Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


А.В. Зыкин, Ю.А. Беляева, О.В. Филиппова


А.В. Зыкин, Ю.А. Беляева, О.В. Филиппова




С А Н К Т – П Е Т Е Р Б У Р Г

2 0 1 7


Министерство сельского хозяйства рОССИЙСКОЙ фЕДЕРАЦИИ




А.В. Зыкин, Ю.А. Беляева, О.В. Филиппова








УДК 811.111



Зыкин А.В., Беляева Ю.А., Филиппова О.В. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для самостоятельной работы – СПб.: СПбГАУ. – 2017. – 407 с.


И.В. Вихриева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и культуры речи СПбГАУ

Е.А. Денисова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры английской филологии ЛГУ имени А.С. Пушкина


Настоящее учебное пособие главным образом предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов, обучающихся на уровне бакалавриата, и включает в себя следующие разделы:

- грамматический раздел, содержащий теоретический материал и систему упражнений, направленных на формирование лексико-грамматических и корректировку фонетических навыков;

- раздел аудирование, позволяющий сформировать и улучшить способности воспринимать устную английскую речь на слух;

- тексты по укрупненным группам направлений подготовки (УГНП), направленные на формирование способности и умений читать, понимать и переводить литературу в рамках соответствующей тематики.

Данное пособие составлено с целью повышения качества подготовки обучающихся в соответствии с требованиями Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов высшего образования.



Рекомендовано к изданию Учебно-методическим советом СПбГАУ протокол № 03 от 26 января 2016 года.


ISBN 978-5-85983-261-3



© Беляева Ю.А., Зыкин А.В., Филиппова О. В., 2016




Основными задачами пособия для самостоятельной работы являются совершенствование и развитие интеллектуального уровня обучающихся, а также развитие способности самостоятельно приобретать новые знания и умения по иностранному языку, в том числе в смежных областях знаний. С другой стороны цель пособия заключается в том, чтобы кратко, но максимально полно представить информацию по грамматике английского языка, совершенствовать умения в чтении оригинальной литературы по соответствующим направлениям подготовки бакалавриата, а также способствовать формированию навыка понимания иностранной речи на слух. Совокупность поставленных задач и целей способствует обобщению, анализу, развитию критического мышления, систематизации, прогнозированию, постановке целей и выбору адекватных путей их достижения.

Пособие состоит из трех частей:

Ø первая часть посвящена описанию грамматического строя английского языка с обширной системой упражнений на закрепление того или оного грамматического явления.

Ø вторая часть посвящена аудированию, включающего в себя различные диалоги, выдержки из лекций по различным областям знания.

Ø третий раздел представлен двумя блоками текстов, сгруппированных тематически: первый подраздел посвящен страноведению (Англия, США, Россия), а второй тематическими текстами соответствующих укрупненных групп направлений подготовки, реализуемых в ФГБОУ ВО СПбГАУ.

Все разделы имеют четкую логическую структуру и могут быть дополнены друг другом.

Упражнения располагаются в порядке нарастания сложности, от узнавания грамматических единиц и явлений в первом блоке, лексических единиц в контексте аудиоматериала и текстов по направлению подготовки, до автоматического использования на уровне навыка, что достигается при помощи системы упражнений.

Курс обучения иностранному (английскому) языку формируется как из аудиторной, так и из самостоятельной работы. Он предполагает формирование общекультурной компетенции, заявленной во ФГОС ВО и направленной на формирование способности к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия.


