IV. Read and memorize the definitions. 

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IV. Read and memorize the definitions.


age – the number of years someone has lived

baby – a very young child who has not yet learnt to speak or walk

behave – to do things that are good, bad, sensible etc;

childhood – the period of time when you are a child

develop – to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this

die – to stop living and become dead

educated – having been well taught and having learnt a lot

elderly – used as a polite way of saying that someone is old or becoming old

family – a group of people who are related to each other, especially a mother, a father, and their children

freedom – the state of being free and allowed to do what you want

friendship – a relationship between friends

get to know – become familiar with something or someone

infancy – the period of a child’s life before they can walk or talk

marriage – the relationship between two people who are married, or the state of being married

retire – to stop working usually because you have reached a certain age

move – if a person or company moves, they go to live or work in a different place

toddler – a very young child who is just learning to walk

adolescence – the time, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, when a young person is developing into an adult

go out with someone - to have a romantic relationship with someone

tragedy - a very sad event, that shocks people because it involves death

misfortune - very bad luck, or something that happens to you as a result of bad luck

teenager - someone who is between 13 and 19 years old

get engaged - if two people are engaged, they have agreed to marry

widow - a woman whose husband has died (m. widower)



V. Answer the questions.

  1. Who are Caroline’s parents?
  2. Why was having a normal life impossible for the princesses?
  3. Why were Caroline’s parents upset when she married Philippe Junot?
  4. What happened to Caroline and Philippe’s marriage?
  5. What tragedy happened in 1982?
  6. When did Caroline find real happiness?
  7. Why did Caroline lose her hair?
  8. Who did she meet in 1995?
  9. Who is Monaco’s head of state now?




VI. Memorize the following collocations.

to fall in/out of love

to begin a relationship

to get married

to get divorced

to expect a child

to get pregnant

to give birth to a child

to have a baby

to become parents

to behave properly in society

to get along with somebody

to grow up

in your twenties (20-29 years old)

early twenties (20-23 years old)

mid-twenties (24-26 years old)

late twenties (27-29 years old)



VII. Match the antonyms.

elderly to be born to retire to fall in love to marry a baby to die to divorce an adult to get a job young to fall out of love



VIII. What stage of life are these people at?

  1. Paul isn’t two yet, so he is still a ……………..
  2. Albert was a bus driver for 40 years but stopped work two years ago, so he’s now ……………..
  3. Susan is 25, so she is in her ……………..
  4. Caroline is 48 this year, so she is now in her ……………..
  5. Ron is 33 and his wife is 32, so they are both in their ……………..
  6. Joan is 75 this year, so she is quite ……………..
  7. Jason was born six weeks ago, so he’s a ……………..
  8. Leyla is 13 this year, so she will soon be a ……………..
  9. Ravi is 18 this year, so legally he becomes an ……………..
  10. 15 is often a difficult age for boys going through ……………..



IX. Match the sentence beginnings from A with the endings from B and construct Rebecca’s life.

A 1. Rebecca was born 2. She grew up 3. Her first boyfriend 4. She went out with him 5. She went to university 6. She fell in love 7. They got married 8. She had a baby 9. Her father retired B a. was a boy at her secondary school. b. in her early thirties. c. on a farm with lots of animals. d. when she was in her late twenties. e. in a small local hospital in 1972. f. for six months. g. just after the baby was born. h. with another student doing medicine. i. when she left school.


X. Birth, death and marriage.

Fill in the gaps with one of the following words.

birth                                                birthday                                            born


  1. Where were you ………………..?
  2. When is your ………………..?
  3. I was ………………..in Africa.
  4. She gave ……………….. to a beautiful healthy boy.
  5. What are you doing for your ……………….. this year?



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