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Be sure to check with your professor about instructions for class papers, theses, and dissertations that may differ from this guide.Содержание книги
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I will discuss the processes of analysis, synthesis, reflection, discussion, conclusions and planning. These are processes in which we engage daily prioritising our tasks and deciding what to do next. Business analysis involves identifying the causes and determining the solutions to business problems; for synthesis, compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions; production of a plan, or proposed set of operations. In much of academic business writing, a theoretical or topological model proposes things that should be done to avoid problems in diverse organisations, and provides directions for correction of problems. Learning how to determine the relevance and authority of a given resource for your research is one of the core skills of the research process. For more assistance with the research process, consult your instructor or a reference librarian.
When you’re reading publications other than the original source by the original author, remember this quote from Socrates:
“Once a thing is put into writing, the composition, whatever it may be, drifts all over the place, getting into the hands not only of those who understand it, but equally of those who have no business with it; it doesn’t know to address the right people and not to address the wrong. And when it is ill-treated and unfairly abused it always needs the help of its parent [i.e., the author] to come to its help, being unable to defend or help itself.” – Socrates, Phaedrus (275e), trans. Hackforth
See also: James G. Hunt, George E. Dodge, Leadership deja vu all over again, The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 11, Issue 4, Winter 2000, Pages 435-458. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W5N-42Y1649-2&_user=860968&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000046400&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=860968&md5=4dcc3ffb139f87f070e5818a4064da29
Another useful quote to remember: “Some of the research literature on almost every topic is misleading or trivial.” -- http://www.gwu.edu/~litrev/ Some Sources That May be of Use Drew University On-Line Resources for Writers: http://www.users.drew.edu/sjamieso/synthesis.html
Cooper, Harris; Hedges, Larry V.; Valentine, Jeffrey C. (2009). The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis, Russell Sage Foundation. (Auckland University of Technology Location: City Campus Main Collection, Call Number: 001.42 HAN Good tutorials concerning literature reviews are available at these websites:
http://www.gwu.edu/~litrev/ http://guides.library.cornell.edu/criticallyanalyzing
Good information with examples are provided at:
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