Раздел I Grammar  
  Существительное Артикль Местоимение Притяжательный падеж (‘s / of) Числительные Прилагательные/наречия (степени сравнения) Предлоги Безличные, неопределенно-личные предложения (формальное подлежащее; конструкция there + to be) Типы вопросов Модальные глаголы Словообразование Неличные формы глагола Глаголы (to be, to have, to do) Времена Согласование времен Страдательный залог Прямая / косвенная речь Приложение Список неправильных глаголов Знаки транскрипции Чтение гласных букв под ударением Чтение ударных сочетаний гласных букв Согласные, имеющие два варианта произношения Чтение сочетаний согласных букв  
Раздел II Listening  
Раздел III Reading  
  PART I I.1 The UK of GB and Northern Ireland I.2 The USA I.3 Canada I.4 Australia I.5 Russia   PART II Тексты для чтения по УГНП УГНП 08.00.00 Техника и технологии строительства УГНП 20.00.00 Техносферная безопасность и природообустройство УГНП 21.00.00 Прикладная геология, горное дело, нефтегазовое дело и геодезия УГНП 35.00.00 Сельское, лесное и рыбное хозяйство УГНП 36.00.00 Ветеринария и зоотехния УГНП 38.00.00 Экономика и управление 40.00.00 Юриспруденция УГНП 43.00.00 Сервис и туризм  










(материальные, относящиеся к какому-то классу…)


Абстрактные Abstract Собирательные Collective Личные Personal Географические Geographic
a book a disc a computer children friends cities wood iron water jam paper oil success news progress advice freedom love friendship democracy police people clothes glasses team jeans company Mass Media Peter Nikitin Mary Brown Kate the Stones Moscow Russia London England Italy Rome  




ед.ч – мн.ч.


an idea – ideas

a fish – fish

a child – children

an apple – apples

a printer - printers

Material Abstract
milk sugar glass bread iron news weather money information knowledge

Употребляются с:

is / are has / have many, a lot of (a) few, several a / the some



much, a lot of

(a) little




Употребите is или are.

1. Big money................ hard to hide. 2. There................ big fish in this river. 3. Clothes.................. very important to her. 4. It.................. front-page news. 5. The traffic................ bumper to bumper today. 6. His hair................... getting thin, though he is only thirty. 7. There.................. a hair on your plate. 8. Your ear-rings................... so beautiful! 9. This news.................. hard to believe. 10. The fish in this river................... dying. 11. The scissors................. on the table. 12. These sunglasses..................... so cool! 13. The pyjamas.................. made of cotton. 14. The luggage.................... too heavy. 15. The advice.................. timely. 16. The headphones...................... in the laboratory. 17. Fruit.................. very useful. 18. Your jeans...................... fashionable. 19....................... the police here? 20. Mass Media...................... the Press, Radio and Television. 21. There.................. a few hairs on your jacket. 22. My furniture.................. made of wood. 23................... there any fish in the Neva? 24................... there any fish on the menu? 25. Her clothes................... very expensive.





Именительный падеж

I you he she


we you they

Объектный падеж

me you him her


us you them


Совмещенная форма (мест.+сущ.)

my your his hers


our your their

Абсолютная форма

mine yours his hers


ours yours theirs

Возвратные и усилительные

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves


each other, one another


this (these), that (those), such, the same


who, whom, whose, what, which


some, any, one, all, each, every, other, another, both, many, much, few, little, either, no, none, neither



I shall speak to him.


I shall speak to him.


That was he.

часть сказуемого


Her paper was interesting.


My room is large, yours is larger.


This paper is his.

часть сказуемого

We haven’t seen your paper,

we have seen only theirs.


Возвратные и усилительные

I wash myself.


He himself saw it. He saw it himself.



They greeted each other.



This was pleasant.


He likes this.


It was that.

часть сказуемого

I know these songs.



Who knows this story?


What did you see there?


What has she become?

часть сказуемого

Which month is the warmest?



One must do it.


He told us something.


Any student can do it.


It is too much for me.

часть сказуемого




В отрицат. предлож.

В предлож. всех типов.


some any not … any no every something   что-то, что-нибудь anything not … anything   ничего nothing   ничего everything   всё I see something there. Do you see anything there? I do not see anything there. I see nothing. Everything is ready. somebody, someone   кто-то, кто-нибудь anybody not … anybody, not … anyone   никто nobody, no one, none   никто everybody, everyone   все Somebody will call you up. Will anybody call me up? Nobody will call you up. I will not (won’t) meet anybody there. Everybody is present. somewhere   где-то, где-нибудь; куда-то, куда-нибудь anywhere not … anywhere   нигде, никуда nowhere   нигде, никуда everywhere   везде, всюду I shall go somewhere next Sunday. Will you go anywhere next Sunday? We shall go nowhere tonight. We shall not go anywhere tonight.



Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные
many – много, многие a few – несколько (= some, several) few – мало (= not many)   much – много a little – немного (= some) little – мало (not much)
Используются самостоятельно или в сочетании с исчисляем. сущ-ми во мн.ч. Используются самостоятельно или в сочетании с неисчисляем. сущ-ми
1. There are many interesting things in our life. 2. Many strive to achieve much, but only few succeed. 3. Very few people know about it. 4. He made a few mistakes in his speech. 1. The child has too much energy! 2. Did you get much information last week? 3. There’s little coffee in my cup. 4. I’ve got a little free time now. I can speak to you.


Употребите many или much.

1. There are always...................... people in the metro. 2. There is...................... work to do today. 3. How...................... time is it now? 4. How...................... years ago did you meet? 5. There are...................... things which I don’t understand. 6. There is...................... food in my fridge but there isn’t...................... money in the purse. 7. How...................... times have I told you not to use so...................... make-up? 8. There aren’t...................... students in this group. 9. She usually puts too...................... sugar in her tea. 10. I think I put too...................... butter and too...................... raisins in the cake. It’s very rich. 11. He buys...................... cigarettes and spends...................... money on them. 12. We have...................... cheese, but not...................... bread. 13. How...................... classes do we have today? 14. How...................... petrol do you need? 15. Our teacher gives us...................... homework. 16. You shouldn’t eat as...................... potatoes, as...................... butter, as...................... snack foods as before because you’re getting fat. 17. There are too...................... unfriendly people, too...................... fast cars and too...................... noise in this city. 18. He made...................... mistakes in the test as he didn’t have...................... time to prepare for it. 19. There is...................... light and...................... air in this hall as there are...................... windows in it. 20. Mr. Parker doesn’t like his new secretary. He thinks she drinks too...................... coffee, makes too...................... telephone calls to her friends, and doesn’t pay...................... attention to her duties.


Ann. Here’s how I make my favourite vegetable soup. You start with butter.

Olga. How......................?

Ann. Just......................

Olga. And then?

Ann. Then you slice...................... onions and cook them in butter.

Olga. How...................... onions?

Ann. As....................... as you like.

Olga. And how...................... butter?

Ann. As...................... as you like.

Olga. And then?

Ann. Then you add...................... water.

Olga. How......................?

Ann. Not too...................... Just...................... cups.

Olga. And after that?

Ann. You add...................... potatoes,...................... tomato paste,...................... carrots, cabbage and...................... beans.

Olga. How...................... time do you cook the soup?

Ann. Not too long. Just...................... hours.

Olga. Thanks for the recipe. I’ll try it soon.

Ann. You are welcome.




  1 one

  2 two

  3 three

  4 four

  5 five

  6 six

  7 seven

  8 eight

  9 nine

10 ten


101 a (one) hundred and one

200 two hundred

11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty   1,000 a thousand 2,000 two thousand 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two, …, 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a (one) hundred   100,000 a (one) hundred thousand 1,000,000 a (one) million


1 st first

2 nd second

3 d third

4 th fourth

5 th fifth

6 th sixth

7 th seventh

8 th eighth

9 th ninth

10 th tenth


11 th eleventh 12 th twelfth 13 th thirteenth 14 th fourteenth 15 th fifteenth 16 th sixteenth 17 th seventeenth 18 th eighteenth 19 th nineteenth 20 th twentieth   21 st twenty-first, …,   30 th thirtieth 40 th fortieth 50 th fiftieth 60 th sixtieth 70 th seventieth 80 th eightieth 90 th ninetieth 100 th a (one) hundredth  


Простые ½ 1/3

a (one) half        2/5 two fifths

one third         2 3/7     two and three seventh

Десятичные 0.3 2.35 32.305

nought (zero) point three

two point three five (thirty five)

three two (thirty two) point three zero (nought) five



Put the books in order. Two are lying under the table/

Two went there. The first was my friend.

