Содержание книги

  1. Write down as many words or phrases that you can find that show that the narrator was prejudiced against Mr. Kelada. Explain why they show prejudice.

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Write down as many words or phrases that you can find that show that the narrator was prejudiced against Mr. Kelada. Explain why they show prejudice.

Mr Know-All

1. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

р. 195: мириться с чем-либо; постоянный клиент; я полностью за то, чтобы…; p. 196: до мозга костей; подданные; блестящие глаза; по всей видимости; соблюдать сухой закон; важничать; р. 197: общительный человек; бал-маскарад; оскорбление; самоуверенность; язвительный; искусственный жемчуг; пройтись на чей-либо счет; болтливость; p. 198: помяни мое слово; осуждающий; увеличительное стекло; смуглое лицо; p. 199: быть написанным печатными буквами; насмехаться/подшучивать.

3. Find synonyms for the following words and expressions:

jolly glad
had been caught out





4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. As we shared the cabin we might just as well sit at the same table. 2. Cultural pearls must inevitably diminish the value of real ones. 3. He told us all that was to be known about pearls. 4. Mr. Kelada will just have to take my word for it. 5. The possibility that he could be mistaken never occurred to him. 6. I ought to know what I am talking about. 

5. Translate the sentences and passages into Russian:

1. It suggested closed portholes and the night air rigidly excluded. 2. In your own house you might have kicked him downstairs and slammed the door in his face without the suspicion dawning on him that he was not a welcome visitor. 3. It was an affront to his overweening vanity that you should disagree with him. 4. I am in the trade and there is not a man in it who won’t tell you that what I say about pearls goes. 5. “Oh, Elmer, you can’t bet on a certainty”.     

6. Insert the appropriate preposition where necessary:

1. You had to put ... ... a lot of difficulties. 2. I am all ... us English sticking ... together as I am British ... the backbone. 3. ... all appearances the ship was bone-dry. 4. He couldn't resist ... an opportunity to have a fling ... Mr. Kelada. 5. You take ... my word ... it these are real pearls. 6. Will you bet ... it being a chain ... real pearls? 7. The name was written ... block letters. 8. To set ... me ... my ease he used no formalities. 

7. Answer the questions:

1. What is special about Mrs. Ramsay?

2. What kind of man is Mr. Ramsay?

3. Write down at least 5 things that Mr. Kelada did that annoyed the narrator.

4. Which of those could be considered cultural difference, and which were just a part of his personality that clashed with that of the narrator's?

5. Describe Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay. How do you think that author feels about them? (Find quotations to support your answer.)

6. What do you think is the best way to deal with such people as Mr. Kelada? How would you react on his behavior?

7. Why do you think Mr. Kelada didn’t reveal Mrs. Ramsay’s secret? Was it easy for him to do it and become a laughing-stock for the ship?



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