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Teacher Training in ScotlandСодержание книги
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In Scotland teachers must hold a valid teaching qualification (TQ) and be registered with the General Teaching Council for Scotland. Following initial teacher education and gaining a teaching qualification a Scottish teacher is deemed to be provisionaly registered with the GTCS and must undergo a year of probation supported through the Scottish Executive’s induction programme. There are several possible routes to a TQ, including a Bachelor of Education in Music, Physical Education or Technological Education for secondary school or a general BEd for primary school, a Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) or a concurrent undergraduate degree combining a Bachelor of Science or Scottish Master of Arts with the initial teacher education elements of a PGDE. Concurrent degrees are only avaible from the University of Stirling. A Scottish teacher may only qualify in a subject directly related to their undergraduate or graduate studies. (from http://en.wikipedia.org) Exercise 186. Read the text. Make a summary of this text.
The University of Cambridge. The University of Cambridge is rich in history – its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. But the University’s museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exiting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present. The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Its history started when groups of scholars congregated at the ancient Roman trading post of Cambridge fro the purpose of study. The University of Cambridge has a world-wide reputation for outstanding academic achievements and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects. The University pioneers work in the understanding of disease, the creation of new materials, advances in telecommunications and research into the origins of the universe. It trains doctors, vets, architects, engineers and teachers. At all levels about half of the students of Cambridge study arts and humanities subjects, many of whom have gone on to become prominent figures in the arts, print and broadcast media. The University’s achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded to its members over the years. The University employs Professors, Readers, Lecturers and other teaching and administrative staff who provide the formal teaching (lectures, seminars and practical classes). The University retains sole responsibility for examinations and for conferring Degrees. The Colleges have responsibility for selecting, admitting and accommodating all undergraduate students, and a student cannot enter the University unless he or she also becomes a member of a College. Departments and Faculties. The University’s Faculties or Departments provide teaching, supervision and facilities for research. The Faculty or Department assigns a supervisor, whose role is to guide the graduate student’s programme of study or research. Graduate students are expected to work largely on their initiative, and with little detailed supervision. However, this varies according to area of work. If a person is studying a scientific subject, he or she will usually work daily in the Department or Faculty to which he or she belongs, often with the supervisor. If a person is studying a humanities subject, he or she will probably do much of work in one of the University Libraries, and probably have less frequent contact with the supervisor. Most Departments and Faculties organize regular seminars, often with eminent speakers. If a person is a student at one of the approved non-University institutions, the supervisor will be a member of the institute’s staff. The University’s administration will treat this person exactly as any other graduate student, and he or she will be entitled to use all the University facilities.
Colleges. Cambridge differs from most other UK colleges in that it is collegiate. There are 31 Colleges. The main role of a College is to look after the student’s general welfare, including the provision and accommodation, meals and other social amenities. It also acts as a social base. Each college is an independent foundation, electing its own teaching and research members and selecting and admitting its own student members. Colleges vary in size (from about 150 to over 1000 resident students) and age; some date back to the beginning of the University, while others only admit women. Each College forms a distinct community, with members from most academic subjects – there is no special relationship between any College and any particular Faculty or Department. Colleges facilities vary, but typically include a bar, student common rooms (known as Combination Rooms in Cambridge), library, laundry and computing facilities. Some colleges have their own awards and grants. The Process of Applying. The application process for Cambridge (as for Oxford) starts earlier than for other Universities. The application must be received in Cambridge in October for the admission in January. If you have a good range of GSCE results and a favourable report from school, the applicant is likely to be invited for interview. Most interviews take place in December. The college explains what is involved at interview and if any written work is set. When the interviews are over, colleges are able to make decisions. On average Cambridge receives three applications for every place, so inevitably many applications will be rejected at this stage. The pool is designed to even out possible imbalances in application levels between colleges, so that the best candidates find places. The major pool is held in January, and results in some candidates being offered a place by another college. Thereafter, pooled candidates will hear from this college that they are offered a place or from their original college. Typical Costs of Studying in Cambridge. A graduate student must pay the University Composition Fee and the College Fee for each year of the course. In addition, a graduate student must pay for his or her own living expenses and the living expenses of any dependants (husband/wife/partner/children) who accompany him or her to Cambridge. As a guide, in 2002/03 the minimum amount per year required for maintenance is: · £5,300 for one UK student studying on a course lasting 9 months · £6,500 for one UK student studying on a course lasting 10 or more months · £5,540 for one EU or overseas student studying on a course lasting 9 months · £7,375 for one EU or overseas student studying on a course lasting 10 or more months · £4,000 for one adult dependant · £2,275 for first accompanying child · £780 for each subsequent child All expenses (including fees) are likely to increase substantially over three-year period of research. Fees are payable in sterling by cheque or banker’s draft. It is not possible to pay via credit card. (from http://www.cam.ac.uk/cambuniv/pubs/history/)
Exercise 187. What are the advantages and disadvantages between attending a traditional college and enrolling in a distance education program when you can also receive a degree online? Search the Internet and see if you can find an institution that offers an online course or degree in your Major. How much is the course and how long does it take to complete it? Exercise 188. Make a presentation “Foreign College/University I’d like to study at”. Choose one of the colleges/universities and follow the plan. 1. Introduce the topic. Why did you choose this particular College/University? 2. Why does this College/University attract you? When was it established? How long does the course of studies last? Are there many Departments/Faculties? What facilities does the College/University offer? How much are the costs of studying? Talk about the faculty/department you’d like to study at. What subjects would you take? What degree can you obtain at this College/University?
