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Treat your audience as equals


Кафедра иностранных языков




(сборник учебно-методических материалов)




Presenting in English. Делаем презентацию на английском языке: сборник учебно-методических материалов / сост. О.В. Бутюгина; УрСЭИ (филиал) ОУП ВПО «АТиСО». ─ 2-е изд., перераб. ─ Челябинск, 2013. ─ 53 с.



Сборник учебно-методических материалов включает схему презентации компании и продукта, тексты об известных отечественных и зарубежных компаниях, упражнения для развития навыков составления презентаций, чтения и перевода, а также профессионально-ориентированной устной речи.

Предназначен для студентов очной формы обучения всех направлений бакалавриата для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.



Составитель Бутюгина О.В., ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных                языков УрСЭИ


Рецензент  Бурлакова О.Н., ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных

                   языков УрСЭИ


Рекомендовано к изданию учебно-методическим советом УрСЭИ (филиал) ОУП ВПО «АТиСО»



©Уральский социально-экономический институт

(филиал) Образовательного учреждения профсоюзов

Высшего профессионального образования

«Академия труда и социальных отношений», 2013

©Бутюгина О.В.




Сборник учебно-методических материалов по теме “Presenting in English” («Делаем презентацию на английском языке») предназначен для студентов очной формы обучения всех форм бакалавриата, изучающих английский язык. Основной целью учебно-методических материалов является развитие у студентов коммуникативных навыков и профессионально-ориентированной устной речи.

Сборник учебно-методических материалов состоит из двух частей: «Презентация компании и продукта компании» и «Читаем о компаниях». Первая часть представлена шестью разделами, с целью дать всестороннюю характеристику компании: «Общее описание компании», «Секрет успеха», «Организация компании», «Анализ работы компании», «Презентация продукта компании», «Техника составления презентации». В разделе «Презентация продукта» имеется схема презентации  и наглядный пример, на который студенты могут ориентироваться при составлении собственных презентаций.

Вторая часть включает тексты об известных мировых компаниях: «Самсунг», «Бентли», «Нестле» и др., составленные по материалам журнала “The Economist” и сети Интернет. Представленные тексты сокращены и адаптированы; они способствуют развитию навыков ознакомительного и изучающего чтения, а также могут служить основой для устных сообщений и составления презентаций студентами. Введение предлагает вашему вниманию советы известного британского исследователя в области ораторского искусства Марка Пауэлла о том, как сделать презентацию успешной.

Во втором переработанном издании добавлен раздел «Техника составления презентации» с упражнениями, обновлены тексты для дополнительного чтения.



What makes a good presentation? Without exception, all good presenters have one thing in common, enthusiasm, both for their subject and for the business of presenting it. The best public speakers always make what they say sound as if it really matters. They know if it matters to them, it will matter to the audience. Many different things contribute to the success of presentation: new and unusual content, a clear structure, the imaginative use of visual aids, the ability to make people laugh and think and, of course, enthusiasm. Here are some pieces of advice for you: study and try to follow them and you’ll be successful at any presentation!    

How to become a good presenter

Leave nothing to change

Check everything before you are due to speak – room, seating, visibility, acoustics and equipment.

Know exactly how to start

Plan the first minute of your presentation down to the last detail. Try to memorize your opening words. This will help you to sound confident and in control.

Get straight to the point

Don’t waste time on long boring introductions. Try to make at least one powerful statement in the first two minutes.

Talk to your audience

Many of the best presentations sound more like conversations. So, keep referring back to your audience, ask them questions and respond to their reactions.

Know what works

Certain things are always popular with an audience: personal experiences, stories with a message, dramatic comparisons, amazing facts they didn’t know. Use them to the full.

Be concise

Keep your sentences short and simple. Use deliberate pauses to punctuate your speech.

Speak naturally

Don’t be afraid to hesitate when you speak, but make sure you pause in the right places. Remember, you are not an actor trying to remember lines. A certain amount of hesitation is actually quite natural.

Know your audience

Speak for your audience, not yourself. Take every opportunity to show how much common ground you share with them. Address their goals, their needs, and their concerns.

Be  yourself

As far as possible, speak to five hundred people in much the same way you would speak to five. You will obviously need to project yourself more, but your personality shouldn’t change.

Take your time

Whenever you make a really important point, pause and let the full significance of what you have said sink in... before you move on.

Develop your own style

Learn from other public speakers, but don’t try to copy them. Be comfortable with your own abilities. Don’t do anything that feels unnatural for you, just because it works for someone else.

Enjoy the experience

The secret of being an excellent speaker is to enjoy the experience of speaking –try to enjoy the experience!

