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The main elements of skin immune system areСодержание книги
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1.Langerhans cells 2.T-lymphocytes 3.keratinocytes 4.Merkel’s cells 5.Answers 1, 2, 3 are correct
Question 5 Indicate mechanisms of blister formation 1.vacuolar degeneration 2.ballooning degeneration 3.exocytosis 4.granulosis 5.Answers 1,2,3 are correct
Anatomy, histology, physiology, pathomorphology of skin and its appendages. Primary and secondary morphological elements of rash. Principles of diagnostics and treatment. Methods of survey of patient ill with skin disease. Supervision of patient. Variant 2 Question1 Indicate a morphological basis of tubercle 1.acanthosis 2.perivascular infiltration 3.vacuolar degeneration 4.infectious granuloma 5.rpapillomatosis
Question2 Indicate a mechanism of intradermal bulla 1.acantholysis 2.ballooning degeneration 3.vacuolar degeneration 4.spongiosis 5.exocytosis Question 3 Granulosis is a thickening of 1. epidermis 2. spicular layer 3. granular layer 4. basal layer 5. corneous layer
Question 4 Hyperkeratosis is 1. thickening of corneous layer 2. intercellular bond violation of spicular layer 3. papillae edema of derma 4. cell increase of granular layer 5. thickening of spicular layer
Question 5 True polymorphism is 1. one type of primary elements presence 2. different types of primary elements presence 3. tendency towards elements fusion 4. different secondary elements presence 5. tendency of elements towards peripheral growth Anatomy, histology, physiology, pathomorphology of skin and its appendages. Primary and secondary morphological elements of rash. Principles of diagnostics and treatment. Methods of survey of patient ill with skin disease. Supervision of patient. Variant 3
Question 1 Average ratio of melanocytes and epidermocytes quantity of skin is 1. 1:3 2. 1:6 3. 1:11 4. 1:25 5. 1:50
Question 2 Onychoblasts of matrix provide with 1. nail growth into the length 2. nail growth into the breadth 3. thickening of nail plate 4. dense connection of nail to the nail matrix 5. all the answers enumerated above
Question 3 The main function of fibrous substances of derma is 1. protection of epidermis from rupture 2. thermoregulation 3. its protection 4. bactericidal 5. all the answers enumerated above
Question 4 Papillary layer of derma provides 1. mechanical resistance 2. radioprotective resistance 3. chemical resistance 4. electrical resistance 5. antimicrobial resistance
Question 5 Bactericidal protection is carried out by…at microbial penetration through the upper layers of epidermis. 1. migration of leukocytes from vessels into derma and epidermis 2. mobilization of humoral bactericidal factors (bacteriolysins, agglutinins, lysozyme, complement, antibacterial enzymes and etc) 3. Langerhans cells fulfillment of macrophage function 4. lysosome enzymes of keratinocytes 5. all the answers enumerated above Anatomy, histology, physiology, pathomorphology of skin and its appendages. Primary and secondary morphological elements of rash. Principles of diagnostics and treatment. Methods of survey of patient ill with skin disease. Supervision of patient. Variant 4
Question 1 All enumerated below is included into the skin appendages. Which is absent? 1. hair 2. nails 3. sweat glands 4. nevuses 5. sebaceous glands
Question 2 Hyperergic reactions, connected with cell antibodies, have the following manifestations 1. bullous 2. exfoliative 3. hemorrhagic 4. eczematous 5. all the answers enumerated above
Question 3 Eccrine sweat glands release sweat consisting of 1. water 2. calcium salts 3. sodium chloride sulfates
4. organic substances (uric acid, ammonia, carbohydrates and etc.) 5. all the answers enumerated above
Question 4 Apocrine sweat glands consist of all enumerated below, except 1. usual compound of sweat 2. iron 3. cholesterol and its ester 4. glycogen 5. neutral fat
Question 5
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