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Endnote Reference management softwareСодержание книги
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http://www.deakin.edu.au/library/search/endnote/: EndNote is a widely used reference database that enables you to create your own list of bibliographical references. EndNote is a bibliography/reference list maker that can locate cited works in its databases and build and format appropriate lists automatically. It can be used in conjunction with a word processing package. IT IS DIFFICULT TO SET UP CORRECTLY; PUBLISHERS DATABASE INTERFACES ARE NOT ALWAYS CORRECT; THE VAST MAJORITY OF PAPERS I ASSESS THAT USE ENDNOTE ARE MARKED DOWN DUE TO INCORRECT CITATIONS AND REFERENCES. BEWARE. If you want to use it become an expert, and always proofread your references.
Links to Other Sites Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation http://www.learnerassociates.net/dissthes/ – There are English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic versions. How to Write a PhD Thesis http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/~jw/thesis.html – There are English, Spanish, and French versions An extensive list of websites discussing writing and presenting; I have not thoroughly checked and verified the sites, but for those I have, some are excellent, some are useless: http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/faculty/xie/advice.htm THIS SECTION IS PRIMARILY A COMPILATION OF INFORMATION FROM THE VARIOUS, PRESENT AND PAST, SOMEWHAT FRAGMENTED WEB SITES, PRIMARILY FROM CORNELL UNIVERSITY, USED WITH PERMISSION This guide generally outlines the steps in preparing a literature review. It is assumed that a library search has been performed or is about to be performed.
You need to formulate a research question which identifies the topic about which you are going to write. This website provides good advice on choosing and stating a research question: http://www8.esc.edu/esconline/across_esc/writerscomplex.nsf/0/f87fd7182f0ff21c852569c2005a47b7
Start the Introduction by Describing the Problem Area. Gradually Shift Focus to Specific Research Hypotheses, Purposes, or Questions.
Example: Topic Outline for Introduction
1. Effects of societal culture value dimensions on the processes of managerial leadership in virtual teams a. Effects of high and low scores on dimensions in mono-cultural teams. b. Effects high and low, and differences in dimension scores in multi-cultural teams.
2. Introduction to two types of questions a. Requests for factual information (who, what, and when) b. Questions about causation (why)
3. Relationship between cultural value dimensions and: a. Interpersonal communication b. Task vs. relationship orientation c. Management of attitude and behaviour toward risk f. Development of interpersonal trust The Significance of a Topic should be Explicitly Stated in the Introduction to a Paper, Thesis, or Dissertation.
Example: 1. The need to investigate the effects of cultural value dimensions on managerial leadership of virtual teams is important due to their increasing use in modern business practice: a. The number of companies implementing virtual team projects is increasing (cite reference) b. Awareness of the effects of cultural value dimensions is not widespread in the literature (cite reference) c. Specific effects of cultural value dimensions on virtual teams are different than on teams with co-located members d. There are few education, training, and development programmes defined for this issue. A Statement of Significance Should be Specific to the Topic Investigated
Example: Human resource is one of the greatest resources of this country, and education plays a major role in mainstreaming, nurturing, and protecting that resource. It is imperative that we find, evaluate, and use systems that yield the results that are necessary for the country’s progress
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