Finish strongly

When you are ready to finish your presentation, slow down and lower your voice. Look at the audience and deliver your final votes slowly and clearly. Pause, let your words hang in the air a moment longer, smile, say thank you and then sit down.[1]




Person A

Company “Makfa”
Activity Specializes in grain production
Location Russia, Chelyabinsk
Employees 1500 employees
Turnover  EUR 17300000


Person B

Company “TTS Riesen”
Activity Specializes in transporting people and goods
Location Berlin, Germany
Employees 5000 employees
Turnover EUR 45000000


Task 7. Make a short presentation of Exon Mobil Company, using the information below:

«ЭксонМобил» является крупнейшей в мире нефтегазовой компанией, акции которой свободно обращаются на открытом рынке ценных бумаг. Мы поставляем энергетические ресурсы, способствуя укреплению экономики развивающихся стран и повышению уровня жизни во всем мире. Являясь лидером практически во всех аспектах нефтяной и нефтехимической промышленности, мы используем производственные мощности и продаем нашу продукцию практически во всех странах мира и добываем нефть и природный газ на всех шести континентах. Компания «ЭксонМобил» использует инновации и современные технологии, чтобы удовлетворить растущие мировые потребности в энергии. Наша компания занимается разведкой, добычей и продажей нефти, природного газа и нефтепродуктов. Корпорация «Эксон Мобил» демонстрирует свою безоговорочную приверженность соблюдению высоких моральных принципов, надежности операций и безупречности исполнения.



Task 9. Make a presentation of Aeroflot company, using the information from the following table:


Aeroflot—Russian Airlines Аэрофлот—Российские авиалинии

9 February 1923

Commenced operations

15 July 1923


Sheremetyevo International Airport

Frequent-flyer program

Aeroflot Bonus



· Aeroflot-Cargo

· Aeroflot-Finance



Donavia (100%)

Jetallians Vostok

Fleet size




Company slogan

Sincerely Yours. Aeroflot (Russian: Искренне ваш, Аэрофлот – Iskrenne vash, Aeroflot)

Parent company

Government of Russia (51%)


Moscow, Russia

Key people

Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev (General Director),

Viktor Petrovich Ivanov


Aleksandr Yuryevich Zurabov (First Deputy General Director)




Unit 2. Business success


Now we are going to speak about business success sources.

Task 1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words:

Advertising, market share, face-to-face meetings, training, advanced, close relationship, cultural sensitivity, customer service, value, wide range of product.

Task 2. Translate the following words and expressions from Russian into English:

Реклама, обучение, обслуживание потребителей, широкий ассортимент товаров, доля рынка, высокоразвитый, стоимость, тесные взаимоотношения, культурное пространство, деловые встречи.

Task 3. Read the text and answer the questions below:

     You know about McDonald’s restaurants. Probably you have visited them. It’s a giant world empire of fast food. Three new McDonald’s restaurants open somewhere in the world each day. There are now 14000 McDonald’s restaurants worldwide and sales are over 23$ milliard. So how do they manage to do it? What are the company strengths?

Value. The company McDonald’s keeps prices low. It concentrates on increasing market share.

Advertising. McDonald’s spends $1, 4 billion annually on marketing, more than any other company in the world.

Training. Every employee receives at least two or three days’ training and all the managers attend regular courses. The company even has its own Hamburger University in Oakbrook, Illinois.

Face-to-face meetings. There are regular meetings between people in the same region and people in the same line of work.

Close relationship with suppliers. McDonald’s works closely with its suppliers to make sure they can meet the McDonald’s specifications.

Cultural sensitivity. Before the company enters a new country’s market, it researches the culture thoroughly. And McDonald’s usually employs local staff.

Customer service. The restaurants are clean, the service is quick and every McDonald’s burger comes with a smile.


1. Does McDonald’s concentrate on increasing market share?

2. How much does McDonald’s spend on advertising?

3. Does McDonald’s provide vocational training for their employees?

4. What does McDonald’s do while entering a new country’s market?

5. Does the company provide a high-quality service?

6. Does the company hold regular face-to-face meeting between the people in the same region?

7. Does McDonald’s provide a wide range of food?


Task 4. Say if these sentences are true or false:

1. Three new McDonald’s restaurants open annually.

2. McDonald’s is interested in high prices.

3. McDonald’s spends more on marketing than anyone else.

4. There is a special university for the staff.

5. McDonald’s prefers American managers to run stores abroad.


20 10 201 1 201 2 201 3


How you begin your presentation depends on how formal the situation is. Most audiences prefer a relatively informal approach. Below you will find two alternative ways of introducing yourself and the subject of your presentation - one fairly formal, the other more friendly.


Fairly formal More friendly
Erm, perhaps we should begin. OK, let's get started.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Morning, everyone.
On behalf of..., may I welcome you to... Thanks for coming.
My name's... I'm...
For those who don't know me yet,... As you know...
I'm responsible for... I'm in charge of...
This morning I'd like to... What I want to do this morning is...
discuss... talk to you about...
report on... tell you about...
and present... and show you...
If you have any questions you'd like to ask, I'll be happy to answer them. Feel free to ask any questions as we go along.