3. Are foreigners admitted? Do the graduates have difficulty with finding jobs?
Summarizing Exercise
Exercise 189. Translate into English using your Active Grammar and Active Vocabulary.
1. Раньше я всегда носила однотонную одежду, но сейчас я кардинально изменила свой стиль. 2. Вы не можете пользоваться шпаргалками во время написания проверочной работы. 3. Как ты можешь быть грустным в такой волнующий момент? 4. Я не мог записать фильм, у меня не было чистого диска. 5. Сейчас он так изменился в лучшую сторону! А был таким занудой. 6. Вы можете набрать всего 100 очков. 7. Мог бы и промолчать, чтобы не показывать свою необразованность. 8. Вы сможете указать на недостатки работы руководства на следующем собрании. 9. Сколько же ты можешь сидеть у окна и смотреть отсутствующим взглядом вдаль? Пора тебе приободриться. 10. Не могли бы вы подписать протокол сейчас?
Unit 6
Exercise 190. Consult the dictionary and find the meanings of the following phrasal verbs.
to break down to break something down to break in to break someone in (informal) to break off to break something off to break out to break through
to break up to break something up Exercise 191. Answer the questions. Mind the use of Active Vocabulary. 1. Do you curl your hair or does it curl naturally? 2. Which hair do you prefer: curling or straight? 3. Would you like to have curly hair? 4. When does a person curl his lip? 5. Are you in the habit of curling your lip? 6. Why do people curl up when they sleep? 7. What is the cosiest way to sit in the armchair? 8. How does the smoke curl from the chimney when the weather is fine? 9. What do people usually curl up the corners of the pages in the books for? 10. Do you often break promises? 11. Do you easily break with bad habits? 12. Do you usually feel broken after a Physical Training class? 13. Why do people sometimes break with their old friends? 14. What can make you break off? 15. What names of the literary characters stuck to every-day language? 16. When is a person told to stick to his/her business? 17. What would you do if the key stuck in the key-hole of your flat? 18. Is it difficult to stick to the point while having a discussion? 19. What would you do if your car stuck in the mud far away from the city? 20. Can you drive? 21. What should one do to learn to drive? 22. What drives you mad? 23. Are you quick to guess what people are driving at when they give you a hint?
Exercise 192. Read and translate the following drive-safe and prevention-of-accidents signs.
1) This is God’s country. Don’t drive through it like hell. 2) The driver is safer when the road is dry. The road is safer when the driver is dry.
Exercise 193. Translate into English using Active Vocabulary.
A 1. Собака свернулась клубком у ног хозяина. 2. На него нельзя положиться. Он всегда нарушает свои обещания. 3. Ты знаешь, что их помолвка была расторгнута? 4. Когда разразилась эпидемия, местные власти объявили карантин. 5. Разразилась буря, огромные волны захлестывали палубу корабля. 6. Нервный срыв заставил ее совершить самоубийство. 7. Кто сообщит ей эту ужасную новость? 8. Мы работали без перерыва 4 часа. 9. Почему он порвал со своими друзьями из университета? 10. Я забыл наклеить марку на конверт. 11. Он опоздал на занятие, так как застрял в
лифте. 12. Не отвлекайтесь! У вас осталось 5 минут на выполнение этого задания. 13. Целый день лил дождь, дороги были грязными, поэтому машина застряла в грязи. 14. Когда мы подъехали к дому, мы увидели, что все уже было готово для вечеринки. 15. Старушка дремала над книгой. 16. Он приветствовал нас кивком и продолжал пить сок. 17. Я думаю, нам следует посетить развалины замка. 18. Втирайте эту мазь дважды в день, согласно рецепту.
