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Assessing Reading: What Shall We Start With?(20 min)

N. Milyavskaya



O. Safonkina



Assessing Reading: What Shall We Start With?(20 min)


I. Neznakomova



Formative Assessment Realized in the Essay-writing



 (Ivanovo )


The Treatment Of Learners’ Errors In Writing


N. Gritsishina (Syktyvkar)


Leadership Skills Development by Organizing and Conducting Students’ Workshops (40 min)


N. Kostenko


Effective EFL Strategies in Teaching Bachelors



E. Mazhar

Y. Tarasenkova




Strategies of stress management for successful communication

(20 min)





In-house University EFL Teacher Training: Pros and Cons






Cross-cultural issues in cross-cultural drama (30 min)

E. Sheina, N. Kolchanova



Building Cultural Literacy through Extensive Reading



N. Novitskaya



Compiling  an English reader about school life in the English-speaking countries

N. Polishchuk


Understanding the Politically Correct Language


A. Khodakova



Content integration project to increase intercultural awareness and promote tolerant behaviour 



N. Izmaylova



Outline of British Higher Education System (Based on Materials of Teacher Training Course in London, 2011)



E. Vishnyakova,

O. Vishnyakova



Concepts and Notions in Terms of Interpretational Factors


I.Barabushka (Voronezh)

The image of the city in English language consciousness


E.Grigor’eva (Ivanovo)


Lexicographic description of culturally marked lexical units of Australia and New Zealand



N.Shaftelskaya (Tomsk)


Some aspects of Comparative Motivology


Y. Trepak (Moscow)

Linguistic peculiarities of academic blogosphere


S. Polyakova,

E. Gritsenko



Exploring metaphors in Legal English Discourse in Legal English Class


M. Kolesnikova, O.Hopiyainen (Khanty-Mansiysk)

Concept «shining» in Russian and American linguoculture



S. Umerenkov, Y.Semenova


Integrating authentic tasks in language learning ( ACCESS program) (20 min)



(Kurovskoye, Moskovskaya oblast)


Effective activities to ace the writing exams



(Ivanovo )


Developing Discourse Competence in the Genre of Essay

D. Vasilenko (Perm)


Project Work with Social Work Students




(Yaroslavl )

Using films in teaching English


E. Tinyakova

Existential methods of English language teaching



I. Bugrova, (Yaroslavl )                       Teaching translators to acquire new vision of the world

N.Kalmazova (Saratov)


Communicative structure of legal documents: difficulties of translation


E.Ledyaeva (Ivanovo)


Classes on Practical Translation for the Group of Students of Different Specializations


O. Hopiaynen

Dahly Kristin


Cultural Identity Through Translation


13.00 - 14.00


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