Task 1. Choose the phrase in the right column, which is equivalent to that on the left:


Erm, perhaps we should begin.   As you know… OK, let’s get started I’m in charge of…  
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.   Morning, everyone. I’m… And show you…  
On behalf of..., may I welcome you to...   Talk to you about… Tanks for coming. What I want to do this morning is…  
My name's...   I’m in charge of…. Morning, everyone I’m…  
For those of you who don't know me yet...   As you know OK, let’s get started Tell you about…  
I am responsible for...   OK, let’s get started Tell you about… I’m in charge of…  
This morning I'd like to...   Talk to you about… Thanks for coming. What I want to do this morning is…  
discuss…   And show you… Talk to you about… Thanks for coming.  
report on…   OK, let’s get started Tell you about… I’m in charge of…
and present…   And show you… Talk to you about… Thanks for coming.

Effective Openings

Communications experts are all agreed that the first three minutes of a presentation are the most important. They talk about 'hooks' - simple techniques for getting the immediate attention of the audience. A good start makes you feel more confident. Here's how the experts suggest you 'hook' your audience:
1. Give them a problem to think about.
2. Give them some amazing facts.
3. Give them a story or personal anecdote.


How would you......?
Have you ever wondered why it is that......?
Well, if I could show you.............. would you be interested?
How many people here this morning / afternoon / evening......?
Well, imagine................... Do you think that's possible?


Did you know that.......?
According to the latest study,.......
Statistics shows  that.......
I read somewhere the other day that.......


You know,.......
When I think about.........
I'm reminded of........
Have you ever been in the situation where.......
I remember when........
It turned out.......


Task 1. Look at the presentation openings below and put them under three headings:

Problems Amazing facts Stories

1. Did you know that Japanese companies spend four times more on entertaining clients in a year than the entire GDP of Bulgaria? 40 billion dollars, to be precise. You know, that's twice Colombia's total foreign debt. You could buy General Motors for the same money.


2. Suppose your advertising budget will be cut by 99% tomorrow.

How would you go about promoting your product?


3. According to the latest study, by 2050 only one in every four people in Western Europe will be going to work. And two will be old age pensioners.


4. You know, R&D is 90% luck. When I think about creativity, I’m reminded of the man who invented the microwave oven. He spent years messing around with radar transmitters, then noticed the chocolate in his pocket was starting to melt!


5. Statistics shows that in the last ten years more people have legally emigrated to the U.S. than to the rest of the world put together - about half a million of them a year, in fact. Now, over ten years, that's roughly equivalent to the population of Greece.


6. Have you ever wondered why it is that Americans are easier to sell to than Europeans? And why nine out of ten sales gurus are American? You have? Well, if I could show you what stops Europeans buying, would you be interested?


7. I read somewhere the other day that the world's highest paid executive works for Disney and gets $230 million a year. Now that's about $2000 a minute. That means he's currently making more money than Volkswagen.


8. How many people here this morning hate going to meetings? Just about everybody, right? Well, imagine a company where there were never any meetings and everything ran smoothly. Do you think that’s possible?


9. Have you ever been in the situation where you've had to negotiate with the Japanese? I remember when I was working in Nagoya and everybody had told me the Japanese don't like saying "no". So in meetings I just kept saying "yeah" to everything and they hated it. It turned out "yeah" sounds like "no" in Japanese!


Stating Your Purpose

It is essential to state the purpose of your presentation near the beginning. To do this clearly and effectively you need a few simple presentation verbs:
take a look at, report on, give an overview of, etc.

OK, let's get started. Good morning everyone. Thanks for coming. I'm........ This morning I'm going to be:

  • talking to you about
  • telling you
  • showing you
  • reporting on
  • taking a look at

... so, I'll begin by:

  • filling you in on the background to
  • bringing you up-to-date on
  • giving you an overview of
  • making a few observations about
  • outlining

... and then I'll go on to:

  • highlight what I see as the main
  • put the situation into some kind of perspective
  • discuss in more depth the implications of
  • talk you through
  • make detailed recommendations regarding


“Progress informed by the past and inspired by the future” ─

the motto of the company.

Citi, the leading global bank, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries. Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services and wealth management. With 200 years of experience meeting the world's toughest challenges and seizing its greatest opportunities, Citi strives to create the best outcomes for its clients and customers with financial solutions that are simple, creative and responsible.

Proudly serving more than 100 million clients in 40 countries, Citi's Global Consumer Banking (GCB) business is among the largest retail banks in the world. Primarily known as Citibank and strategically centered in the world's top cities, GCB uses its deep footprint to deliver a consistent and enhanced client-centric banking experience. GCB accounted for nearly 40 percent of total deposits and 50 percent of total revenues within Citicorp in 2011.GCB consists of five primary business units - Retail Banking, Citi Branded Cards, CitiMortgage, Citi Commercial Bank and Retail Services - that operate in our four key global regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific.