B 1. Я не должна говорить о проблеме прямо, надо просто намекнуть. 2. Запах полевых цветов сводит меня с ума. 3. В парикмахерской она попросила завить волосы на крупные бигуди. 4. Чтобы получить права и стать шофером вам должно быть по крайней мере 18 лет. 5. Недавно она сделала себе химическую завивку, т.к. всегда мечтала иметь кудрявые волосы. 6. Он так любишь кататься по городу в своем автомобиле. – Ничего удивительного, это же шикарный родстер. 7. Он чувствовал себя разбитым после бессонной ночи, проведенной в больнице. 8. Если бы не привычка презрительно кривить рот, у тебя было бы больше друзей. 9. Лектор сделал паузу, и, оглядев зал, увидел, что почти все студенты дремали. 10. Следуя инструкции, он вымыл руки, вытер их насухо и втер мазь в поврежденный участок. 11. К твоему пальто что-то прилипло! – О, нет! Это жвачка. Теперь пальто придется выбросить. Так и разориться недолго. 12. Как бы мы его не уговаривали, он никак не хотел расставаться со своими вредными привычками. 13. Когда он вошел, все внезапно прекратили разговор, и удивленно уставились на него – настолько неожиданным было его появление.
The modal verb must has only one form (the modal equivalents have to, be obliged to are used to supply the missing forms of the verb must). Must can be used in the concrete, imperative, and suppositional modal meanings.
1. Must is used in the concrete meaning to express necessity and obligation. In this meaning it can be used in all types of sentences (affirmative, negative and interrogative). Must itself is used only referring to the present or future, its equivalents may be used to express the same idea in the present, past or future.
E.g. I must go there tonight. (надо, нужно)
The absence of necessity is expressed by need not.
2. In the imperative meaning must is used to express order-admonition ( urgent/emphatic request ), command, and prohibition. Must is used only with the non-perfect infinitive in the meaning.
- order-admonition E.g. You must come and see my new flat. - command E.g. You must leave the room at once. - strict prohibition (“ нельзя ”) E.g. You mustn’t do it!
3. In the suppositional meaning must is used to express probability or supposition bordering on assurance, almost a conviction. It may be used only in affirmative sentences and refers to “ должно быть, вероятно ”. When it is used with the non-perfect infinitive, it expresses near certainty about the present. E.g. He must know her. They must be waiting for us. When it’s used with the perfect infinitive, it expresses near certainty about the past. E.g. He must have known her. They must have been waiting for us there. She must have done it. Note 1: Must can’t be used in negative sentences in this meaning. To express supposition in this case, the modal word evidently can be used.
E.g. Evidently, she didn’t know my address. Note 2: Must can’t be used to express supposition about the future. The modal word probably or the modal expressions be likely, be sure are to be used.
E.g. He ’s sure to be here in time. He’ s likely to become a teacher. He’ll probably come tomorrow. He’ s not likely to come so late. MUST IN INDIRECT SPEECH
Must as a rule, remains unchanged in indirect speech, if it expresses advice, order, or supposition bordering on assurance (“ должно быть ”). E.g. She told him he must be more careful. She was informed that she must never again walk much. Must is generally replaced by had to if it expresses necessity arising out of circumstances. E.g. She said she had to get up early every morning. Must is generally replaced by was/were to if it expresses arrangement or strict order.
E.g. She said she was to ring him up at two o’clock. Exercise 194. Read and comment on the meaning of the modal verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I must speak the truth and nothing but the truth. 2. That shows that there must be something wrong about it. 3. Books must be read as deliberately and reservedly as they were written. 4. What lovely trees and essentially how beautiful life must be near them. 5.
