Объясните различие в употреблении подчеркнутых временных форм. 

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Объясните различие в употреблении подчеркнутых временных форм.

I am waiting for the findings of my blood analysis.

I have been waiting for the findings of my blood analysis for an hour.


Dry rales are disappearing slowly.

Dry rales have been disappearing during this week.


The nurse is giving the injections.

The nurse has been giving the injections for two hours.

47. Определите по формальным признакам время глаголов, выделенных полужирным шрифтом в упр. 41, и распределите их в три колонки:

Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на формы времен группы Perfect Continuous.

1. Doctors have been trying to transplant ‘living skin’ since it was invented.

2. Doctors have been using lidocaine to prevent irregular heartbeat since the discovery was unveiled.

3. Dr. Hull has been obtaining positive results for a month.

4. How long has the patient been complaining of nausea?

5. My friend will have been living in Moscow for a month when I come there.

6. My mother had been suffering from a severe stomachache for an hour before we made a call to the First Aid Station.

7.  Sensors have been transmitting electrical impulses for ten minutes.

8. The doctors have been arrest­ing profuse arterial bleeding for five minutes but the male patient is still bleeding.

9. The laboratory has been developing this device for years.

10. The signs of heart impair­ment had been developing for a week before the woman was examined by a cardiologist.

11. The victim of a street accident had been moaning since he was run over by a car.

12.  This patient has been wearing a splint for several months.



Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках.

Sam They Scientists Susan He We This patient Prof. Jones My sister Dr Harrison The student The teacher have has had will have   been studying operating preparing explaining working taking translating looking performing living learning examining a chemistry     experiment a foreign language a new article for a vaccine     against AIDS a patient anatomy exams for a seminar in a private clinic new words new grammar in a student hostel                  for 20 minutes for 2 hours since 3 o’clock for 50 minutes by 3 o’clock tomorrow for half an hour when you come for 10 minutes when we met him (her) for some time for an hour when we     arrived

50. *Переведите предложения, выпишите сказуемые и укажите их временные формы (Present / Past / Future Perfect Continuous):


1. The patient has been making a slow recovery for a month.

2. We shall have been investigating this case for three weeks by the end of the year.

3. The patient had been coughing for a month by the time he was admitted to the hospital.

4. My mother has been suffering from a bad pain in the substernal area for three hours.

5. The patient had been complaining of a considerable muscular pain before he was admitted to the hospital.

6. By 3 o’clock the professor will have been delivering the lecture for half an hour.

7. Although the patient had been receiving the injections of streptomycin for several days she showed little improvement.

8. The red blood cell count has been gradually returning to normal as the patient is being given blood transfusions.

9. Since when has the pain been radiating to the left arm and shoulder?

10.  As fever has been persisting for about three weeks the patient’s condition is very poor.

11. The researcher had been investigating the origin of the inflammation for about aweek before he drew a definite conclusion.

12. Some symptoms of the vascular impairment of the brain had been developing gradually for some time before they became clearly marked.





употребляется в предложении, подлежащим которого является предмет, на который направлено действие, выраженное глаголом.


Формула страдательного залога:


Таблица спряжения глагола to translate в страдательном залоге.



Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present Articles are translated. Articles are being translated. Articles have been translated. _
Past Articles were translated. Articles were being translated. Articles had been translated. _
Future Articles will be translated. _ Articles will have  been translated. _
Способы перевода страдательного залога:                                                                                                                                Статьи переведены.      Articles are translated.       Статьи переводятся.                                                      Статьи переводят.

Обратите внимание, как при изменении залога объект глагола в действительном залоге становится подлежащим в страдательном залоге:

Indefinite We translate articles. Articles are translated.
Continuous We are translating articles. Articles are being translated.
Perfect We have translated articles. Articles have been translated.
Modal Verbs We can translate articles. Articles can be translated.

51.  Переведите предложения, выпишите подлежащее+сказуемое, укажите их перевод и форму сказуемого.

Например: He is examined - его обследуют (Present Indefinite Passive)

1. Such changes in the stomach are caused by stress.

2. These changes in the stomach were caused by stress.

3. Some cases of this disease were given by a doctor in the proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine.

4. Smallpox is eradicated and there are very rare cases of the disease in the world.

5. Stomach energy is usually measured by means of this device.

6. Stomach energy was carefully measured by means of this device.

7. The flow of oxygen to the blood is reduced due to the heart defect.

8. No specific therapy was used for this disease.

9. All the trials will be undertaken with plasma from convalescents.

10. The effectiveness of the method is not established.

11. Only aspirin is used in such cases.

12. The phenomenon was reported by several workers.

13. The intestinal tract is lined by mucous membrane.

14. The current views in the field of virology will be reflected in the publication.

15. My father was examined thoroughly before the operation.


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