Operations outside the U.S. account for approximately half the total loans, deposits, revenues and net income. The GCB businesses are strong in some of the world's most important growth markets, from China, Malaysia, Korea and India in Asia Pacific, to Poland and Russia in Europe, to Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina and Panama in Latin America. In Mexico, Citi's Banamex franchise serves more than 20 million people and is the country's largest financial institution as measured by assets and customer-managed resources.

Citi's Securities and Banking (S&B) business offers a wide array of investment and corporate banking services and products for corporations, governments, institutions and investors. Citi Markets provide world-class financial products and solutions across a broad range of asset classes through its underwriting, sales and trading, distribution and research capabilities. Products offered include equities, commodities, credit, futures, foreign exchange, emerging markets, municipals, prime finance. The Citi’s Corporate & Investment Banking franchise is among the world's foremost corporate and investment banks. With its strong local presence in many countries — Citi has been in some markets for more than 100 years — the company helps its clients to raise capital and advise them on important transactions.

Citi Private Bank is a trusted advisor to some of the wealthiest individuals and families throughout the world. The Private Bank has relationships with many globally minded entrepreneurs, investors who expect and demand a highly personalized and consistent level of service. Citi Transaction Services provides cash management, trade and securities services to companies, governments and other institutions in the U.S. and more than 140 countries.

Citi's strategy for the future is clear. The company is completely focused on the key forces driving global growth in financial services: value-added services (like cash management), the flows of world trade, capital and business and the growth of emerging markets. There are three main objectives:

1. Shift the company even more into a client-driven services model, with a business mix of one-third services, one-third institutional and one-third consumer;

2. Capitalize on both our strong presence in emerging markets and our global capabilities to generate growth in every product in every region;

3. Develop Citi into the most client-centric and innovative company in the industry, in order to deepen and extend its competitive advantages.

Economic uncertainty, along with vast changes to the regulatory and competitive landscape, presents broad-reaching implications for the company’s clients and their operations. The Citi helps clients to navigate through this period of volatility with solutions that improve efficiency, maximize the value of capital, protect the integrity of their supply chains and manage risk to help ensure their success in this emerging environment.


The origin of the company

The range of products.

The company’s philosophy.




On March 1, 1938 Byung Chull Lee started his business in Taegu, Korea. Mr. Lee exported products to the neighboring regions; he used to sell dried Korean fish, vegetables, and fruit to Manchuria and Beijing. Nobody realized that time that Samsung-- meaning "three stars"inKorean - would have its own flour mills just in a decade and ultimately would become a modern global corporation.

Today Samsung occupies a leading placeon the market ofinformation and digital technology. It has trade representatives in 46 countries of the world: France, Great Britain, Germany, the USA, and Russia; it has branches in the USA, Portugal, Mexico, China, Thailand; its exploratory laboratories are in the USA, Russia and Japan. There are more than 200 offices that employ 65 000 people. Nowadays Samsung specializes in the production of plasma panels, liquid-crystal television sets, mobile telephones, Web-telephones, computers, printers, monitors, hard disks, modules to memories, video cameras, DVD-players, DVD-VRC-players, refrigerators, conditioners, vacuum cleaners and other electronics.

The digital age has brought a lot of new opportunities and changes to global business. The Samsung Group has responded to these changes and it is currently upgrading its business structure, management policy and corporate culturetomeet the global standards. Samsung considers every challenge as an opportunity, and positions itself as one of the world's well-recognized leaders in the industry of digital technologies. Samsung Electronics is one of the world's "top 10" for four consecutive years, and it invests US$ 1.7 billion in Research and Development annually.

The company is promoting its brand value, a key engine of the business growth. Samsung brand value was increased to US $8.31 billion in 2006 from US $6.37 billion in 2005 and the company was recognized by Interbrand Corporation as the fastest growing global brand. Samsung succeeded in achieving the global competitiveness thanks to the improvements in its financial structure and profitability. The reduction of production costs and a hard work of its employees have greatly contributed to its progress in a way that Samsung Electronics has been noted by Interbrand Corporation for its stability and growth potential, so the company has received its second consecutive “A” rating.  

Samsung actively participates in different sporting events. As a Worldwide Olympic partner of the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Samsung provided 25,000 advanced digital wireless telecommunication devices including mobile phones. It was a Worldwide Olympic Partner in the 2006 Turin Olympics and will be an Olympic Partner in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Samsung is an active contributor to the Asian Games, Samsung Nations Cup Riding Competition, Samsung Running Festival, Samsung World Championship and many other sporting events around the world.

