Иркутск – перекрёсток современности экскурсия для иностранцев 

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Иркутск – перекрёсток современности экскурсия для иностранцев



Welcome to our beatiful town !


Иркутск – перекрёсток современности экскурсия для иностранцев

Irkutsk – crossroads of modernity excursion for travelers

We invite you on a tour.

Today you have a good chance to go an a tour in our city. It will not take too much time, but you will watch at some memorable places in Irkutsk.

Such as 130th district,

Graph Speranskiy sqare and Angaras coast.

The main advantage is that it is FREE!




 You wanted to see Irkutsk from a modern perspective?

Then you are at the right place!





130th District


Have you ever wondered how you can combine the old historic district with houses of the early 20th century and a modern shopping center? The answer is in Irkutsk. There is located 130th District. Mixture of modern shopping centre and historical-cultural heritage. Imagine that you are now there and you enjoy old wooden houses, walking down through old Irkutsk, however there are some caffes, shops, craft workshops,musems and big amount of interesting places. It will be the first place in my excursion.


Angaras coast


Maybe you have ever heard about Baikal, but do you have some information about big river which is closed to Baikal. You will have a possibility to visit Angara. You will see some historical buildings like: Bell tower, church, Moscow arch. In addition to this you will hear a legend about Baikal and Angara.

Graph Speranskiy square

This square is one of the oldest places in Irkutsk.

First of all it is center of Irkutsk.

Secondly there are spacious park, fountain and city hall. Every tourist is trying to make good photos there. Besides there are located few historical buildings


Do you want to book a tour?


Just call us!

Telephone: +79149343622



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