But surely you must agree with me that the other woman must have gone to the wrong flat. 6. “Impossible,” I cried, “You must be making a mistake.” 7. Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. 8. They must have gone off to get help. 9. We must find out just how we stand. 10. So we think that’s what we must have done. 11. “Well, it must be quite simple really, mustn’t it?” said Mrs. Marple. 12. Some of those four people must have been approached or communicated with. 13. Yes, I think there must have been some little romance there. 14. She must be leading a very quiet life. 15. “But you must have heard it”, he exclaimed. 16. She felt that she must go through with her strange experience single-handed.
Exercise 195. State the function of the modal verb must. Sea fever John Masefield
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied. Exercise 196. State the function of the modal verbs must/may. The law of hospitality Gelett Burgess There is a very simple rule That everyone should know; You may not hear of it in school, But everywhere you go, In every land where people dwell, And men are good and true, You’ll find they understand it well, And so I’ll tell it you: To everyone who gives me food, Or shares his home with me, I owe a debt of gratitude, And I must loyal be. I may not laugh at him, or say Of him a word unkind; His friendliness I must repay, And to his faults be blind.
Exercise 197. Read the jokes. State the function of the modal verb must.
*** - I am sorry about the way the pie tastes, darling. It must be something I left out.
- Nothing you left out could make it taste like that. It must be something you put in.
*** - Bill’s wife always laughs at his jokes. - They must be pretty clever. - No, she is.
*** - Your roof must be leaking. Does it always leak? - No, only when it rains.
*** - This is an ideal spot for a picnic! - It must be. Fifty million insects can’t be wrong.
*** “Jimmy,” said his mother severely, “there were two pieces of cake in the pantry this morning and now there’s only one. How is that?” “Well, it must have been so dark I didn’t see the other piece.”
Exercise 198. Read the story. In what meanings are the modal verbs used? What impression does the story produce? Why?
You are the best You
I must learn that I cannot be loved by everyone. That is the ideal. In our world it is not often found. I can be the finest plum in the world, ripe, juicy, succulent and offer myself to all. But I must remember that there will be people who do not like plums. I must understand that if I am the world’s finest plum and someone I love does not like plums, I have the choice of becoming a banana. But I must be warned that if I choose to become a banana, I will be a second rate banana. But I can J always be the best plum. I must realize that if I choose to be a second rate banana, I run the risk of the loved one finding me second rate and wanting only the best, discarding me. I can then spend my life trying to become the best banana – which is impossible if I am a plum – or I can seek again to be the best plum. In other words, if you are a plum – be the best darn plum you can possibly be – you are the best you. Exercise 199. In what situations do you say the following? Make up short dialogues. А 1. The inevitable must be accepted. 2. What can’t be cured, must be endured. 3. What must be, must be. 4. He who would eat the nut, must first crack the shell. 5. He that goes barefoot must not plant thorns. 6. If you must, you must. 7. You must look into people as well as at them.
В 1. You must think I have a very short memory. 2. He must have known it. 3. You must be imagining all this. 4. She must have made it all up. 5. You must have misunderstood me. 6. It must seem very funny to you. 7. That must have been a pretty long time ago. 8. She must be my age. 9. She must have heard it all. 10. He must be sorry for what he has done. 11. You must have been waiting for a long time. 12. She must do it right away. Exercise 200. Imagine you are assigned a position of a director of a travelling agency. Make a list of the requirements your employees must follow. Use must or mustn’t in every sentence. (10 items) Exercise 201. Mind that must is not used to express near certainty about negative action. In addition to evidently the following means are possible:
E.g. He must have failed to get in touch with her. He must have misunderstood you. He must be unaware of the fact. He must never have guessed the truth. No one must have told them about it. Make the following sentences opposite in meaning: Model 1. The teacher must have already come. – Evidently the teacher hasn’t come yet.
1. It must take you a lot of time to get to the University. 2. She must have followed your advice. 3. The medicine must have done him a lot of good. 4. She must be doing well at the University. 5. She must have enjoyed the trip greatly. Model 2. He must have coped with the task. - He must have failed to cope with the task. 1. He must have got in touch with them. 2. They must have talked it over with her. 3. He must have got tickets for the first night of the play. 4. They must have come to an agreement. 5. He must have solved the problem. Model 3. She must be very patient. – She must be very impatient. 1. He must be accustomed to such treatment. 2. She must like getting up early. 3. They must have obeyed his instructions. 4. She must be pleased with herself. 5. She must be certain of success. Model 4. Somebody must have told him about it. – Nobody must have told him about it. 1. Somebody must have helped him to carry out the plan. 2. He must know something about it. 3. Something must have prevented him from having his own way. 4. He must have turned for somebody for advice. 5. He must have made many mistakes in the test.