Since the foundation in 1938, Samsung has developed its management philosophy that can be described in the following way: "We will devote our human resources and technology to create the superior products and services, thereby contributing to a better global society. Our management philosophy represents our strong determination to contribute directly to the prosperity of people all over the world. Talent, creativity and dedication to work are the key factors for the company’s success. The strides we've made in technology offer endless possibilities to achieve higher standards of living everywhere. We believe that the results of our work entirely depend on how we manage our company. Our goal is to create our future with our customers”.

(Abridged from www.samsung.com)


“ A ” rating – признание в качестве товара высшего качества

Samsung Nations Cup Riding Competition – соревнование по верховой езде на кубок нации

stride – шаг вперед, продвижение, прогресс

Task 6. Read the text and retell it according to the plan:


The origin of the company

The range of products.

The world markets.

The Coca-Cola Company


 The Coca-Cola Company is a manufacturer, distributor and seller of con­centrates and syrups for producing non-alcoholic drinks. Coca-Cola beverages has brought a great popularity to the company and made it one of the largest corporations in the USA.

 Coca-Cola drink was created by a pharmacist John Pemberton in Atlanta, USA in 1886. He prepared syrup of caramel color, and he brought it to one of the biggest drugstores in the city. Pemberton named his creation as Coca-Cola because the syrup contained leaves of the coca bush from the South America, and seeds of the cola tree, a source of caffeine. Druggists began to mix the syrup with aerated water. Frank Robinson, a partner of Pemberton, designed the name Coca-Cola as well as the unique stylized print of this trademark.

In 1887 Pemberton sold a part of his company to Asa Grigs Kendler who registered the company as the Coca Cola Corporation in 1888. In 1930 Robert Woodraf became the president of the Coca-Cola Company. Since 2004 the president of the company is Neville Isdell. According to the Annual report 2007 the company sells soft drinks in more than 312 countries or territories all over the world. The report further states that more than 9 billion beverage products of all types are consumed worldwide every day, 4.5 billion of them have Coca-Cola trademark or licensed by Coca-Cola. They account for approximately 78% of the company's total gallon sales. These sales are distributed in the following way: 37% in the USA, 43% in Mexico, Brazil, Japan and China, and 20 % - throughout the world. The turnover of the company is $24.088 billion; the net profit is $5.080 billion. It employs 55 thousand employees.

The Coca-Cola Company decided to change its marketing strategy to attract a new generation of consumers and designed a revolutionary bottle. “We do not simply do the new packing - we change the concept”, – says its representative. “Coca-Cola will develop packing in “club style”; the drink will be packaged in the aluminum cans. Some cans will change their color depending on the illumination”. Actually, the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries produce only the syrup concentrate and sell it to the various bottlers throughout the world who hold Coca-Cola franchise. Coca-Cola bottlers produce the drink from the concentrate in combination with the filtered water and sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise the resulting Coca-Cola product to the retail stores, vending machines, restaurants and food service distributors.

Today there are many varieties of drinks produced by Coca-Cola: Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Diet Cherry Coke, Coke with Lemon, Vanilla Coke, Coke with Lime, Diet Coke with Lime and others. The Coca-Cola Company produces also a number of the other soft drinks including Fanta and Sprite. Fanta's origin dates back to the World War II when Max Keith, who managed Coca-Cola's operations in Germany during the war, ran out of the ingredients for Coke, which could be supplied only from the United States. Keith started to produce a different kind of drink-- Fanta, which proved to be a hit, and when Cola took over again after the war, the company decided to continue producing Fanta. The German Fanta Klare Zitrone ("Clear Lemon Fanta"), the variety of Fanta is Sprite, the company's bestseller.

Coca-Cola is the best-selling soft drink in most countries, however there are some exceptions. The Middle East is one of the world regions where Coca-Cola is not number one soda drink; nevertheless, Coca-Cola holds almost 25% of the market share. In Peru, the native Inca Kola has been more popular than Coca-Cola, this fact made the Coca-Cola Company start the negotiations with the soft drink's company and buy 50% of its stakes. In Japan, the best selling soft drink is not Cola; they prefer canned tea or coffee. Cola is supposed to be less popular in India because it is considered to contain the ingredients that may affect health. However, market share data do not confirm this view; in 2008 its market share was 60.9%.

(Abridged from www.cocacola.com)


coca bush – кокаиновый куст

cola tree – тропическое дерево «кола»

aerated water – газированная вода

Bentley Motors

Walter Owen Bentley founded Bentley Motors in 1919 in London. The company strengthened its positions on the world market in the 1920s when the series of racing triumphs proved its outstanding opportunities. Its cars won the first prices five times in Le Mans in 1924 - 1930.The motto of the company was expressed in the words of Bentley himself: "To build a good car, a fast car, the best in the class". These words reflect Bentley’s beliefs, actions and ambitions for the future. The company located in Crewe, England since 1946 and owned by Volkswagen AG since 1998, produces a wide range of motor cars and embodies a concept of the comfortable driving style.