Часть сказуемого

They were five.

She was the first to do it.


How many papers has he written? He has written five.

Of the two books I read, I liked the second better.


We have seen three scientific films.

This is my seventh paper.

Перевод: числительными



1. Простые

good, bad, long, large, easy

2. Производные с суффиксами: - ful - less - able - ous - y - ly - ish - en


beauti ful

use less

comfort able

fam ous

luck y

love ly

redd ish

gold en

с префиксами:

un –

in –

im –

ir –


  untrue insincere impossible irrelevant   3. Составные

snow - white, dark - blue

Степени сравнения









long er

larg er

easi er

the long est

the larg est

the easi est




more beautiful

more impossible

the most beautiful

the most impossible





many / much






farther (further)

the best

the worst

the least

the most

the farthest (furthest)

Сравнительные конструкции


The result of the experiment is much better than

that of the previous one.

as … as

This result is as good as that one.

not so … as

This result is not so good as that one.

the (more) … the (less)

The more we study the less we know.


1. Определение

They live in the new house.

2. Часть сказуемого

My house is new.

Перевод: прилагательными





1. Простые

Well, much, very, often

2. Производные

part ly, quick ly, hard ly

3. Составные

Fast, hard, late

He is working fast. It is a fast train.


After, before, since

I haven’t seen him since. I haven’t seen him since that day.


Since, when, where, but

I haven’t seen him since. I haven’t seen him since he went there.

Степени сравнения



сравнительная превосходная Односложные




faster later earlier fastest latest earliest Многосложные



more slowly more beautifully most slowly most beautifully Исключения






better worse less more farther (further) best worst least most farthest (furthest)


Обстоятельства определяют: глагол, прилагательное, наречие

He is working fast.

He is a very good speaker.

He speaks English very well.

Служат вопросительными словами

Where do you work?

Вводят придаточные:






Here is the house where he lives.

How I should do it is not known.

The question is how I should do it.

I don’t know how I should do it.

Перевод: наречиями



Употребите as или than.

1. The test isn’t...................... difficult...................... it seems. 2. He doesn’t earn...................... much money...................... she does. 3. She earns more...................... he does. 4. He is more lucky...................... I am. 5. I’ve known them longer...................... you. 6. Moscow is bigger...................... St. Petersburg. 7. She doesn’t know English...................... well...................... he does. 8. This site is more interesting...................... that one. 9. Better late...................... never. 10. I don’t know business...................... well...................... they do. 11. You eat more...................... is necessary for you. 12. The weather is worse today...................... it was yesterday. 13. The film isn’t...................... good...................... the book. 14. We don’t travel...................... often...................... our friends. 15. My life is more interesting now...................... it was some years ago. 16. People in Italy live longer...................... anywhere else in the world.




Of, for, in, at, on


Across, between, below


To, for

By, with

The book of the boy was open.

She showed her pen to the boy (him).

This is for him.

The letter is written by the boy (him).

He is writing with the pencil.

Предлоги места





Below beneath





on the box

in the box

at the box


under the box


over the box

near the box

beside the box

in front of behind across through between among in front of the box behind the box across the street through the window between two windows among the students

Предлоги направления






Out of



to the house

towards the house

from the house

into the house

out of the house

off the house

up the street

Предлоги времени

on in at by from … till

on Saturday

on the first of May

in March

in a month

at 7 o’clock

by 3 o’clock

from 3 till 5 o’clock








since 5 o’clock

for an hour

during the lecture

before the lecture

after the lecture

till June

between one and two o’clock

Перевод: предлогами, падежными окончаниями.




What time is it?

It’s 12 o’clock.

It’s late (early, noon, night).

It’s lunchtime. It’s dinnertime.

It’s time to start the class.


It’s far from here to the park.

It’s a long way.

 - How far is it to the metro station?

 - It isn’t far.

Природных явлений

It’s fine weather today.

