Содержание книги

  1. I.Complete the sentences. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.
  2. VI. Complete the sentences. Раскройте скобочки в Past Simple

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VI. Complete the sentences. Раскройте скобочки в Past Simple

VI. Complete the sentences. Раскройте скобочки в Past Simple

1. I opened the door and _________ (look) inside.

2. Who _________ (close) all the windows?

3. I _______________ (not climb) over the fence.

4. The plane _________ (land) ten minutes ago.

5. We _________ (live) in that house when I was a baby.

6. My brother _________ (not cry) when he fell of his bike.

7. She _________ (smile) when she saw me.

8. She _________ (laugh) when I told her the joke.

9. We _________ (race) each other on our bikes.

10. Dad __________________ (not help) me with my homework.

11. Helen _________ (whisper) me a secret.

12. Miguel _________ (hurry) to catch a bus.

13. We _________ (return) our books to the library.

14. Two doctors _________ (rush) into the room.

15. I __________________ (not kick) the ball very hard.

16. Who _________ (invent) the computer?

17. Dinosaurs _________ (live) many years ago.

18. It __________________ (not snow) last night.

19. They __________________ (not work) until twelve last night.


* Вставьте глагол “to be” в требуемой форме Past Simple.

1. I _________ a student.

2. My father _________ not a shop-assistant, he _________ a scientist.

3. _________ your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she _________.

4. _________ they at home? - No, they _________ not. They _________ at school.        

5. _________ you an engineer? - Yes, I_________

6. _________ your friend a photographer? No, she _________ not a photographer, she _________ a student.

7. _________ your brothers at school? - Yes, they _________.

8. _________ this her watch? - Yes, it _________.

9. Max _________ an office-worker.

10. We _________ late, sorry!

*Correct the sentences. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях

1. Did he went to school yesterday? _______________________________________________

2. Why did you to go home early? _______________________________________________

3. Where you did learn English? _______________________________________________

4. Did she works today? _______________________________________________

5. What do you this yesterday? _______________________________________________

6. Did they last night phone you? _______________________________________________

*Complete the sentences with the past simple. Раскройте скобочки в Past Simple

be – get up – meet – have – go – run – drink – sleep – swim – eat

1. I __ a shower and some fruit for breakfast.

2. Then I __ to the sports centre.

3. I __ 500 meters in the swimming pool and then

4. I __ 5 kilometers.

5. At lunchtime I __ my friends in a café.

6. We __ some pasta and __ some juice.

7. After lunch I __ for a few hours, I __ tired!

*Translate into English. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она была занята. (to be busy) _______________________________________________

2. Я не был занят. _______________________________________________

3. Вы были заняты? _______________________________________________

4. Они были дома? (to be at home) _______________________________________________

5. Его не было дома. _______________________________________________



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