Nowadays Bentley employs approximately 4,000 people worldwide. Its regional offices are based in the UK, the USA, Germany, Japan, Singapore, China and in the Middle East. 173 dealers worldwide represent Bentley: 28 in the UK, 41 in the USA, and 14 in Asia and Australasia. Volkswagen AG acquired Bentley in 1998 and started £500 million investment program to improve the factory facilities and to support the future product development. Bentley sells about 8,500 cars annually.

Bentley Motors was founded in 1919 but originally it didn’t specialize in the production of cars: it was producing the engines and chassis for 27 years. The production process is rather complicated: it takes 150 hours to hand-build Continental GT and 400 hours to build Arnage. Every single part of Bentley car is designed on computer and every stage of the construction process can be traced back. Every piece of glass is given its final polish with the finely powdered pumice that is used to polish optical lenses. It takes 15 hours to create one steering wheel. There is a little variation in the texture of leather, as it is selected and cut at the same time.

Some skeptics doubted about Volkswagen's commitment to the true values of Bentley brand, but the massive investment proved the intention to benefit the company and to show its truly British character. Two following events confirmed the fact: the first was the design of  Bentley State Limousine, built on the occasion of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. The second was the construction of the so-called MSB, a "mid-size Bentley” that marked a new stage of Bentley’s revival.

In 2003 Bentley Speed Eight finished third at the 12-hour race in Sebring, Florida.  Bentley cars had been winning the first and the second prizes in Le Mans for almost eighty years since their debut in 1924. The launch of the Limited Edition Bentley Arnage Limousine was followed by the construction of Bentley Continental Flying Spur in 2005, the next project was the exquisite Azure, and one year later Continental GTC was designed.

The revival is total. Arnage and Azure combine the exclusive refinement with the extraordinary power. The Continental range including BGT Convertible shows the company’s intention to captivate a new audience of enthusiasts who wish to experience the true meaning of Grand Touring.

The next chapters in the history of Bentley must be written in the nearest future, and we can predict that they will include the exiting headlines in the motoring press and a heartfelt praise from Bentley lovers worldwide.

(Abridged from www.bentley.com)


finely powdered pumice – мелкозернистая пемза (пористый вулканический материал)

steering wheel – рулевое колесо

Le Mans – Ле-Ман (город во Франции)

1. How many people does Bentley employ?

2. What did Bentley produce originally?

3. The company is interested in producing high-quality goods, isn’t it?

4. What is Bentley’s turnover?

5. What car was used by the Queen on the occasion of her Golden Jubilee? What other famous types of Bentley cars do you know?


Торгово-производственная компания ОАО «Хлебпром» основана в 1982 году. Входит в число ведущих российских производителей кондитерского рынка. Компания насчитывает более 3000 сотрудников, включает три производственные площадки в Красногорске, Ярцево, Челябинске и 15 сбытовых подразделений по всей территории РФ. Продукция компании представлена брендами Mirel, «Частная галерея», «Русская нива», Dr. Körner, «Усладов», Merba, ElMarino, LaKukuruza и реализуется через все крупнейшие торговые сети страны.

В настоящее время открыты торговые представительства в 7-ми регионах России: Сибирь, Урал, Волга, Юг, Северо-запад, Центральная Россия, Москва и Московская область. Осуществляются экспортные поставки продукции в страны ближнего и дальнего зарубежья: Беларусь, Украина, Азербайджан, Германия, США, Сербия, Израиль.

Мы работаем с крупными польскими, тайскими и голландскими производителями на эксклюзивных условиях и поставляем на российский рынок под собственными торговыми марками высококачественную продукцию: из Таиланда — консервированные морепродукты, из Польши — печенье, вафли и пряники, из Голландии — элитное печенье Merba. На протяжении многих лет мы принимаем участие в крупнейших международных выставках WorldFood, ProdExpo, наша продукция регулярно завоевывает награды в престижнейших конкурсах.


“Aeroflot – Russian Airlines” commonly known as “Aeroflot”, is the flag carrier and largest airline of the Russian Federation. The carrier operates domestic and international passenger services, mainly from its hub at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

Aeroflot is one of the oldest airlines in the world, tracing its history back to 1923. During the Soviet era, Aeroflot was the Soviet national airline and the largest airline in the world. Following the dissolution of the USSR, the carrier has been transformed from a state-run enterprise into a semi-privatized company which ranks amongst the most profitable in the world. Aeroflot is still considered the de facto national airline of Russia. It is 51%-owned by the Russian Government, as of June 2011[update].

