Read the text again to decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones with the facts from the text. 

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Read the text again to decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones with the facts from the text.


1. The first electric refrigerator appeared between 1950s–1960 s.

2. The mass production of refrigerators began before World War II.

3. The efficiency of freezing improved with the invention of ice-boxes.

4. The storage of food in caves and cold springs was the earliest method of refrigeration.

3. Arrange the following sentences according to the logic of the text:

1. The invention of ice-box led to more efficient refrigeration.

2. Delivery men brought ice to houses in wooden ice boxes.

3. The mass production of refrigerators started after adaptation large refrigeration systems for use in homes and shops.

4. Storage is the earliest method of refrigeration.

5. The first electric refrigerators with freezer compartments came on the market in 1920s – 1930s.

6. The mechanical refrigeration continued until Wold War I.

V. Discuss with your groupmates.

1. Have you learnt any new information about refrigerator?

2. Do you know any of the best trademarks of refrigerators in the world? Name them.

3. Make your advertising slogan for refrigerator.

The Microwave Oven

I. First thoughts.

What is your understanding of these words: magnetron, microwave, pop-corn, radar-set.

II. Study the words. Make sure you know them.

bar, snack, kernel, explode, inch, pocket, consumer, useful, generate

III. Read the text and say why the microwave oven is a big help to busy men and women.

Shortly after the end of World War II, Percy Spencer, already known as an electronics and war hero, was touring one of his laboratories at the Raytheon Company. He stopped momentarily in front of a magnetron, the power tube that drives a radar set. Feeling a sudden and strange sensation, Spencer noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket had begun to melt. Spencer, who obtained 120 patents in his lifetime, knew how to apply his curiosity. So he did what any good inventor would – he went for some popcorn. Spencer didn't feel like having a snack, he asked for unpopped popcorn. Holding the bag of corn next to the magnetron, Spencer watched as the kernels exploded into white morsels.

From this simple experiment, Spencer and Raytheon developed the microwave oven. The first microwave oven weighed a hefty 750 pounds and stood five feet, six inches. At first, it was used exclusively in restaurants, railroad cars and ocean liners - places where large quantities of food had to be cooked quickly. But culinary experts quickly noticed the oven's shortcomings. Meat refused to brown. French fries turned white and limp. To make matters worse, Raytheon chairman Charles Adams cook quit because Adams demanded to prepare food with a microwave oven. In fact, it took decades after the invention of the microwave oven for it to be refined to a point where it would be useful to the average consumer. Today, Percy Spencer's radar boxes melt chocolate and popcorn in millions of homes around the world.

IV. Comprehension Check.

1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

consumers, exploded, generate, useful, pocket

1. I couldn’t find my keys but suddenly remembered that I had left them in my ___________.

2. I’ve heard a loud noise as if something ___________.

3. There were a lot of ________ in the grocery.

4. Electronic geniuses make _______ things we apply every day.

5. Microwave ovens _________ radiowaves inside.

V. Discuss with your partner or groupmates.

1. The microwave oven is an example of a “labor-saving device”. Labor-saving devices save people a lot of time and effort. What other labor-saving devices do you know? What labor-saving devices do you have at home? How do these devices help you and your family? 2. If you could design a labor-saving device, what device would it be? How would it help people? Draw the device in your notebook and tell the class how it would work.

Machines in Space

I. First thoughts: What are “satellites”? Mention some satellites that you know about. What are man-made satellites used for?

II. Study the following words. Be sure you know them:

the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, Comsat, Satnav;

accurate, navigate, speed, shuttle, man-made, military, survey, launch, data, attack, entire, satellite.


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