Model 5. He must have been there. - He must never have been there. 1. He must have seen such things. 2. She must have often thought of such an opportunity. 3. She must have studied English. 4. He must have dealt with such problems. 5. He must have taken up photography.
Exercise 202. Translate into English using Active Grammar.
А 1. Ты не должен забывать, что твой долг – хорошо учиться. 2. Человечество должно охранять природу. 3. - Что должна я сделать, чтобы понравиться им? - Ничего особенного. Ты должна оставаться сама собой. 4. Запомни, пожалуйста, ребенок не должен вмешиваться в разговор со взрослыми. 5. Каждый член семьи должен иметь обязанности по дому и выполнять их. 6. - Что я должна сделать, чтобы отделаться от этого ужасного кашля? - Прежде всего, вы должны бросить курить. 9. Преподаватель cказал, что мы должны быть более активны на уроке. 10. Все указания врача должны выполняться.
В 1. Она, должно быть, принимает экзамен у студентов 2 курса в аудитории 28. 2. - Его жена, очевидно, одного с ним возраста. - Нет, она, должно быть, моложе. По крайней мере, она выглядит моложе его. 3. Она, должно быть, нервничала на экзамене и отвечала хуже, чем обычно. 4. Она уже не ходит так часто в кино или театр. - Да, домашнее хозяйство, вероятно, занимает у нее много времени. 5. Я не могу дозвониться ему. Должно быть, он не включил свой телефон. 6. - Я не могу найти ключи от машины. - Ты, должно быть, снова потерял их. 7. Кто-то забыл перчатки. Это, наверное, Лена, она такая рассеянная. 8. Наверное, что-то случилось с ними. Я так волнуюсь! 9. Тебе лучше остаться дома. Наверное, сейчас пойдет дождь. Посмотри, какие черные тучи! 10. Все билеты, вероятно, проданы, так как это премьера. Фильм имеет большой успех. 11. Должно быть, их нет дома. Очевидно, они уехали за город. 12. Должно быть, они так и не встретились. Он, должно быть, приехал в Москву, когда она уже уехала в поездку за границу. С 1. Мне бы хотелось познакомиться с ней. Ты должен представить меня при случае. 2. Я должен знать, что происходит. Вы не должны ничего скрывать от меня. 3. Я так волнуюсь. От нее нет писем. Что-то, очевидно, случилось. 4. Она, должно быть, очень небрежна и невнимательна. Посмотри сколько нелепых ошибок у нее в проверочной работе. 5. Она давно обещала мне принести эту книгу, но, вероятно, совсем забыла об этом. 6. Вы, наверное, знаете, что на нашем факультете действует программа международного обмена в области экологического образования. 7. Она, вероятно, не захотела прийти. У нее, по-видимому, плохое настроение. 8. Очевидно, погода изменится к лучшему. Ветер прекратился. Небо чистое. HAVE TO
The modal expression have to + infinitive is used in the Present, Past and Future Indefinite. The auxiliary verb do is used to form the negative and the interrogative forms. The modal expression is used to express an obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances and its meaning is close to be obliged (“ приходится, должен, вынужден ”). E.g. I have to go. He had to explain it to me again. She will have to stay after classes. The modal expression have got to + infinitive is very close in its meaning but can be used only in the present: E.g. I have got (I’ve got) to follow his advice. For the meaning of necessity and absence of necessity – see the table.
Exercise 203. Read and comment on the meaning of the modal verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. - He’d think you were mad. – Well, I should have to consider what is best. 2. “Uncle Guy, do I have to remind you that I am your superior officer?” 3. - We’ve only just arrived. - Well, you are late. The bus has gone back. We haven’t any transport. You’ll have to find your own way here. 4. I hope you’ve got everything you want if you haven’t, you’ll just have to do without. 5. If we are going to have a drink before closing time, we’ve got to hurry. (E. Waugh. Men at Arms) 6. - What’s the time? - Quarter to two. - Damn. We’ll have to take a taxi. 7. He was in a frenzy yet as he had to admit afterwards to himself or rather to Eliza – bath, in a way he rather enjoyed it. (I. Murdock. The Unicorn) 8. You’re a bit of a hand at the maps, Seaton. We’ll have to see if we can’t find you a job in the office one of these days. 9. “What would happen if they heard it?” “Why... you’d get the sack.” “That’d be terrible,” - I said. “I’d have to get another job, wouldn’t I?” 10. - If I didn’t love her I might think twice about it. - You’ve got to think twenty times about whether you love her or not. (A. Sillitoe. Key to the Door) Exercise 204. Read the jokes. Comment on the meaning of the modal expression have to.