The company has embarked on a fleet modernization program, extensive route restructuring, and an image overhaul. On 14 April 2006 Aeroflot became the first air carrier in the former Soviet Union to join a global alliance, SkyTeam. The company became the 10th member of the alliance and occupied all of terminal 3 at Sheremetyevo International Airport in 2009. The company has announced its plan to increase cargo operations. It registered the Aeroflot-Cargo trademark in 2006. During that year Aeroflot carried 7,290,000 passengers and 145,300 tons of mail and cargo to 89 destinations in 47 countries. It saw improvements in its earnings and number of passengers carried. The net profit reached $309.4 million (RUB 7.98 billion) in 2006, a 32.3% increase from 2005 earnings of only $234 million (RUB6.03 billion). The revenue for the same 2005–2006 period rose by 13.5% to reach $2.77 billion with an 8.7% gain in passenger numbers.

Aeroflot became the only shareholder of Donavia —a domestic airline then-named Aeroflot-Don— in December 2006 (2006-12), when it boosted its stake in the company from 51% to 100%; soon afterwards, Aeroflot-Nord was created following the buyout of Arkhangelsk Airlines In February 2010 (2010-02), the Russian government announced that all regional airlines owned by the state through the holding company Rostechnologii would be consolidated with the national carrier Aeroflot in order to increase the airlines' financial viability. The merger was completed in late November 2011 (2011-11); in a deal worth US$81 million, Aeroflot's sister company Aeroflot-Finance became the major shareholder of Vladivostok Avia, Saravia and Rossiya Airlines, and the sole shareholder of both SAT Airlines and Orenair.

Since March 2007[update], Aeroflot is owned by the Russian Government via Rosimushchestvo, National Reserve Corporation and employees and others. The company has more then 14,900 employees. Nowadays Aeroflot operates scheduled passenger and cargo flights from its hub at Sheremetyevo International Airport to 52 countries, serving 116 destinations.

Appendix 1. Useful phrases for making a successful presentation:


  • Good morning and welcome to [name of company, name of conference hall, hotel, etc.].
  • Thank you all very much for coming today.
  • I hope you all had a pleasant journey here today.
Introducing yourself
  • My name is Mark Watson and I am responsible for ….
  • My name is Mark Watson from [name of company], where I am responsible for ….
  • Let me introduce myself; my name is Mark Watson and I am responsible for ….
Introducing your presentation
  • The purpose of today’s presentation is to ….
· The purpose of my presentation today is to ….
  • In today’s presentation I’d like to … show you …. / explain to you how ….
  • In today’s presentation I’m hoping to … give you an update on…. / give you an overview of ….
  • In today’s presentation I’m planning to … look at …. / explain ….
Explaining that there will be time for questions at the end  
  • If you have any questions you’d like to ask, please leave them until the end, when I’ll be happy to answer them.
  • If there are any questions you’d like to ask, please leave them until the end, when I’ll do my best to answer them.
Starting the presentation  
  • To begin with ….
  • To start with ….
  • Let’s start by looking at ….
  • Let’s start by looking at ….
  • I’d like to start by looking at ….
· Let’s start with / start by looking at ….
Closing a section of the presentation
  • So, that concludes [title of the section] ….
  • So, that’s an overview of ….
  • I think that just about covers ….
Beginning a new section of the presentation
  • Now, let’s move on to ….
  • Now, let’s take a look at ….
  • Now I’d like to move on to ….
  • Next I’d like to take a look at ….
  • Moving on to the next part, I’d like to ….
  • Moving on to the next section, let’s take a look at ….
Concluding and summarizing the presentation · Well, that brings us to the end of the final section. Now, I’d like to summarize by …. · That brings us to the end of the final section. Now, if I can just summarize the main points again. · That concludes my presentation. Now, if I can just summarize the main points. · That’s an overview of …. Now, just to summarize, let’s quickly look at the main points again.
Finishing and thanking
  • Thank you for your attention.
  • That brings the presentation to an end.
  • That brings us to the end of my presentation.
  • Finally, I’d like to finish by thanking you (all) for your attention.
  • Finally, I’d like to end by thanking you (all) for coming today.
  • I’d like to thank you (all) for your attention and interest.
Inviting questions
  • If anyone has any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.
  • If anyone has any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.
  • If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them now.
  • If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them and I’ll do my best to answer.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Gerald L. Thorn T. English on business, Chancerel, Обнинск, Титул, 2002

2. Grant D. Mc.Larty R. Business basics, Oxford, OUP, 2002

3. Jones L. Richard A. “New international Business English”, Cambridge University Press, 2000

4. Powell Mark Presenting in English,2005

5. Агабекян И.П. «Английский язык для менеджеров», Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс, 2007

6. Алаева Н.Н., Барановская И.Е. «Английский язык для экономистов» ГУ БЭШ, М.,2005

7. Кашаев А. А. «Основы делового английского языка» М., Флинта: МПСИ,2007

8. The Economist October 12th, 2005

9. The Economist March 20th, 2006

10. www.samsung.com

11. www.cocacola.com

12. www.nestle.com

13. www.chopard.com

14. www.bentley.com

15. http://www.presenting.wz.cz/tips_videos.html

16. http://www.citigroup.com/citi/

17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroflot



1.  Introduction                                                                      4

2.  Part 1. Presenting a company and a product                    7

Unit 1. General description                                               7

Unit 2. Business success                                                   12

Unit 3. Organization of a company                                   14

Unit 4. Analysis of a company                                          18

Unit 5. Presenting a product                                                      23