It’s a foggy day today.

It snows in Russia in winter.

It rains a lot in autumn.

It looks like rain (snow).

(Похоже, будет дождь/снег).

5) состояний (nice, easy, hard, good, necessary, difficult, interesting, cool, exciting, wonderful, thrilling, awful, terrible, important)

It’s nice to be young.

It’s easy to be polite.

It was good to visit you.

It’s cool to be a bodyguard.

It was awful to lose the game.

It’s interesting to travel.

There употребляется когда необходимо передать наличие кого-то или чего-то в определённом месте или же в определённый момент времени.

Present simple Past Simple   Future Simple

There is a file on the desk.

There was a strong wind yesterday.


There will be a good comedy in cinema soon.

There are files on the desk. There were a lot of people in the streets. There will be many tourists this season.        


Употребите it’s или its.

1. I like Moscow. I like...................... streets and squares. 2....................... a new magazine....................... price isn’t high. 3. What a beautiful book!...................... cover is so bright. 4....................... a big company....................... main office is in New York. 5. The baby elephant called...................... mother. 6....................... a long way from here to there. 7....................... not too bad. 8. The cat was playing with........ tail. 9. Well, I don’t know....................... up to you. 10....................... snowing out there. 11....................... Tuesday today. 12. I'm going to buy this sweater. I like.......................................... colour.13....................... me! Open the door! 14....................... a great painting....................... very expensive,...................... price is a secret. 15. He liked London for...................... style. 16....................... very important. 17. The baby lay in...................... carrycot. 18. The group had...................... last exam yesterday. 19....................... a complete waste of time. 20. Eat more fruit....................... good for you. 21. Well,...................... so good to be here with you. 22....................... such a surprise for me! 23....................... a new word. I don’t know...................... meaning. 24. Every city has own face.


Наиболее употребительные префиксы и суффиксы для словообразования

Префиксы - примеры - суффиксы примеры


Re- Co- Dis- In- Mis- Im- Un- Il- rebuilding coworker disadvantage independence misunderstanding immortality undevelopment illegality   -er (-or, -ar, -ist) -ness -ment -ion -(a)tion -ity -hood -dom -ship -ing worker, director, scholar, artist happiness Improvement discussion examination activity childhood freedom friendship jogging


Un- In- Im- Ir- untrue insincere impossible irrelevant -ful -less -able -ous -y -ly -ish -en -al -ive beautiful useless comfortable famous lucky lovely reddish golden political attractive


Un- Dis- Re- undo dislike remake -en -fy -ize widen, strengthen modify recognize



  Simple Perfect Active Voice taking having taken Passive Voice being taken having been taken

Excuse me for giving you so much trouble. (действие в настоящем)

Excuse me for having given you so much trouble. (действие в прошлом)

He was proud of winning so often. (Он гордился тем, что часто выигрывал.)

Не was proud of having won the game. (Он был горд тем, что выиграл.)


Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

Present Simple

_______ am / is / are …. _______ am / is / are + not … Am / Is / Are _______?

Past Simple

_______ was / were….. _______ was / were + not … Was / Were _______?

Future Simple

_______ will (shall) be …. _____ will (shall) + not + be Will (Shall) _______ be?      



Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

Present Simple

_______ have / has …. _______ have / has + not … Do / Does _______ have?

Past Simple

_______ had….. _______ had + not … Did _______ have?

Future Simple

_______ will (shall) have …. _____ will (shall)+ not +have Will (Shall) _______ have?



Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

Present Simple

_______ do / does …. _______ do / does + not … Am / Is / Are _______?

Past Simple

_______ did….. _______ did + not … Was / Were _______?

Future Simple

_______ will (shall) do …. _____ will (shall) + not + do Will (Shall) _______ do?




A man came into the bar, (sit) down, (call) the barman and (say) to him, “Give me a drink before the trouble (start).” The barman (be) busy with other people, so he not (say) anything, but (give) the man a whisky, and the man (drink) it quickly. Then he (put) his glass down, and (cry) to the barman again, “Give me another one before you (have) problems.” The barman (have) no time to say anything, so he (bring) the man his drink and (go) away. The man (smile) happily, and some time later he (tell) the barman that he (want) another drink. This time the owner of the bar (think) that it was too much and (ask) the man, “What trouble you (talk) about?” The man (reply) that the trouble was that he not (have) any money.