*** Father (to a little boy eating an apple): Look out for the worms, sonny. Little boy: When I eat an apple, the worms have to look out for themselves. *** Johnny rescued a playmate from an icy pond. - Why don’t you tell us how you came to be so brave and save your friend?
- I had to. He was wearing my skates.
Exercise 205. Make up excuses for the following situations using have to.
Model. You want to go home earlier. – Oh, I absolutely have to leave now – my neighbour called me and said she had seen two strangers trying to open my door!
1. You don’t want to stay for the party. 2. You don’t want to visit your cousin. 3. You don’t want to go to the meeting. 4. You don’t want to go to your country house with your parents. 5. You don’t want to spend so much money on a new computer. 6. You don’t want to go on a trip. 7. You don’t want to write a letter. 8. You don’t want to go out. 9. You don’t want to talk to somebody. 10. You don’t want to cook tonight. Exercise 206. Make up guesses about what must have happened. Model. cat/break a vase - Oh, look! The cat must have broken my favourite vase! 1. mother/do the laundry 2. children/leave the toys 3. Janet/water the plants 4. she/deliver the mail 5. he/sign the documents 6. she/take the picture 7. John/fix the car 8. he/clean the house 9. Mary/leave the window open 10. Mark/lose a key Exercise 207. Translate into English using Active Grammar.
1. Нам придется лететь самолетом, иначе мы можем опоздать к началу конференции. 2. Вам часто приходится обсуждать такие сложные вопросы? 3. За два дня до начала соревнования бегун сломал ногу и вынужден был остаться дома. 4. Если вы не сдадите экзамен, вам придется заниматься все каникулы. 5. Неужели я в самом деле должен бросить курить? 6. Если бы вы были внимательнее на занятиях, мне не пришлось бы снова объяснять вам употребление этого модального глагола. 7. Тебе придется разговаривать с директором самому. Я слишком занят сегодня. 8. Конечно, мне очень бы хотелось провести вечер с друзьями, но я должен остаться в институте после занятий. 9. Условия соглашения были тяжелыми для нее, но ей все же пришлось принять их. 10. – Вам много приходиться играть на пианино? - Очень. Это отнимает у меня столько времени, что, боюсь, мне придется бросить музыку. 11.
Вам не нужно принимать участия в этой экспедиции, если вы себя плохо чувствуете. 12. Если бы дом не был таким старым, нам не пришлось бы так часто ремонтировать его.
The modal expression be to + infinitive is used in the Present and Past Indefinite. It expresses:
1. An order or a strict order which is generally the result of an arrangement (made by one person to another or which is not to be discussed). E.g. You are to leave the room at once! 2. An arrangement or agreement, part of a plan, necessity caused by circumstances,schedule or time-table, etc. E.g. I was to start the conference. He was to have met me here the next morning (the perfectInfinitive is possible). The train is to start in an hour. 3. Strict prohibition. E.g. You are not to date with this young man! Though both the modal expressions be to + infinitive and have to + infinitive express a shade of obligation or necessity, there’s a great difference in their meaning. E.g. As I was to be at 5 sharp (part of an arrangement), I had to take a taxi (necessity arising out of this arrangement).
Exercise 208. Read and comment on the meaning of the modal verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I could see the river far down below, the lines of rails running along it, the old bridge where the railway crossed to the other side, and across, under a hill beyond the river the town that was to be taken. We all knew that it was there that the offensive was to begin. We all knew it was to start in two days. They were going to put another bridge over the river when the bombardment started and some troops were to cross the river at the shallow up above at the bent of the river. We were to take four cars there. I asked what time the attack was to begin and they said as soon as it was dark. (E. Hemingway) 2. “… and what is to happen to my children? How are we going to live?” Mrs. Strickland’s voice broke again. “What am I to say to the children when they ask for their father?” 4. On one occasion, when Strickland was so much better that in a day or two he was to get up, I sat with them in the studio. (S. Maugham) 3. Here we were, sitting in Earls Court Road on a dusty sunny July morning on two suitcases, and where were we to go? 4. I asked the barman if he knew where Ann was to be found these days. He replied yes. He thought that she was in Hemmersmith. (Murdock)
Exercise 209. Read and translate the sentences into Russian. State the function of the modal expression be to. 1. What is to become of us all? (J. Austen). 2. The meeting is to be held in the conference room. 3. Such rare architecture specimens are still to be seen in the western part of Edinburgh. 4. You are to remember that you are merely a candidate yet. 5. You are to report every Friday. 6. And above all, he knew that he was to get over it in no time. 7. These fossils are to be found in Devon.