Unit 6. Presentation techniques                                         26

3.  Part 2. Reading about companies                                      32

Кафедра иностранных языков




(сборник учебно-методических материалов)




Presenting in English. Делаем презентацию на английском языке: сборник учебно-методических материалов / сост. О.В. Бутюгина; УрСЭИ (филиал) ОУП ВПО «АТиСО». ─ 2-е изд., перераб. ─ Челябинск, 2013. ─ 53 с.



Сборник учебно-методических материалов включает схему презентации компании и продукта, тексты об известных отечественных и зарубежных компаниях, упражнения для развития навыков составления презентаций, чтения и перевода, а также профессионально-ориентированной устной речи.

Предназначен для студентов очной формы обучения всех направлений бакалавриата для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.



Составитель Бутюгина О.В., ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных                языков УрСЭИ


Рецензент  Бурлакова О.Н., ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных

                   языков УрСЭИ


Рекомендовано к изданию учебно-методическим советом УрСЭИ (филиал) ОУП ВПО «АТиСО»



©Уральский социально-экономический институт

(филиал) Образовательного учреждения профсоюзов

Высшего профессионального образования

«Академия труда и социальных отношений», 2013

©Бутюгина О.В.




Сборник учебно-методических материалов по теме “Presenting in English” («Делаем презентацию на английском языке») предназначен для студентов очной формы обучения всех форм бакалавриата, изучающих английский язык. Основной целью учебно-методических материалов является развитие у студентов коммуникативных навыков и профессионально-ориентированной устной речи.

Сборник учебно-методических материалов состоит из двух частей: «Презентация компании и продукта компании» и «Читаем о компаниях». Первая часть представлена шестью разделами, с целью дать всестороннюю характеристику компании: «Общее описание компании», «Секрет успеха», «Организация компании», «Анализ работы компании», «Презентация продукта компании», «Техника составления презентации». В разделе «Презентация продукта» имеется схема презентации  и наглядный пример, на который студенты могут ориентироваться при составлении собственных презентаций.

Вторая часть включает тексты об известных мировых компаниях: «Самсунг», «Бентли», «Нестле» и др., составленные по материалам журнала “The Economist” и сети Интернет. Представленные тексты сокращены и адаптированы; они способствуют развитию навыков ознакомительного и изучающего чтения, а также могут служить основой для устных сообщений и составления презентаций студентами. Введение предлагает вашему вниманию советы известного британского исследователя в области ораторского искусства Марка Пауэлла о том, как сделать презентацию успешной.

Во втором переработанном издании добавлен раздел «Техника составления презентации» с упражнениями, обновлены тексты для дополнительного чтения.



What makes a good presentation? Without exception, all good presenters have one thing in common, enthusiasm, both for their subject and for the business of presenting it. The best public speakers always make what they say sound as if it really matters. They know if it matters to them, it will matter to the audience. Many different things contribute to the success of presentation: new and unusual content, a clear structure, the imaginative use of visual aids, the ability to make people laugh and think and, of course, enthusiasm. Here are some pieces of advice for you: study and try to follow them and you’ll be successful at any presentation!    

How to become a good presenter

Leave nothing to change

Check everything before you are due to speak – room, seating, visibility, acoustics and equipment.

Know exactly how to start

Plan the first minute of your presentation down to the last detail. Try to memorize your opening words. This will help you to sound confident and in control.

Get straight to the point

Don’t waste time on long boring introductions. Try to make at least one powerful statement in the first two minutes.

Talk to your audience

Many of the best presentations sound more like conversations. So, keep referring back to your audience, ask them questions and respond to their reactions.

Know what works

Certain things are always popular with an audience: personal experiences, stories with a message, dramatic comparisons, amazing facts they didn’t know. Use them to the full.

Be concise

Keep your sentences short and simple. Use deliberate pauses to punctuate your speech.

Speak naturally

Don’t be afraid to hesitate when you speak, but make sure you pause in the right places. Remember, you are not an actor trying to remember lines. A certain amount of hesitation is actually quite natural.

Know your audience

Speak for your audience, not yourself. Take every opportunity to show how much common ground you share with them. Address their goals, their needs, and their concerns.

Treat your audience as equals

Never talk down (or up) to your audience. Treat them as equals, no matter who they are.

Be  yourself

As far as possible, speak to five hundred people in much the same way you would speak to five. You will obviously need to project yourself more, but your personality shouldn’t change.

Take your time

Whenever you make a really important point, pause and let the full significance of what you have said sink in... before you move on.


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