It was evening. A man (cross) a narrow bridge when he (see) a fisherman on the bank of the deep river under him, so he (stop) and (watch) him quietly. After a few minutes, the fisherman (pull) his line out. There (be) a big, fat fish at the end of it. The fisherman (take) it off the hook and (throw) it back into the water. Then he (put) his hook and line into the water again. After a few more minutes he (catch) another big fish. Again he (let) it (go) into the river. Then the third time he (manage) to catch another fish. It was very small. He (take) it and (begin) to collect his things to go home. The man on the bridge (can) not (hide) his surprise, so he (speak) to the fisherman. He (say) “Why you (throw) those beautiful big fish back into the water, and keep only that small one?” The fisherman (look) up and (reply), “I (have) a small frying-pan.”


It was summer. Two friends (camp) together on the bank of a river. Their names (be) Jim and Tim. Tim (be) a very lazy boy. On the first evening of their holiday, Jim (say) to Tim, “Here (be) some money. Go and buy some meat.” “I (be) too tired,” (answer) Tim. “You go.” So Jim (go) and (buy) the meat. When he (come) back, he (tell) Tim that he (must) (cook) it. But Tim (explain), “No, I (be) not good at cooking. You must (do) it.” So Jim (fry) the meat. Then Jim (cut) the bread as Tom not (want) to do it. After that he (offer) his friend (bring) some water. This time Tim (reply), “My clothes (be) clean, I not (be going) to do it.” So Jim (bring) the water. At last the meat (be) ready and Jim (invite) Tim to eat it. “Well, I can (do) that,” (agree) Tim. “I not (like) to say “no” all the time.”



Last weekend we (travel) to St. Petersburg. We (get) on a fast train at 3 o’clock. On the train my friend and I (talk) a little, (read) some magazines and then (sleep) for about an hour. The train (stop) only twice. It (take) us five hours to get to the North capital. At about nine o’clock we (come) to our hotel. The next day we (go) on a bus excursion about the city. Fortunately, the weather (be) fine. We (start) from the Nevsky Prospect and (drive) along it to the Neva. Our guide (know) a lot of interesting facts, stories and jokes which she (tell) us with great pleasure. The driver (stop) the bus from time to time, and we (go) out to admire the wonderful churches, palaces, museums and the famous bridges. We (learn) a lot of interesting things about the city and its people. The bus (bring) us back to the Nevsky Prospect at about four o’clock in the afternoon. It (be) time for dinner. We (be) hungry and thirsty. We (enter) one of the many cafes, (find) a table and (sit) down. We (choose) from the menu what we (want). The dinner not (cost) us much. It was in fact twice as cheap as in Moscow. There (be) a lot of people around us. They (talk), (laugh), (drink) coffee. They (speak) different languages: English, Italian, German, Finnish. After dinner we (do) some shopping. We (buy) a few souvenirs and (go) to the hotel. We (be) tired but very happy.


1. Pack suitcase. +.............................................................................................................................

2. Make bed. +..................................................................................................................................

3. Switch off lights. +.......................................................................................................................

4. Water plants. –............................................................................................................................

5. Have a shower. –.........................................................................................................................

6. Take the cat to the neighbour. +...................................................................................................


1. Pack suitcase. –...........................................................................................................................

2. Cancel visits. +..............................................................................................................................

3. Turn off computer. –...................................................................................................................

4. Close windows. –........................................................................................................................

5. Tidy the room. –..........................................................................................................................

6. Wash hair. +..................................................................................................................................

