born in the second marriage: son Ivan and twins Maria and Vasily. The scientist madly loved his family.

Is it Mendeleev?

3. Work book.


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