Exercise 210. Answer the following questions using the modal expression be to.
1. When is your train to leave? 2. When is the plain to take off? 3. When is the “British Ways” Show to be held? 4. When are you to meet them? 5. How many entrance exams were you to take? 6. How many exams are you to take this term? 7. What were you to do during your summer field practice? 8. When are you to have the medical check? 9. What do you think your friend is to do to catch up with the group? 10. When are you to pick them up at the airport? 11. What were you to do for today? 12. What are you to do for the next lesson?
Exercise 211. Read the joke. State the function of the modal expression be to. - Why are fat people good-natured? - They are to be. They can’t either fight or run.
Exercise 212. Translate into English using Active Grammar.
1. Я должен закончить эту статью к понедельнику. 2. Я должен был закончить эту статью в прошлый понедельник. 3. Вы должны упаковать вещи к 6 часам. 4. Вы должны были упаковать вещи к 6 часам. 5. Вы должны составить план своего урока и показать его вашему руководителю практики. 6.Вы должны были составить план своего урока заранее. Жаль, что вы этого не сделали. 7. Она должна была распределить доклады среди студентов второго курса. 8. Вы непременно должны поговорить с ней наедине. 9. Вы непременно должны пойти к доктору, если у вас бывают головные боли так часто. 10. Когда должна состояться консультация? Кто должен ее проводить? 11. За столом не разговаривать, дети! 12. Где вы должны были встретиться вчера? 13. Ты должен взять слово и поддержать наше предложение. 14. Она должна поступить в педагогический институт. Ей суждено стать педагогом. Exercise 213. Make a list of your house chores. Use have to or be to in every sentence.
Exercise 214. Fill in the blanks with must, have to or be to.
1. Please stop crying, you... be getting sentimental again. 2. The day was very hot and I really... have a cold drink. 3. – It’s your job, after all. – Well, I agree. Man … do what
man … do. 4. And remember, you … be at the entrance at 4 p.m., and not a minute late. 5. I think Sam … consider the possibility of moving to Canada. 6. I … ask Nell to give me a lift as I couldn’t find my car keys in the morning. 7. Well, you... be sorry for what you’ve done. 8. Darling, you... to dine with my family tomorrow, you know how important it is for me! 9. But who was it - Jack or Simon? It... have been one of the two. 10. Pardon our being late. We missed the turn and … drive back half a mile. 11. It … be the cat. 12. I …shake him well until he woke up. 13. Sooner or later we all... pay for what we do. 20. I asked what time the show... start and bought two tickets.
NEED Need expresses necessity. When it is used in the meaning of “ to be in want of ” or it may express “ necessity ”, it is treated as a normal verb and has three forms: need, needed and will need. As an ordinary verb, need is normally followed by an infinitive with to: E.g. He needs a new pair of shoes. I’m quite sure that you need to study hard. - He needs to see a doctor. Do you need to see one too?- No, I don't need to see a doctor. But I need a good rest. You don't need to be over 21 to go into a pub in Britain, whereas in America you do.
As a modal verb, need is used in the concrete and imperative meanings. It expresses absence of necessity and giving permission not to do something. It is not used to express supposition. It is mostly used in negative and interrogative sentences.
1. In the concrete meaning need expresses absence of necessity: E.g. You needn’t go there at once. You needn't bother to change the sheets. I'll sleep in them later. I’m not sure that you need come. You needn’t have done it. - Need I lock the door when I leave?- No, you needn't. Sue will be home soon.
When need is used with the perfect infinitive, it means that something that has been done was unnecessary. Didn’t need to is also possible as in “ Did you buy those flowers for me? Oh, you didn’t need to do that. ”, and it may mean either “it wasn’t necessary to buy them” or “you have bought them unnecessarily”.