Правила согласования времён

Характер действия

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь 1. одновременность а) действие главного предложения происходит одновременно с действием придаточного предложения (Past Simple, Past Continuous)

He said, «I work hard»

He said, «I am working hard»

He said (that) he worked hard. He said (that) he was working hard. б) действия, выраженные с помощью модальных глаголов

He said, «I can work hard»

He said, «I may work hard»

He said, «I have to work hard»

He said (that) he could work hard. He said (that) he might work hard. He said (that) he had to work hard. 2. Предшествование (два действия в прошлом, одно из которых произошло раньше другого) (Past Simple, Past Perfect)

He said, «I have worked hard»

She said, «I worked hard»

They said, «We saw that film»

He said (that) he had worked hard. She said (that) she had worked hard. They said (that) they had seen that film. 3. Будущее действие (Future in the Past) (два действия, одно из которых в прошлом, а второе направлено на будущее)

He said, «I will work hard»

She promised, «I will come»

He said (that) he would work hard. She promised (that) she would come.


It was late in the afternoon. Inspector Mathew (have) an hour left before the end of the working day. He (sit) in his police car and (watch) the traffic go by. He (do) it for some time already when he suddenly (sit) up, as he (notice) something strange. A woman in a red car (drive) slowly along the road and the inspector clearly (see) a pair of man’s legs sticking out of the boot of the car! The inspector immediately (start) (chase) the red car. The woman (ride) round the town. The blue lamp on the top of the police car (flash), but the driver not (pay) any attention to it. The inspector finally (get) in front of her and (make) her (stop). “What’s the matter?” the woman (cry). “You’ve got a body in the boot!” the inspector (say). There (come) a loud laugh from the boot. “But I (be) alive,” the voice said. “I (be) a car mechanic and I (try) to find the cause of a strange noise in the back of this car.”

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь


Liz says, «I’m busy»

He says to us, «I like London»

He says, «I don’t know this man»

Liz says (that) she is busy.

He tells us (that) he likes London.

He says (that) he doesn’t know this man.


They say, «Close the door, please»

She says to Bob, «Don’t close the window»

The teacher orders the pupils «Don’t talk!»

They ask me to close the door.

She tells Bob not to close the window.

The teacher orders the pupils not to talk.

Общий вопрос

The tourist asks me, «Do you live in Moscow?»

He asks, «Is it raining now?»

The chief asks, «Is everybody here?»

The tourist asks me if I live in Moscow.

He asks if (whether) it is raining now.

The chief asks if (whether) everybody is here.

Специальный вопрос

I ask them, «Where does Sue live?»

They ask, «What’s the matter?»

We ask them, «When shall we meet?»

My friend asks, «Who told you this?»

I ask them where Sue lives.

They ask what the matter is.

We ask them when we shall meet.

My friend asks who told me this.


A teenager goes from door to door as he is trying to earn money by doing different jobs. After being turned away nine times, he is more lucky on the tenth try.

“Yes,” the man says. “I need someone to paint my porch. You’ll find two gallons of green paint in the garage, together with everything else you need.”

“Fine,” the boy says.

“I’ll be working in the attic,” the man says. “Ring the bell when you finish painting the porch”.

About an hour passes and the man comes to the back door to answer the bell.

“Have you finished so soon?” he says surprised.

“Yes,” the boy says. “But it looked more like a Ferrari than a Porshe.”


“Sir,” the actor says, “I would like permission to marry your daughter.”

“Forget it,” the father answers. “Never in my wildest dreams would I let my daughter marry an actor.”

“Before you make a final decision, sir, would you be willing to come and see me perform?”


So the father and his daughter go to the theatre in which the young man was appearing. When the play is over, they go backstage to the young man’s dressing-room.

“Okay,” the father says, “You can marry her. You’re no actor.”


Mrs. Williams loves flowers and has a small but a beautiful garden. In the summer her roses are always the best on the street. One summer afternoon the bell rings and when she goes to the front door, she sees a small boy outside. He is about seven years old, and is holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand. “I’m selling roses,” he says. “Do you want any? They are quite cheap. Five pence for a big bunch. They are fresh. I picked them this afternoon.” “My boy,” Mrs. Williams answers. “I


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