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Each shipment and delivery shall be identified with all appropriate Agreement reference codes and numbers. Seller must provide the following documents to Buyer prior to arrival of goods or when goods arrive at the Brussels airport:

-                   Three originals of Commercial Invoices in favor of the Buyer

-                   Certificate Of Origin

-                   Certificate Of Ownership

-        Certificate of purity and quantity

-                   Movement certificate EUR1 – VERY IMPORTANT -

-                   Government (or other Internationally recognized)

-                   Custom Declaration Form

-         Declaration that the product is free and clear and of non-criminal origin, unencumbered and   free of any liens, transferable and exportable

-                   Export Licence, Export Permit, Original copy of the air waybill

-         Full set air waybill, marked "air freight Pre-paid by the Seller" with Flight number & date of arrival

-                   Gross weight and net weight





Seller confirms and warrants that the title of the Gold dory bars to be sold herein will be free and clear of any and all liens and/or encumbrances and Seller states that the Gold Dory bars form is not of terrorist and/or criminal origin.




The Price shall be based on the Final Refinery Assay Report Weight List issued by the Buyer’s Refinery in Belgium. The price payable by the Buyer to the Seller will be the second fixing of London LBMA of the day with a discount of 10% Gross for the gold at 24 carats (CURRENCY EUROS) .Referenced funds in this agreement to be wired in EUROS currency, to an accepted bank, notified to the Buyer by the Seller.

The Title and full rights of ownership of the Gold Dory bars shall pass to the Buyer upon full payment of the Gold Dory bars by cash transfer (SWIFT) after assay report from buyer’s refinery.




a)                The Seller cover the duties in country of export.

b)                Seller warrants that the commodity can be lifted without restrictions to Brussel airport




The Parties hereto shall not be held liable for any failure to perform under the "Force Majeure" clause as regulated by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris - France which clauses are deemed to be incorporated herein.


Both Buyer and Seller acknowledge that the harm to the other party would be substantial and therefore the Seller and Buyer agree to abide by the Customary International rules of non-circumvention and non-disclosure as established by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, France for a period of one (1) year from the date hereof. Said Non-circumvention and non-disclosure shall include, but not be limited to communicating with each other's banks, refiners; Representatives of Buyer dealing with Customs, brokers or Seller's mandate. The understanding and accord of this subparagraph will survive the termination of this Agreement.


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