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Methods: photos and videos of non-conformance will be used


Methods: photos and videos of non-conformance will be used



a) General

b) Nonconformity and corrective action

c) Continual improvement


Internal environmental audit. Part 2.

Preparation of audit report

Correction action plan development




The main reference for the course will be the teaching materials (power point presentations, legislative acts journal articles) which will be distributed after each lecture.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems -- Requirements with guidance for use

ISO 14004:2016 Environmental management systems -- General guidelines on implementation

ISO 14004:2016 Environmental management systems -- General guidelines on implementation

ISO 14005:2010 Environmental management systems -- Guidelines for the phased implementation of an environmental management system, including the use of environmental performance evaluation

ISO 19011:2013 Guidelines for auditing management systems

Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (Waste Framework Directive)

Directive 91/689/EEC (The Hazardous Waste Directive)

Federal Law NO. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 on Production and Consumption Waste

Sanitary Regulations and Norms «Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the medical waste management» from 09.12.2010




Competence <specify the code of competence>






Development of waste management system in accordance with ISO 14001 (environmental policy development, significant aspects identification, stakeholder analysis, environmental programme creation, audit conducting, etc.)

IC-1.1Students is able to apply voluntary international environmental standards for waste management system development and waste prevention

Knows the voluntary international environmental standards

Can oriented in international environmental standards requirements

Can think globally and with system approach;

Confidently guided the voluntary international environmental standards

IC-1.2 Students is able toimplement the waste management system based on ISO 14000 standard requirements

Know ISO 14000 requirements, basic principles and methodologies for stakeholder and environmental aspects analysis, development of system documentation

Can use the knowledge of ISO 14000 for waste management development and waste prevention

Assess and manage the significant environmental aspects related waste generation and handling

IC-1.3Students is able to coordinate the realization and development of waste management system

Knows the tools for monitoring and principals of systems approach

Is able to interpret the main environmental indicators and apply them to make the right decisions for waste management development

Looks toward the broadest possible view of an issue/challenge

Enhance quality and effectiveness of environmental management system of organizations related to waste prevention


IC-2.1 Students is able to risk assessment of waste management programs and suggest the solutions

Knows the different approach for risk assessment

Can use the expertise and risk assessment approach to evaluate the environmental aspects related with waste generation and handling

Has risk-based thinking and is able to make complex decisions

IC-2.2 Students is able to identify and analyze the non-conformances

Knows the requirements, principles and methods to audit conducting

Can use tools and approaches for internal audit conducting, can develop audit check-lists, report, corrective action plan.

Can identify multiple aspects and impacts of issues and non-conformances into the future

IC-2.3 Students is able to monitor and manage of waste management programs according with systems approach

Knows the tools and approaches for monitoring and managing

Can evaluate the effectiveness of implemented programs

Can be an internal auditor

Achieving outcomes of an environmental (waste) management system: enhancement of environmental performance; fulfilment of compliance obligations; achievement of environmental objectives and waste prevention.

IC-3.1 Students is able to effectively communicate and collaborate with key stakeholders

Knows the approaches to identification the main goals and interests of stakeholders

Can identify, analyze and build the relations with key stakeholders

Active collaboration with stakeholders

Decision making based on stakeholders’ interests

IC-3.2 Students is able to suggest the solutions for developing waste management system for enhancement of environmental performance

Knows the monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of environmental performance and the effectiveness of the system.

Can evaluate of compliance with all legal and other obligations

Drive for results, evaluation the level of waste management system implementation effectively and efficiently

IC-3.3 Students is able to certificate ISO 14001

Knows the requirements and procedure of the certification

Can conduct certification and follow-up audits

Understanding the key requirements and procedure


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