IV. Read and memorize the words. 

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IV. Read and memorize the words.


name = first name = Christian name

surname = family name = last name

nickname – an informal familiar name for a person

younger/elder brother/sister

mother = mum (col.)

father = dad, daddy (col.)

grandmother = granny, grandma (col.)

grandfather = grandpa, granddad (col.) 

great-aunt = grandaunt

great-uncle = granduncle



‘Family’ Vocabulary

nuclear family - mother, father and children

e.g.: The traditional British family unit is a nuclear family.

single-parent / one-parent family - a family which only has one parent (because the parents are divorced, or because one of the parents has died)

e.g.: There are more and more single-parent families in the UK.

immediate family - your closest relatives

e.g.: Only immediate family members were invited.

extended family - your entire family

e.g.: The wedding invitations were sent to the entire extended family.

close-knit family - a family where the members have close relationships with each other

e.g.: They are a close-knit family.

blood relative - a relative connected to you by "blood" rather than through marriage

e.g.: She's not a blood relative, but we're still very close.

family values - traditional ideas about what a family should be

e.g.: They often emphasize family values and the importance of marriage.



V. Complete the gaps.


1. My mother’s mother is my …………….

1. My mother’s father is my …………….

2. My father is my mother’s …………….

3. My father’s sister is my …………….

4. My mother’s brother is my …………….

5. My uncle’s son and daughter are my …………….

6. My aunt’s daughter is my father’s …………….

7. My uncle’s son is my mother’s …………….

8. My brother is my granny’s …………….

9. My sister is my grandpa’s …………….

10. My wife’s parents are my …………….

11. My husband’s sister is my …………….

12. Your second husband will refer to your daughter as his …………….

13. Your second wife will refer to your children as her …………….

14. Your second wife is your children’s …………….



VI. Make up dialogues and act them out.

Greeting a friend

- Hi! How are you? /How are things? /How's life?

- Fine thanks, and you? /Fine thanks, what about you?

- Not bad. /Can't complain.

At an informal party

- Hello, I'm Maria./ Hello, my name's Maria.

- Hi, I'm Sarah./ Hello Maria, I'm Sarah./ Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah.

At work-related events

- I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Harry Brown, from …/Let me introduce myself. I'm Harry Brown from…

- Nice to meet you. I'm Peter Richardson, from…/ Pleased to meet you. I'm Peter Richardson, from… /How do you do? I'm Peter Richardson from…


Introducing a friend to a work colleague

- Sarah, have you met my colleague John?/ Sarah, I'd like you to meet my colleague John.

- Pleased to meet you, John./Nice to meet you, John.

- Nice to meet you too, Sarah./Hello, Sarah.

Introducing clients

- Mr. Mitchell, I'd like to introduce you to my manager, Henry Lewis.

- How do you do? /Pleased to meet you./ Good to meet you.

- How do you do?

Conversational openings

· Haven’t we met before?

· You name sounds familiar.

· Is it your first time to …?

· Have you been here / to … before?

· Have you visited / seen …?

· Are you enjoying …?

· How was the flight?

VII. Discuss the following questions. Use the leisure activities below.

1. Which of the leisure activities do you enjoy?

2. What else do you do in your free time?

3. Which of the things don’t you like? Why?

4. Which of them are popular in your country? Among your friends?

going to the cinema (movies)/theatre singing playing the piano/the guitar/the drums playing tennis/golf/football/basketball skiing/skating snowboarding rollerblading skateboarding going to the gym yoga dancing clubbing reading surfing the Internet playing (video) games listening to music



VIII. Say the dates, years and numbers.

a. January 1st b. February 14th c. March 8th d. April 22nd e. May 12th f. June 30th g. July 29th h. August 20th i. September 3rd j. October 25th k. November 6th l. December 31st m. 1600 n. 1707 o. 1854 p. 1990 q. 2000 r. 2005 s. 2010 t. 700 BC u. 525 AD v. 2,539 w. 10,000 x. 2,000,000 y. 5,000,000,000 z. 2/3 aa. 17.45

IX. a)Write about yourself.

b) Write about your family.




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