2. In the imperative meaning need is used to express asking for direction and permission not to do something (“ можете не...”). E.g. Need I bring the book today? - You needn’t do it today. Bring it next week.
Exercise 215. Read and translate the sentences into Russian. State the meaning of the modal verb need.
A. 1. You needn’t worry. They are safe and sound. 2. We need not take such an early train, need we? 3. These newspapers needn’t be kept any longer. 4. Need I produce my pass? – Yes, you must. 5. Need I come again, doctor? – No, you needn’t. (You may if you like but it is not necessary.) 6. Need you write the letter today? Can’t you leave it until tomorrow? – Sorry, but I must write it this evening. 7. I need hardly tell you about my plans. You know them. 8. We told her that she needn’t worry 9. Pete needn’t phone for the doctor, mother feels better now. 10. I don’t think we need give her any more of our attention.
B. 1. You needn’t have hurried to the station. The train was an hour late. 2. I needn’t have written the translation. It was an oral task. 3. You needn’t have bought this text-book. I’ve got an extra one. 4. You needn’t have read all the books on the list. You could have chosen some of them. 5. We needn’t have booked the tickets beforehand. 6. They needn’t have taken the matter to court. 7. Mary needn’t have bought a new raincoat. Her old one looked all right. 8. He needn’t have bought a ticket for me. 9. You needn’t have written a detailed account. 10. You needn’t have bothered. We were all right.
Exercise 216. Read the sentences and state whether the verb need is used as a modal verb or a notional verb.
1. I need some money to make both ends meet. 2. He needed a job and looked for it from morning till night. 3. So he needs my help. – Certainly, he does. 4. Need he come back today? – Yes, he must. 5. Do they need to be here at 5 o’clock? – Yes, they do. 6. They don’t need to come here every day. 7. Do you need to be called as soon as they come? 8. We don’t need to hire a taxi. We can go there by bus. 9. Does she need help? 10. We need to know more words to understand such articles. 11. Small children need more sleep than adults. 12. You needn’t follow his advice if you don’t like it. 13. You needn’t go yet, need you? 14. Your car needs washing. 15. “You rest,” she said. “I’ll certainly make the tea. You needn’t have asked me.” 16. You needn’t be afraid of telling me everything. 17. Need we continue working on this project? 18. Our friendship needn’t stop, need it?
Exercise 217. Make up excuses not to do things. Model. wash up - I needn’t wash up now. I will wash up after supper, when there are more cups and plates.
do homework check my mail clean the room go shopping change linen do the laundry take pills call my mother cook the meal
Exercise 218. Translate into English using your Active Grammar. A 1. Ему не было нужды возвращаться за папкой, и он потом жалел об этом, так как застал Патрицию дома. 2. Вам не нужно было ждать на проходной, вам же заказали
пропуск! 3. Как вы невнимательны! Копии не нужно было подписывать. 4. Что же ты наделал! Тебе не нужно было поливать эту пальму каждый день! 5. Ты принес еще один чистый диск? – Нет, я забыл. – Ничего, тебе и не нужно было приносить его, так как на этом диске еще осталось свободное место. 6. Не нужно подробно описывать предмет, дайте краткое описание. 7. Надо ли мне это делать сейчас? – Нет, не нужно. 8. Ох, не надо было мне спрашивать соседку о ее здоровье. Пришлось провести полчаса, слушая ее.
B 1. Вам незачем было делать это упражнение в письменной форме. Это было устное задание. 2. Тебе не нужно звонить мне каждые пять минут! Я постараюсь придти вовремя. 3. Вам незачем вызывать скорую помощь. Со мной моя сестра, она врач. Потом мы довезем вас домой. 4. Мне незачем было поливать огород вчера. Я потеряла столько времени, а через час пошел дождь и шел всю ночь. 5. Ему незачем было переводить речь докладчика, все присутствовавшие в зале понимали докладчика хорошо. 6. Мне незачем было делать все упражнения вчера. Я провозилась с домашней работой и не успела навестить свою подругу. 7. Вам не нужно было волноваться. Экзамен был нетрудный. 8. Зря ты привезла словарь. У меня же электронный словарь-переводчик. 9. Тебе нечего торопиться. У тебя еще много времени. 10. Напрасно я начал принимать эти витамины, я не почувствовал никакого улучшения, только зря потратил деньги.
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