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Ex 7. Look at suffixes of nouns and adjectives. Form the missing words in the↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Содержание книги
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Ex 6. 1. Help - assistance to someone or something; actions or means facilitating, simplifying something. 2. Participate - joint activity with someone else, involvement in any activity. 3. Contribute - provide assistance, contribute; to be the cause of something, to help, to serve the appearance, emergence, development of something. 4. Allocate - divide, divide between someone, giving each a specific part. 5. Mean - to invest a certain meaning (in a word, phrase, etc.), understand, interpret something (word, phrase) in a certain way, keep in mind. 6. Equitable - impartially following the truth, the truth in his actions and opinions, true, correct, thorough, not fictitious. 7. Prevent - to prevent the onset, the implementation of something unpleasant, bad. 8. Assemble - to connect in one place, to convene, to force to arrive somewhere, to accumulate. 9. Perform - implement, execute, fulfill, lead, conduct, apply, commit, enforce 10. Imply - to invest a certain meaning (in a word, phrase, etc.), understand, interpret something (word, phrase) in a certain way, keep in mind. 11. Consider - take into account; determine, establish the essence, nature of something, their attitude to something. 12. Scarce – abundant; inadequate, unsatisfying demand. 13. Benefit - benefit, usefulness (in the broad sense); some profit, moral or material (financial benefit); income derived from anything. 14. Value - is the economic monetary expression of the worth of something 15. Societal - related to the life of people in society, their relations in society or towards society, public 16. Vary - to have differences, dissimilarity in something. 17. Certainly - expresses a confident statement. 18. Compete – fight (in the moral, material and physical sense) with someone for the best results.
columns and translate the resulting words. Nouns: -ness, -ion, -ation, -ment, -ance, -ition Adjectives: -al, -y, -ly, -ful, -ous, -tific 1) Adjective 1. lucky 2. happy 3. wonderful 4. speedy 5. greedy 6. friendly 7. scientific 8. traditional 9. scientific 10. ill 11. truly 12. professional 13. business 14. healthy 15. wealthy 2) Noun 1. luck 2. happiness 3. wonder 4. speed 5. greed 6. friend 7. science 8. tradition 9. science 10. illness 11. truth 12. profession 13. business 14. health 15. wealth
3) Noun 1. investigation 2. invitation 3. discussion 4. appearance 5. organization 6. relaxation 7. competition 8. inventor 4) Verb 1. investigate 2. invite 3. discuss 4. appean 5. organize 6. relax 7. compete 8. invent
Ex 8. Open the brackets. The Price System Who told workers where to work or what occupation to choose? Who declares haw many cars should to produce and how many homes should to build? Who specifies the predominant style of women’s dresses or men’s suits? The greater the degree of competition the more these matters decides impersonally and automatically by the price system or the market system. This may to view as a system of rewards and penalties. Rewards include profits for firms and people who succeed. Penalties include losses, or probably bankruptcy, for those who failed. The price system is fundamental to the traditional concept of market economy. The price system basically operates on the principle that everything that is exchanging – every good, every service, and every resource –has its price. In a free market with many buyers and sellers, the prices of these things reflect the quantities that sellers make available and the quantities that buyers wishes to purchase. Thus, if buyers wanting to purchase more of a certain good than suppliers have available, its price rises. This encourages suppliers to produce and sell more of it. On the other hand, if buyers wanting to purchase less of a certain good than suppliers prepares to sell, its price will fall. This encourages buyers to purchase more of it. This interaction between sellers and buyers in a competitive market, and the resulting changes in prices, is what most people refer to by the familiar phrase “supply and demand”
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